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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. Sounds right, really liked that pizza
  2. Raleigh def is wanting for good pizza. There was one place that I used to actually really like, something with a “moon” in the name, right down town. Raleigh seems to have a love affair with wood fired pizza and I’m more of a NY style floppy pizza fan. So yeah, not my cup of tea either. Now, when I was living in Troy NY for a year, there was a pizza place that was absolutely amazing. It was down on the strip near all the bars, it was “I love NY pizza” or something but not the chain in the area, it was a stand alone. Had the most amazing Buffalo chicken pizza! Yes, blue cheese on it!
  3. I could see the pull of Tenn outside of football for him too. Tenn aligns with his views on a lot of things.
  4. I should say the common parlance of our times, being systemic racism. Your explanation is fair and as objective as it can be given that a lot of what you’re talking about is subjective. The fact that you’re investigating and really thinning trough it rather than just jumping to a conclusion should be commended (not that you need my affirmation). All too often people seem to jump to conclusion and want tk immediately say racism or systemic racism as a lazy way out without investigating what’s actually happening. This causes policies like “disparate impact” policies in work places simply because there is an inequality, even if it wasn’t racist to be used to sue an employer because of the way things shook out from that policy (My hr background talking here). Basically they say the system is racist and that’s what’s happening rather than looking at root causes and making sure. It is in fact human nature to be around people that make you feel comfortable and I think you’re right that it’s not that they’re racist, just that they want someone first who can get the job done and most qualified and then that will mesh with the organization the best. As long as you’re basing that on individual personality, that is all above the line. I would contend it is about personality, but if it were to be found racism was a big part the process (would have to be clear, which I don’t think this is nearly clear) then of course throw everything at them as harshly as possible. I actually think you and I are very close if not spot on in our thinking. How do you flesh out the thoughts a person has and keeps hidden though? I hope we never get that answer because that would be a truly dystopian world, think Minority Report. Racism is a consideration but only one of many different reasons why, not the forefront of every reason.
  5. So, the league is systemically racist then? Or at least owners maybe? That seems your argument from what you’re saying. “Baked into” are words used in that parlance. I don’t think so myself but am trying to understand your point.
  6. 6’1? He’s no Josh Allen
  7. Yeah, that’s something that should stay at the probowl and go no where else. Thanks!
  8. Well that’s obvious, 99 is representative of the number of bottles one might find on a given wall, that is until one of them is taken down and…well you know the rest.
  9. I hear there is a guy called Tom goet or Go or uh GOAT, no Brady that’s it. I hear he is pretty good at QB, maybe he wants to be our QB coach? He’s free these days, at least that is what my sources say. and no, I can’t divulge my sources so don’t ask!
  10. Why, he doesn’t really have much from what I see. Really hope they fight this and win. This is out of hand.
  11. Are those melons or are you happy to see me?
  12. Good point, that’s damming for his case
  13. I disagree with the rooney rule, the end.
  14. We’re going to get dangerously close into politics so I’ll leave it at this, I don’t believe that black people are not inferior in any way, I also don’t think there are people out to keep them from coaching. The Rooney rule is ridiculous to me for that reason. Treat them like your equals not inferiors.
  15. That’s hilarious if that is what happened, as much as I think the rule is stupid.
  16. That’s right, so why have it?
  17. You don’t think this kind of thing happens when you are required to do something? That others may not have had explicit knowledge of events that they feel is discriminatory (I don’t agree it was discriminatory in the Giants). Or maybe they did but determined it was not discriminatory or decided not to sue
  18. You’re assuming he wouldn’t get interviewed, I would reject that premise. He is a good coach and would garner interviews anyway.
  19. The rule is and has been terrible.
  20. It's terrible precisely because it causes things like this. A saying comes to mind, "the road to H e double hockey sticks is made with good intentions".
  21. I'm sure this type of thing happens all the time, in any business. When hiring, you have favorites and after interviewing them, you may think that is the person you want to hire but go through the motions with others. That's not discriminatory in and of itself, rather its the rules that are ridiculous, it creates tokenism in and of itself. Daboll is a solid choice, there's not doubt about that. Reasonable minds can disagree who the better coach will be, who fits what the team is trying to do. I'd put Daboll's QB guruism ahead of Flores by a mile.
  22. Clements could be heard saying just before, “I hope you screwed your head on well this morning” just before trying to separate his head from his body.
  23. “This is like a freighter coming into port”, classics! 😂
  24. Fantastic!
  25. Uh what? I thought our Oline jelled in the last quarter of the season. What are you talking about?
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