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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. They are just going to bury their heads deeper and further ingrain themselves in their lies. They just can’t admit they were wrong to do mandates. It’s crazy, that’s the real issue here. This could end right this minute, the rest of the world are dropping their mass mandates, easy win to just say they’re dropping mask mandates because that’s what everyone is doing and the science has been on the side of dropping it for many months. They won’t because they’re too prideful and too smug, and don’t want to admit fault to the smelly working class they pretend to care about. Absolutely pathetic!
  2. Shutting down economies for years did wonders for the economy. You’re silly.
  3. Liberal MP breaking ranks and actually talking intelligently, asking for specific road map that are tethered to facts and not politics. Great idea! ***** in the armor Mr. Trudeau. I like the last piece "I can tell you I'm not the only that feels, to varying degrees, as I do within our ranks". I think that's likely how it is here in the US, many think it's crazy but can't break ranks with the political party. You can see it in the way they want to politicize instead of follow the science.
  4. Interesting, so she goes full throttle with it. Those conditions are far more serious and life threatening, I wouldn't expose my kids to those for sure! COVID, I think she would have a very good argument.
  5. 100% legit #1 but the narriatives won’t allow it, top 5 is a no-brainer.
  6. No one is going to want to be risqué these days, they’ll probably suck arse.
  7. Just a note to those who use Twitter to prove a point, you’re part of the problem. Twitter is full of the biggest twits and dimwits out there. Especially “blue check verified” yokels.
  8. Lolololol you’re a silly person who doesn’t need responses. You need a straight jacket.
  9. Ok because you said so? Lololololol full of yourself my man or woman or person or whatever you want to call yourself.
  10. They’re not banned buddy, there are a ton of things deemed not suitable for people a certain age. The label of “cult” is reserved for the censorious Left. You all don’t like it when others see what you’re doing, kicking and screaming that people are banning/burning books. Listening to your CNN overlords who tell you what to think and say.
  11. You’re painting with a broad brush. You obviously think all people on the right are like that. I am against books who teach things inappropriate for age groups myself, that doesn’t mean they need to be gone from existence.
  12. Changing the subject? Don’t want to admit no one is book burning? You’re bringing up something that’s not relevant to todays culture and political discourse.
  13. I’m sorry, is this the 80s? No one is asking them not to exist.
  14. If you want to know who is on the right side of history just take a step back and see who’s censoring and then you’ll know the other side is right. Those who censor have never ever been on the right side of history. It’s no different now. Leftists love to censor, make your own conclusions.
  15. How is this thread so short? This is huge and this board is acting like the MSM! Don’t back down truckers!
  16. You don’t know what a SUCCESSful team looks like it appears.
  17. Not at all, if we won that game as we should have, we would have been Super Bowl bound and likely the favorites. No doubt in my mind. So frustrating!
  18. I didn't look at it, I figured it was something like that. When I see his dumbarse face on the article, it's not worth opening. He's sleeping with the enemy...literally. How he is still in congress, I have no idea.
  19. Sleep at your peril, I think he will be something.
  20. I can do nothing but laugh at the mental gymnastics you and your ilk spin. The problem for you all is that Americans are waking up to the slight of hand and constant double standards the Dems stand on. Talking out both sides of your mouth is not a political stance. It comes right from the top too, Biden often states forcefully in speeches or in press conferences (the 2 he's done) that he didn't say something he clearly did not. This in an attempt that people will just believe him and not look for themselves. There's a reason why there is so little trust in the media these days, they are shilling for the Left and covering up for their lies but the American people are actually looking it up for themselves. This has to scare you as a died in the blue leftist. Watch out, this is the crux of the red tsunami coming your way. Not even because of the riot, that's the weird thing about it. The autopsy revealed it was for natural causes not related, but shhhhhh, the media doesn't want you to know that.
  21. I feel as though a lot of people are sleeping on Basham, he’s flashed a few times this year when he got it. He could certainly be something moving forward.
  22. You lost me at “because it’s everywhere”
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