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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Soooo.... We prepare for Brady in game two??
  2. I keep wanting to think that too, like, how could a pro sports team let something like that leak out. But, man, if its NOT true, Metz is really laying his credibility on the line. If it's not true, his word will be worth less than zero around these here parts. Especially with the way he puts it, so definitavly
  3. The more you ask him to do it, the less likely it is to happen. Those "smarter than everyone else" guys are so predictable.
  4. I'm a pessimisticlly optimist. Or an optimistically pessimist, I have no clue, I'm confused.
  5. Luck is gonna be on a mission this year, do you see the way that guy throws a football? We're gonna have to score more than 23-24 points to beat Indy. Hes got the experiance and god given talents to legitamitly go all the way. I know all about our defense and exotic blitz packages and all that, of course. But great defenses are beat by great passers. We need to get the ball in the end zone three times to beat them, and at least a FG or two. Tyrods style in the NFL just scares me, I just wanted to throw my opinion into the arena. Metz's "news" this morning just has me thinking about our season in a whole different light.
  6. TT has not shown me much, none of us. We haven't seen him nearly enough to say that. It's the NFL, linebackers are like 240 pound human missles. I do not want those guys running, with a full self of steam at the Bills starting QB. Again, just the body position of a QB, the way they are trained to hold the ball, is so far from the way a RB is trained. It's almost like, having your QB running downfield, the best case scenario is a fumble, the worst case, I don't even wanna think about it. He may have great awareness, but defenders have great awareness too. He may be fast, but so are those big guys in the middle of the field. Of course there's exceptions, but the history of the NFL clearly shows the formula for success. Passers need to be passer, runners need to be runners, that's all. Just my take. And the more I think about this little debate inside of a debate, the more I think I like starting Cassel vs. Tyrod
  7. Not generalities at all. They are basic principals of each position. QBs are passers, to be successful they need accuracy first, escapability is just an added bonus. Russ Wilsons success is because he will kill you with his arm, forcing defenses to guard the pass first, which allows his elusiveness. Quartebacks are ALWAYS looking downfield, not 2-3 yards ahead, like a running back does. Its what allows a D to tee off and blow up a QB running. Just the way ive always viewed it. Its why you dont see many successful running QBs, if any. Kordell... Please no
  8. The way a QB runs with the ball, and the way a RB runs is so different. A QB is always looking to pass which puts him in a terrible position to take a hit. Where a RB is down, low, with his center of gravity poised for the inevitable big hit coming. Plus just the longevity of a average RB's career tels alot as well.
  9. Has it ever worked :/
  10. If they do some sort of Cassel/Tyrod hybrid thing, I don't see it taking us anywhere. Except to punchlines...
  11. Rex better not fudge this all up...
  12. I liked it better when they broke down plays and had player interviews, and had knowledgeable national guys on.
  13. I'm pretty psyched today. I love football time!!
  14. What are you even arguing? You're going from picking on the media to picking on the EJ supporters? I don't think you even know anymore what you're arguing. You're all over the place. Focus man, we need you at 100% before the season starts! I
  15. Forget about the media, what does this do for EJ and TT? Both gonna come out on fire looking to prove themselves. Both gonna come out mentally and physically at their peak to prove what they can do. And they're both very talented and competitive. This will do nothing but elevate each one of their games. Ej may throw a touchdown or two, and if he does, what's Tyrod say? Tyrods gonna be like, oh yeah, how bout this. Strike! I see this brewing such a competitive fire between them, which is the best form of practice, them pushing each other. Should be a thing of beauty. I'm lookin forward to watching the competition between them. Gonna a get a couple of Wegmans subs, 12 pack of good beer, sit down with my two little junior Bills fans in training and watch a Bills game! Doesn't really get any better! Best part, whoever does get named the starter, we will all know, definitively, who is the best guy. If Tyrod does light it up, this will make me, a huge EJ arguer, 100% behind the chosen one! LETS GO BUFF A LO!!
  16. Hamfisted is a word i MUST work into my everyday vocabulary
  17. Dosent make sense, why trade a first found draft pick QB, begining his third year, on a team starved for good quarterbacking. What are they goona get? A linebacker? Reciever? Or tackle? Or a draft pick? Cant imagine this is Whaleys idea. If this was to go through, you might as well make Rex GM and coach. And why the hell is a top notch reporter like Vic Carrucci going out on a limb with a story like this. Especially with Rex toying with the media the way he has seems to be doing.
  18. Oh, well i guess ill have to concede to you, as our resident late '80s pop R&B expert.
  19. I belive that children are our future Treat them well and let them lead the way
  20. You're livin' in the past man, its a new dawn! Lets go Buffalo!
  21. It's destiny... The underdog of the underdogs...
  22. They painted themselves in a corner, you could see this coming a mile away. I look at Their show as more of a radio talk show with a little sports mixed in, rather than a sports talk show anyways.
  23. Stating your opinion is one thing, stating your opinion as fact is a completely different animal
  24. We love the Bills and want some legit coverage of a kind of big deal sort of event
  25. Schoop seems to still give EJ zero credit and almsot refusing to admit he may have a chance to start.
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