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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. Wait, you all put toothpaste on the brush? I use it strictly as a rinsing tool and put the tooth paste on my index finger to apply toothpaste to my teeth. My goodness how you all have it wrong! What’s wrong with you people? Yeah, you people…deal with it!
  2. You're making no sense. Are you suggesting that Roger Goodell and company are purveyors of virtue? Is that what you're trying to say? That they are above public pressures?
  3. 1. I’m not going to argue the Bible on the Bills message boards, it’s not the place to do it, I’ll just say your view is simple and not grounded. 2. For what would be the reason why the Browns should not employ him? Other than they think he’s guilty? If they think he’s guilty, why would they not argue for imprisonment? I would. So I think that’s disingenuous.
  4. 1000000000% correct on all points. You hit on something very very important, the post-modern view point that everything is relative is what's ruining a lot of good that has been created by this American experience. It leaves no room for standards or principles to abide by, you can live life as you see fit an wing it. If you "feel" something doesn't sound right, you can kick and scream and get people to follow and support you, most of them not even knowing what they are supporting and still supporting the cause. They just want to feel good and show people they are virtuous in a secular society. The only point I have been making is that I don't know the full story, people on this board don't know the full story, but people want to bury someone because they want to believe someone. They don't want to stick to the principles that this country was built upon and has made us so successful. So they tear down Deshaun without any evidence or inside knowledge. This guy may be a big POS but I will withhold judgement, I don't know the whole story, just what the media wants us to know. Today's media has clearly lost their principles, so how can I trust them? He's been exonerated and I will, as with anyone who is exonerated, honor our principles and accept them. We are a better more just country by far when everyone is held to the same standards. The sooner we get back to the principles this country were built on (and I personally believe they come from God), the sooner we will see ourselves flourish as a society and country again. Being that he has been exonerated, I hope he has a great career in front of him, except when he plays the Bills of course! So you would prefer to put an innocent person behind bars as a sacrifice? Not saying he is guilty or not, (just that he is not being charged so I will respect the process) but this type of thinking will put people behind bars who did absolutely nothing.
  5. Wow, that sucks man.
  6. Your “common sense” is confirmation bias.
  7. I can’t know for a fact but that is not anything that says he’s guilty. In my original position, people lie. She does stand to gain something even if she said she didn’t want to gain anything. That’s silly.
  8. There is also an element that wants to bring guilt to signal things too. To make things look a certain way to their advantage, whatever the ends may be. There is an element that can glom onto something for hopes it will get things for them or bring them game, ala Stephanik in the Kavanaugh situation. The thing is, people want to act like people don’t lie, and even more so groups of people won’t lie. They can and have throughout history. I don’t know enough about the allegations or the situations surrounding this to make a valid argument. We only know what people tell us, that’s not enough to speak intelligently on it. So maybe everyone should step back and understand that you don’t know the facts. The facts may completely exonerate him if they were to come to light. Or he could certainly be guilty, but I don’t know, I can’t know. We would be better off as a society to not jump to conclusions or destroy someone’s character because we feel a certain way based on biased information we are taking in, however it is biased. That said, another QB in the AFC to be dealt with, the arms race continues! Weren’t the allegations of actual actions? Not text messages?
  9. That or the media has learned if they hear a dark horse team sniffing around but can’t figure out who it is, it’s gotta be the Bills. They report accordingly that the Bills are interested based on that understanding. Ipso facto the Bills are in on xxxx player is reported.
  10. They’re spurned, I don’t think so. It’s ok, I’ll take Von Miller any day of the week.
  11. Regardless of where you stand on this whole thing, that is hilarious! Well played. Gonna miss Beas!
  12. This is going to be a sneaky good signing for the Bills! He was sometimes the best RB on the field for the WTFs.
  13. There an undertone to this, I’m sure you can figure it out.
  14. Well of course, anyone who is affected by events they cannot control, especially where it concerns fascistic governments, is sad.
  15. I think he hopes to make that decision. It's not happened yet. Hope it never does, but I'm not confident it won't happen eventually.
  16. Of course, I'm not saying it's not necessary, it's a necessary evil sadly. Has the effect of uprising too, when they have nothing and know it's because of Putin's decision to go into Ukraine (unless the communication has been squelched by Putin and his cronies to control the media). On another note, I'm thoroughly impressed by Ukraine's resolve to fight the Russians. I hope they are able to keep it up.
  17. I can't help but feel terrible for the Russian people. It's really not many of their faults, they can't control what the dictator does. Sure you hear stories about how the Russians are proud of having a strong leader but I'm not sure it's the majority. The collateral damage of these types of sanctions are the ones who cannot afford to be sanctioned, kids, women, infirmed, the poor in general. Putin is a terrible person.
  18. No, Im talking about the stark uncertainty here, not that they will. I'm saying it's not off the table, and nothing is.
  19. I really hope this is not the start of a Sino-Rus push at world domination by force.
  20. Or, they are the SS reincarnate and the soldiers have been brought up with this idea of Russia being the greatest nation. Perhaps they will be too scared to speak up? These types of comments many are making are too definitive for the situation. No one knows what Putin, a mad man, is thinking. If the US got involved, who's to say he didn't want that and wanted to start WWIII?
  21. Exactly. He gave it to China and expected it to get to Russia. No way.
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