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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Joe Biden, sadly, is completely inconsequential at this point. The DNC propping him up there for that bogus fixed election in 2020 at his age was criminal in the first place
  2. The immoral corrupt DNC has raised the ire of the true patriots the real Americans who have made this country the greatest country on earth Jack Smith will fail Fani Willis is a Marxist and will fail because what she stand for is anti American.
  3. It's unthinkable. For the Democrats to manufactor this bogus pig circus is the real crime
  4. You don't arrest a president. That's sleazy and greasy. And that's all I have to say above t that
  5. B-man, the economy is in rough shape because of bad policy, that is for certain. But I do have hope that It will right itself because of the power of the American people. That would be in spite of the the DNC agenda, not because of it. The agenda is so poorly thought out, crooked and corrupt. But I still have faith in the hard working people of our country. We have to weather this storm and hold out hope for change and a better future.
  6. The demarcates made their bed with the phoney baloney indictments, now they can lay in it
  7. Because he is dominating the media The mugshot is iconic
  8. Chinas economy is tanking because we aren't buying their cheap plastic trinkets anymore
  9. Oh thanks for the update, I keep a pretty close eye on the news and I just haven't heard anything from Joe in days now. Just seems like Trump Trump Trump everywhere you look.
  10. He's dominating. Where is sleepy Joe? Is he on vacation still? I haven't heard a word from the president in awhile
  11. Man, these walls are taking a REALLY long time to close ..
  12. Actually the media would make a pretty big deal if a native Western New Yorker was diagnosed with tuberculosis
  13. We aren't going to do that
  14. Wait, who is talking about that?
  15. Please don't ever say those two words in the same sentence ever again...
  16. Conservatives know how to handle a bunch of tictockers and old fart cucks like you There will be no need for violence
  17. I said it from the start, I don't know how they can move Forward with this case with her as the prosecutor
  18. You don't even hear anything about Joe, Joe is like 6th page news now. I wonder what strategy the DNC will come up with to mitigate this mess they have created . You know they have a team working on damage control right now
  19. He's dominating the media, is Joe still on vacation?
  20. You sycophants don't wanna upset your special interest gods False idol worshipping mofo's
  21. We can always count on you to keep those Marxist campfires burnin' keep up the good work comrade
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