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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Some of us like to go against the grain, that's all. Coaches aren't infailable. There was a lot of buzz around the NFL about Bob Griffen a few years back as well. Not knocking TT, I see a lot of QB qualities in EJ. Ill be all in on TT once we win with him.
  2. I see us being between 8-8 and 10-6 at best this year. Depending on injuries, you know, the bad bounce here and there. Depending how the ref's screw us. 10-6 at best if everything goes our way. I love the guys predicting us to win the division, win the SB. So unrealistic.
  3. Oh, I bet Goodell has been on the phone every single moment since the decision came out. He probably has no ass left from getting it chewed this whole time.
  4. Us EJ guys gotta get on board the TT train cuz he's the guy. Rex and Whaley ain't gonna pull him for EJ barring utter collapse. Those pro football guys would rather hang themselves in their bedroom closet wearing women's lingerie than admit they are wrong. It's TT or bust baby!
  5. I'm not getting too deep into the debate, most seem to think TT is leaps and bounds ahead of EJ, I do not. I think EJ's better. I'm most definitely excited to see our Offense perform against the two AFC CC teams these first two weeks. We are going to need to see them score early and often to win.
  6. That's a terrible argument tactic. You're better than that
  7. I'm being sarcastic. I feel EJ won, but I stopped argueing the point. I'm not giving Tyrod, and Rex for that matter much rope on the TT start because I think they made the wrong choice. I flipped out when they Named TT starter on here, but I ain't going down that road again cuz I pissed off like 20 people. So I've accepted TT as starter and just want to see us win. If TT does that he's my boy, if not, off with their heads! But I'm just bustin chops, I respect your posting
  8. Still knocking EJ? Tyrod gets same leash EJ got. I think more people than you think are taking that approach. Tyrod won the job in practice, remember? And his far superior perfomance in preseason games, So he gets about 3 quarters from me to prove franchise. After all, EJ did miss that one pass in the Pitt game.
  9. Open question to those far more well informed that I. Where does this leave Goodell? Is he now under immense scrutiny from Kraft and the other owners in the league? Is his job safe because any publicity is good publicity? Or does he have a lot of explaining to do to every single owner, putting his job in jeopardy?
  10. Wow, really well put. So, essentially, Goodell went rouge.
  11. Verizon is going to an ultra simple no contract plans with only four choices, small, medium large and extra large. Everyone gets unlimited talk and text, but small is I think 4 gb of data, and XL is 12 gb. Prices are $40-80 dollars. But you have to buy your own phone, or lease one from them. It's pretty clear cut and probably gonna be the best deal you can get. And coverage will be way better than t-mobile
  12. Yeah, that would probably be a good idea, you know, so EVERYONE could understand what you mean
  13. Just with the "idiots" and the "morons" and the "tough****" I don't see those guys sitting on the bench saying that kinda stuff. Apparently I misunderstood your response to him though.
  14. Yeah, right. Cuz that's EXACTLY how federal judges talk.
  15. Neg, Tim Graham is an idiot with a smartphone, just like you and just like me. He's barely more credible than either of us to boot. Why you got Tim Grahams back so hard? Screw him, he's the one trying to create this buzz about basically nothing at all. Fred is gone, we all love him but its time to move on, these players can't stay here forever.
  16. +1 for T Mo Unless he sucks, then its T Schmo or T Blo *edit* EJ's been here for 3 years bustin his azz, TT's been here for 3 months. Wheres EJ's nickname thread, whats with you guys?
  17. My sources tell me that this is, in fact, the case.
  18. www.today.com/money/how-save-verizons-new-no-contract-plans-t38261 Verizon going to all no contract soon.
  19. It's the late summer and about 87 degrees and muggy out. I don't really wanna even think about wool sweaters right now.
  20. I was pro Byrd as well. He was a flashy player that made the opposing teams QB nervous.
  21. Well, a couple things I take from all this. Twitter is a horribly irresponsible form of reporting. Tim Graham was doing what we in Buffalo know he always does, stir the pot. Unfortunately with Rex's national reputation of being this big larger than life, brash personality, he is getting tons of national attention here, further blowing it out of proportion. And Whaley, as I said earlier, is put in the hot seat for numerous reasons. If they work well together behind closed doors, while disagreeing on minor matters it can be a fine enough situation and no one has anything to worry about. But I think, of anyone, an unsuccessful season this year, may fall on Whaleys shoulders.
  22. Completely agree. Overlegislation. That's what I was thinking the whole time. Why does a federal court have to decide this, NFL is a private company, don't they have the right to penalize employees as they see fit? Within the guidelines of the law of course.
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