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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. They think they're smart and maybe they are but theyre too weak to ever win.
  2. These guys are cucked by BLM and LGBTQ It's really sad and pathetic and honestly I'm ashamed for them
  3. Better get an umbrella son, forecast is for golden showers comin your way
  4. GTFOH drone
  5. Elections are a fundamental core, a foundational building block of true democracy. If they could hold elections in the revolutionary war, and the civil war, they could hold elections in Ukraine. To suggest otherwise is weak and cowardly. The leftist posters on here, including you cite the Ukraine war as being a fight for for democracy, well fight for democracy then. Don't half a$$ it only when it suits your narrative. I honestly find your comment pathetically poorly formed.
  6. Would you like some cheese with your whine? You're just a tool, so is fani Willis. Shes letting her crime ridden city burn and wasting her entire departments resources trying to do a political payola while real criminals run rampant. She should quit wasting the people's time and money on this witch hunt, and do her job. Which is prosecuting criminals keeping the streets safe. Not entangling the whole department in this mess for YEARS Damn fool
  7. They are. The sad part is, is that they're too stupid and brainwashed to know how destructive this all really is. They think what they are doing is just, and there alot more of them that think like this. Just drones
  8. @BillStime @Tiberius ⬆️Supporters of canceling elections and jailing your political opponents You guys scared of a little competition?
  9. What is hunter Biden doing all over Ukraine for YEARS Whats he and Joe doing all over China all over the middle east Fool
  10. The Biden's are as crooked as they get
  11. What's embarrassing is you playing stupid
  12. Elections are a fundamental core of democracy, you don't cancel elections. That might not make sense to a liberal, we all know how you guys try to cancel things that don't suit your agenda
  13. https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/dollar-tree-hikes-annual-sales-forecast-2023-08-24/ Bidenomics!
  14. There's plenty of evidence, nobody's writing a dissertation to you on a message board about it. If you don't have two eyes in your head to see what's going on then it's not my problem. You want to turn a blind eye to Hunter Bidens sleazy pyramid scheme of selling his father's influence all over the world, using fake names and burner email accounts then nobody here is going to make you open your eyes. But don't let that stop you from crying about evidence.
  15. I don't know what kind of democracy allows the leader to call off elections
  16. My grandfather's had to fight in a war to become citizens Maybe some of them could do a tour in Ukraine first?
  17. His dirt has been exposed, nobody is looking to throw Joe in jail. We just don't want him "running the country" If you could even call, what he's doing right now, that
  18. Virtue signaling as well, add that to the list Joe's jockstrap is getting smellier and smellier
  19. Newsome is a trainwreck America won't elect a California boy America sees California for what it is
  20. Whatever drastic bull crap the Dems try this election season will be painfully transparent. They been lyin' cheatin' whoa oh for so long
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