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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Eh... What have you done for me lately
  2. I agree, I did not intend to take a shot at TT, I'm sorry you read it that way. Was just throwing out a crazy scenario to try and spruce up a mundane thread with guys just throwing out "Bills vs. Seattle" Superbowl predictions.
  3. You're reading me all wrong, I'm not lookin to get nasty about this issue, have a great day.
  4. There's a lot of If's in there. What IF alot of that is due to coaching. What IF Palmer was to do what Hokie said, which is his track record. Think what you want, these are ALL hypotheticals
  5. I'm just throwing crap at the wall, these are all hypothetical situations, but EJ would look better in Arizona's Offense than Palmer. I'm not trying to rant on EJ in the slightest. So everyone is clear. I'm over it. But after all this Fred Jackson business, I wouldn't be surprised one bit, if Whaley is a little miffed at Rex right now.
  6. Possibly, but we get a 5th for Ej Would be a pretty exciting game!
  7. Here's a scenario for you guys to jump on me about. EJ traded to Arizona, Bills with Tyrod, Arizona vs. Bills Superbowl with ______ winning the big game. EJ picks Darby apart all day, who is forced to start. But Bills win 27-26
  8. I think "rouge" was either a very poor choice of words on Tim Grahams part. Or a calculated choice on his part, designed to stir up controversy. Either way, was a poor choice of wording by Tim.
  9. Pass me a big glass of that Kool-Aide. I'm done with the QB rant. I like about 10-6 for the Bills, I don't see a first year starter w a new coaching staff taking us to the SB. Of course I have been wrong before.
  10. Tim Graham really seems to be enjoying himself here
  11. Love the optimism, but Bills in the Superbowl w TT?
  12. I have to think something is written into their contract for situations like this
  13. Whaley also put together a team and coaching staff that sold record season tickets this year, so I'd hope Russ could consider it a wash.
  14. I don't know who one of the Bills biggest sponsors is referring to, but I did hear a Fred Jackson commercial on WGR about an hour or two after the news broke yesterday
  15. Colts vs Green Bay Colts vs Ravens AFCC Green Bay vs Arizona NFCC
  16. Sometimes a guy just has to get **** off his chest. That's all Fred is doing, blowing off some steam. How could you hold any of this over Fred's head, or Whaleys. Bidness is bidness.
  17. Jackie Moon baby! Hey, i apologize about the other day, alright.
  18. By the way Mark, i was talkin about you and Neg, i just like duality 😁
  19. Then theres this guy, with the heart of stone... Cold, calculated, and cut throat. I love it!
  20. But yeah, that Fred Jackson, hes got a heart the size of 10 men! Who dosent love him? Whaleys probably not even mad at him for sayin this stuff
  21. Oh no, not you, i was talkin about Fred and Whaley 😂
  22. Surprising, its so... Un-Freddy like. But with your explaination i guess it makes sense. And im all for a good spirited bout, but i hope these two settle down...
  23. Wait, did Fred really say that?
  24. Boy, the Kool-Aid is especially sweet this time of year, isnt it fellas?
  25. Darby needs to not be a starting CB right now. Those guys rarely, if ever, come out of college ready to start. If he has to it will be our weakest spot, but some trickery may be able to mitigate his exposure. We need to score points to win football games anyways. So if he gets burned a few times, we just need to score more than the other guys.
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