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Posts posted by HamSandwhich

  1. 1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I hate to turn war into a spectator sport but just look at the difference here from just a few short months ago in Afghanistan. There, the so-called army collapsed in two weeks when faced with the rag-tag Taliban riding in pick-up trucks. And that was even AFTER the Americans had 'trained' the Afghan army for 20 years.  It shows you there's a lot more too this than just the number of forces you have or the money you spend.

    Of course, motivation is a big piece of it.  

  2. 7 minutes ago, SCBills said:


    We have to do something as a global community when leaders act like this, but these actions always hurt the struggling so much more than who they are intended for.  


    Of course, I'm not saying it's not necessary, it's a necessary evil sadly. Has the effect of uprising too, when they have nothing and know it's because of Putin's decision to go into Ukraine (unless the communication has been squelched by Putin and his cronies to control the media).  


    On another note, I'm thoroughly impressed by Ukraine's resolve to fight the Russians. I hope they are able to keep it up. 



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  3. 28 minutes ago, John Adams said:



    Of course Russia didn't even open their stock market today. Holiday or something. 

    I can't help but feel terrible for the Russian people. It's really not many of their faults, they can't control what the dictator does. Sure you hear stories about how the Russians are proud of having a strong leader but I'm not sure it's the majority. The collateral damage of these types of sanctions are the ones who cannot afford to be sanctioned, kids, women, infirmed, the poor in general. Putin is a terrible person. 

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  4. 44 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    You are talking about guys knowingly committing mass war crimes. It happens but it's pretty rare especially recently as society has evolved. Hell Russia did it to their own citizens under stalin.  I could be wrong but I don't see that happening here and sure there will be some civilians being killed but not mass killings and Putin knows that's a line he can't cross. I still am unsure of his real goals here tbh

    No, Im talking about the stark uncertainty here, not that they will.  I'm saying it's not off the table, and nothing is. 

  5. Just now, aristocrat said:


    Oh I'm not naive to what they're capable of but the average russian soldier is not going to be executing innocent people. They are not the SS they are mostly young soldiers, not well trained, well paid with short service contracts.  If you start killing civilians the US will get involved and Russia will throw up their hands faster than the French.

    Or, they are the SS reincarnate and the soldiers have been brought up with this idea of Russia being the greatest nation. Perhaps they will be too scared to speak up? These types of comments many are making are too definitive for the situation.  No one knows what Putin, a mad man, is thinking. If the US got involved, who's to say he didn't want that and wanted to start WWIII? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Just now, SCBills said:

    Ukraine is arming citizens and encouraging them to build firebombs.. Not much of a stretch to assume this is going to devolve into a level of barbarism that the Western world is not ready to see in a modern city/country.  


    Just now, Tiberius said:

    No, he’s doing it. All those things. Spin, lol. Facts are sticky things 

    He gave it to China and expected it to get to Russia.  No way. 

  7. Just now, aristocrat said:


    Russia can't just execute civilians left and right. It's one to shoot into some neighborhoods and have some civilians die but if they round them up Russia will not hold that country and I would imagine the world would shut russia off financially for good. No money in no money out and seize all the assets of the oligarchs and putin outside russia.  Start seizing all the soccer clubs, yachts homes etc they own and this thing is over by next week.  

    Nothing is off the table for this regime.  Putin has proven himself to be irrational, nothing can be assumed anymore. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

    Reports I'm seeing is of a very strong and very defiant resistance by the Ukrainian forces. How long they can keep it up is the question.

    Conventionally, Russia is routing them, not sure how you don't see that.  Took 2 days to encircle the capital with minimal casualties sadly.   It will become a quagmire and bogged down but Russia does not have the scruples the US does. They will exterminate and won't think twice about it. I would not be surprised if they round people are an execute if they don't bend the knee. It's a very sad state of affairs but that's what communist governments do.  Pray that it does not go any further than it already has! 

    7 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    The issue Russia will have is occupation. If the people fight for their homes russia will never hold the occupation. 


    Not surprising

  9. On 12/5/2021 at 9:57 AM, Tiberius said:

    LOL, you want the weakest to lead? Sounds like a pro-commie Putin argument 

    It is our battle, democratic nation's have a shared interest in preserving freedom. Those against democracy understand you can kill popular government one country at a time. 

    With United States leadership. 


    On China, too https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/17/us-and-canadian-warships-sailed-through-taiwan-strait-last-week-.html

    I sincerely hope Biden proves us wrong and becomes a leader.  He can start by making us energy independent. Ramp up the production, make sure our gas prices here go down, and then sell excess to European countries to ease their pain and make them more willing to fight against Russia. This groveling to other countries for energy is pathetic and can be easily solved. He won't green new deal doesn't allow that, now we're being taken advantage of as many opponents to the green energy push have predicted. Biden is trying to end around the concern by getting in front of it and stating there will be pain, it won't matter when American's are feeling the pinch at the gas pumps and the cost of goods go up.  Take the necessary steps as outlined above and that will SEVERELY weaken Russia's power and potentially increase his chances of reelection, not to mention help his cronies in the house and senate. I do not want him to be reelected and or his cronies but I put America and it's needs ahead of political needs and have never been one that said I hope the President fails, I always hope he succeeds. Do it Biden, unleash the energy potential of America, cut the red tape and watch Putin and China kick and scream.  

    5 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    No, no it isn’t. Russia will have to hold what they take, if they can take it. 

    Russia can enforce their will, there's no doubt. 

  10. 1 hour ago, chongli said:


    Well, I doubt Flores would forge a document. On the first pic of his law firm's tweet, it says on the bottom of the page where they don't want him to make any disparaging statements against the Dolphins "Flores - Separation Agreement - 1.27.22"; and on the third pic, they provide a document saying Flores refused to sign the separation agreement that has Brandon Shore's (of the Dolphins) signature


    And even it is standard, the Dolphins specifically denied offering him the NDA in their statement.

    So you're going off the idea that they would not lie? People do lie, especially this day and age of appealing to the public. I would take all of this with a grain of salt until it all comes out as what happened. 

  11. 1 minute ago, BillStime said:


    It's not?


    You told us the big bad boogeyman isn't labeled "as CRT" but "the elements are there, most prominently telling kids they are oppressors or victims based on their skin color." 


    Amazing, I went through public education the first 12 years of my formal education and never once did an educator make me feel bad about being white. My four siblings all went through school and never once did they complain about being made to feel bad about their skin color.  My 12 niece and nephews - in various stages of grade school and college - never once complained about being told they should feel bad about their skin color.   And guess what?  Everyone in my family is a conservative Republican.  Of course, you would call them a RHINO because they don't kneel to the alter of Conald Trump and the rest of the GQP.


    According to HamSandwhich - CRT is so bad - the elements are there and the cult wants anyone who teaches it fired - so, how can we teach history with CRT getting in the way all the time?







    Problem is that you are relegating this thing to just history class. It's not even about history class.  These woke schools, mostly in deep blue cities are teaching this stuff throughout the day in various ways. 


    How old are you?  Were you in grade school in the last 10 years or something?  That would explain something. 


    Anyway, I'm done talking with a silly silly person like yourself.  I'm going to apply Hanlons razor and take pity on you and your ignorance.  Don't worry everyone, he knows not what he does, like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum. Your responses are un-nuanced and generalized which is the halmark of someone with an IQ below 70, good life to you silly silly person.    


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