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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Rex dosent wanna paint himself in the corner when he starts sand Cassel
  2. Darby is fine, just his initation
  3. So Rob. Is this not the proper forum for us to discuss the proper use of the word fanboy? Do you want me to meet you over on pintrest to continue our discussion?
  4. Idek? I've never been called fanboy before? This exchange right here is the closest I've come to it. I just don't like the word, I think it's gay. Some people don't like the word "moist" I don't like the word fanboy.
  5. I've been vocal about my support of EJ for the second season now. I've stated why in the numerous threads about him. If you find my opinions irrational then so be it. I fully respect opposing views.
  6. I believe that phrase came out of the iPhone vs Android phone users debate. Not quite sure if you are in some sort of backhand way trying to call me a fan boy, but if you are just come out and say it.
  7. If the Bills did that trade, it would be time to get the paper grocery bags out though.
  8. Was listening to Jim Rome for a bit yesterday, Rome was just going OFF about Rg. Both barrels, full force, mocking Grueden and RG and the whole situation in general. Redskins are a joke with Bob Griffen back there. Time to cut bait.
  9. I'm shocked that you took time away from your serious, stone cold football analysis to notice. I'm actually a little flattered
  10. Not surprising at all. RG3 is toast, the tea leaves have spoken.
  11. Anyone who types the word fanboy, over the age of 15, should have their internet privileges suspended for 6 months to reflect on themselves.
  12. Here's my take. Every great discovery, throughout the history of mankind, is weaponized. The internet is no different. The internet is a battleground and the hackers are the soldiers. Anytime you post anything on the internet, no matter how secure you think the site is,that information is vulnerable. Whether you're buying something on Amazon, or posting a profile on a cheater site, you're opened up to attack. You are trusting that the site is keeping your credit card info, or your private details, or kikny fantasies, secure. The hackers want to attack those details and use them against you. Now, if its Matt from Kenmore with nothing to gain from being exposed,then who cares, hackers, or anyone else won't bother with you. But if you are the Chief of the Federal Family Values committee posting on a cheater site, you are fair game, and will be attacked and potentially destroyed for even the slightest discrepancy. Keep that in mind, when you have a kid, and your wife starts posting pictures of your child on Facebook from the first day you bring that child home, to family vacations, to first day of school, and so on. That in 50 years, when that child is grown and older, that the information will still be there. And potentially, and most likely, that the information will be there to sell to the highest bidder. If your kid has nothing to lose, then who cares, but if the child grows and gets a position of power, that info will be used against them. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Skynet baby, Skynet...
  13. Yeah, Rex had Geno forced on him by his GM in NY. Probably doesn't want to repeat that situation here. I wouldn't be surprised if they spoke about it, at length in the interview process
  14. I had no idea David Leo Roth was a sports writer now. No wonder they didn't ask him back for the last tour. And Kelly Holcomb could being a whole new level of suck to that team.
  15. Tell him you'll give him $500 dollars, but he can only spend it on whiskey and cigarettes
  16. I said my piece. I'm out. I'll see you guys tomorrow night.
  17. Rex will never ever live down the mistake he made with Sanchez, he knows it and only has so many oppurtunities o get it right. This QB competition is crucial to him, to get it right. Especially with the quality of team Whaley has handed him. Which is why the first damn thing I said when you posted the leak this morning, was Rex better not eff this up.
  18. If he's a true competitor, which I believe he is, he doesn't want to be third string. So he is playing for his life. If he isn't, I don't want him Rex already has a rep for being a joke of a QB guy, if EJ plays well and Rex don't start him, national media will have a field day with him.
  19. EJ is playing for his NFL life tomorrow, I have no doubt he's going to do very well. EJ playing well, coupled with Metz's report, will do nothing but tarnish Rex's rep, if its true the starter is already decided. That is what doesn't add up. Why leak that.
  20. Fair enough. If EJ looks unbelievable in this weekends game and he doesn't start, blows Rex's cred out the wattah.
  21. EJ is a pro athlete that is going to be HIGHLY motivated by this new opportunity he has on Saturday. If he looks great, what's the organization do then? They, or someone on the staff (your source) is going to look like a moron for leaking something like what you posted. And again, your credibility goes down in flames. Why even post it, some things are just better off left unsaid. It's very very possible that EJ looks good in this game.
  22. Again, what if EJ lights it up? So the coaching staff looks like schmucks for not starting him, Metz looks like a schmuck for spreading erroneous information, The organization looks bush league for leaking info, this is all so fishy For the record, I believe Metz's report.
  23. Look back at what his post says, I believe the phrases, "starter has already been decided", and "take it to the bank" were used in there
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