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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. I'll be all the other measures are going well for Russia, unfortunately. I don't want Russia to do well but the media spin is laughable.
  2. Nothing is off the table for this regime. Putin has proven himself to be irrational, nothing can be assumed anymore.
  3. Conventionally, Russia is routing them, not sure how you don't see that. Took 2 days to encircle the capital with minimal casualties sadly. It will become a quagmire and bogged down but Russia does not have the scruples the US does. They will exterminate and won't think twice about it. I would not be surprised if they round people are an execute if they don't bend the knee. It's a very sad state of affairs but that's what communist governments do. Pray that it does not go any further than it already has! Not surprising
  4. Doesn't look like it to me. They are moving pretty swiftly. Speaking of SWIFT ....
  5. I sincerely hope Biden proves us wrong and becomes a leader. He can start by making us energy independent. Ramp up the production, make sure our gas prices here go down, and then sell excess to European countries to ease their pain and make them more willing to fight against Russia. This groveling to other countries for energy is pathetic and can be easily solved. He won't green new deal doesn't allow that, now we're being taken advantage of as many opponents to the green energy push have predicted. Biden is trying to end around the concern by getting in front of it and stating there will be pain, it won't matter when American's are feeling the pinch at the gas pumps and the cost of goods go up. Take the necessary steps as outlined above and that will SEVERELY weaken Russia's power and potentially increase his chances of reelection, not to mention help his cronies in the house and senate. I do not want him to be reelected and or his cronies but I put America and it's needs ahead of political needs and have never been one that said I hope the President fails, I always hope he succeeds. Do it Biden, unleash the energy potential of America, cut the red tape and watch Putin and China kick and scream. Russia can enforce their will, there's no doubt.
  6. So you're going off the idea that they would not lie? People do lie, especially this day and age of appealing to the public. I would take all of this with a grain of salt until it all comes out as what happened.
  7. Yeah, so he would have a dog in the fight to paint it a certain way then.
  8. How can we know these came from the Dolphins? Why couldn’t these be fabricated? Asking honestly. Also, even if it wasnt fabricated, these are likely standard exiting procedure for NFL teams.
  9. Problem is that you are relegating this thing to just history class. It's not even about history class. These woke schools, mostly in deep blue cities are teaching this stuff throughout the day in various ways. How old are you? Were you in grade school in the last 10 years or something? That would explain something. Anyway, I'm done talking with a silly silly person like yourself. I'm going to apply Hanlons razor and take pity on you and your ignorance. Don't worry everyone, he knows not what he does, like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum. Your responses are un-nuanced and generalized which is the halmark of someone with an IQ below 70, good life to you silly silly person.
  10. Never, you silly goose. It's not history they are teaching. That's why you're not smart.
  11. It’s a theory. In practice it’s disastrous, just like we’re seeing today. It was never meant to be used as it is today but it’s now being pushed by ideologues who think they can socially engineer a country by starting with our children. Teaching our kids that skin color matters, and based on our color we are the oppressed or the oppressor. Simple way to put it, we can go down the rabbit hole if you’d like.
  12. I don’t expect you to understand this high level thinking, you can call it word salad all you want to justify your ignorance. You can see it today in our schools, they don’t label it as CRT, the elements are there, most prominently telling kids they are oppressors or victims based on their skin color. That IS the most insidious thing. Silly guy, have you seen the news lately? the most liberal city in the most liberal state voted down their woke lefty members. You’re losing the argument. You’re just like your overlords saying, “listen to what I say and don’t look behind the curtain.” No one is fooled. Expect the trend to continue into November and red wave the Dems into a super loser minority in the senate and house. I’ll be right here to laugh at you and your ilk. As much as you want to talk around the fact it’s happening, it doesn’t matter, people see if for what it is. The tenants of CRT, which are being taught under other names, is a racist world view hell bent on segregating based on skin color. The opposite of anti-racist, it’s the most racist ideology there is out there. Keep supporting and we’ll keep calling you and your very small group of supporters silly people.
  13. I don’t need to project with you. You project silliness just fine.
  14. Yeah, I see you can’t match wits, silly silly person.
  15. You would say that wouldn’t you? Your Godless lefty religion tells you to. it’s ok, the parents will speak in about 7 months or so. It will be fun. You’ve challenged me about CRT as though I don’t know what it is before, when I laid it out for you, you didn’t want to say anything further. Obviously it doesn’t fit your narriative that someone knows CRT deeply and understands how insidious it actually is…and I am not for it. I’m not for the racism it causes. It’s not history at all, it’s simply racism being taught and reinforced. Everything this country is trying to stomp out, they want to bring back. So why didn’t you want to talk further. I’ll run circles around you about what CRT is
  16. The parents are demanding it you stooge
  17. Absolute travesty what’s happening to our north, no other way to put it. BLM riots are ok, burning buildings, Treuduh, will kneel with them and ostracize working class peaceful protestors. I feel an uprising will be on its way, working class people are not being heard! Watch
  18. There are no facts in anything you spew. Rhetoric does not equal facts, you’re silly. Showing your silliness again. Fact, in a free country, parents get to a say in their kids education. In a communist country the state owns your kids, you don’t get a say. You are a communist.
  19. Lol here he is again with his funny antics, no one take you seriously
  20. I don’t think it is sarcasm
  21. Posted it in the Flores fired and hired in Steelers thread. People a ridiculous
  22. Are you in the business of only looking at thing and judging a person by that single thing? Book and cover?
  23. Who? if they are talking about parents taking back power, then good, they’re not the state’s kids, you communist.
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