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Posts posted by HamSandwhich

  1. 1 hour ago, HereComesTheReignAgain said:

    They could probably recoup that $800 mil shortfall by discontinuing the discriminatory child tax credit.  Why is NY paying people to have more kids?  If you really want to help the environment, unemployment, overpopulation, etc, start paying people to have less kids instead of the opposite.


  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:



    Well the big splash of V Miller was certainly big.   Adding Philips and Lawson (2 guys they let go not long ago not a huge move (drafting their replacements has not quite worked out yet, so they had to get them back I guess), not seismic.  Saffold for a year?  


    But only 2 years ago Diggs (in his prime, for 1st round pick) was even more of a splash on all levels. Plus Addison to shore up the D. 


    Last year they added Breida and Sanders and it seemed like a thing at the time. 


    If they can get to the SB this year as a result of these moves, then it's all golden.....

    You’re proving my point, we have all these pieces already, we are adding pieces to fine-tune and supplement our roster. Then there is Von Miller who is the type of player you pay all that money to because we expect to win it all this year. We’ve not been in the position before. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:

    so the Bills won yet another off-season?  cool..


    dunked on..

    This is unlike any offseason we’ve seen since the 2000s and I think you know that. This is a fine-tuning off-season rather than the overhauls or hope and prayers off season that we’ve become accustomed to. It’s all about plugging the few holes we have to win the Super Bowl, legitimately this time! 

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. On 3/24/2022 at 7:21 PM, StHustle said:

    So I am part owner of a sports marketing company that puts together events featuring top athletes. We are based in Philly but do events all over. We did the "Fan Conference" events a few years back in Buffalo (had guys like Josh, Dawkins, Hyde, Poyer, Lorax and Edmunds come out) and looking to do more Bills player events (as the one owner from Buffalo the weights on my shoulders) so I am looking at doing something in August when all the guys are in town. I won't release the name/theme of the event yet but it'll be held annually and give fans a chance to see and interact with some of the players before the season. My question to you all is; If you were at an event where there's around 20 Bills players (many of the top guys) and a few thousand fans, what sort of activities would make this a fun, exciting & interactive (but not too interactive, lol) event that would have you and other fans looking forward to the next annual?


    Compensation: Anyone who gives ideas that aren't already on the table, are FIRST to give them in this thread (ideas that improve upon other ides count!), will get free LIFETIME tickets to the event! 


    I appreciate all those who decide to contribute. Thanks in advance.

    Are you part of Jims group from Philadelphia from “The Office”? Sounds like the same jam. 😂

  5. Wait, you all put toothpaste on the brush? I use it strictly as a rinsing tool and put the tooth paste on my index finger to apply toothpaste to my teeth.  My goodness how you all have it wrong! What’s wrong with you people? 

    Yeah, you people…deal with it!

  6. 1 minute ago, LeGOATski said:

    I can't roll my eyes hard enough at all of this.


    If you're employee isn't convicted of anything, but you do your own investigation and decide to suspend him, then you should think hard about employing them further. He's free to find employment elsewhere. ***** "disengenuous"... give me a break.

    You're making no sense.

    2 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    I can't roll my eyes hard enough at all of this.


    If you're employee isn't convicted of anything, but you do your own investigation and decide to suspend him, then you should think hard about employing them further. He's free to find employment elsewhere. ***** "disengenuous"... give me a break.

    Are you suggesting that Roger Goodell and company are purveyors of virtue?  Is that what you're trying to say?  That they are above public pressures?  

  7. 4 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    1. Laws are made by man, not God. It says so in the Bible.

    2. I'm pretty sure the majority of people are NOT saying he should go to jail. They're saying the Brown's/NFL should not employ him. There's a huge difference. 

    1. I’m not going to argue the Bible on the Bills message boards, it’s not the place to do it, I’ll just say your view is simple and not grounded. 

    2. For what would be the reason why the Browns should not employ him? Other than they think he’s guilty? If they think he’s guilty, why would they not argue for imprisonment? I would. So I think that’s disingenuous. 

  8. 8 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I am sorry I still don't agree. It is because we have introduced a watering down of what were once considered the sacrosanct principles of an objective and fair justice system that we have ended up in some of this quagmire in the first place where we have mob rule on social media overtaking proper principles of fairness, justice and democracy. If we want to avoid further erosion of those principles then we have to defend them even in circumstances where it is uncomfortable to do so, and I have never once doubted that there was a disturbing pattern of behaviour with Deshaun Watson. But we can't say "the justice system hasn't found the answer we want, so in the case societal sanctions are justified because this is a special case." Trust me when I say every case is a special case to the people involved. You either defend the principle that the courts determine guilt and liability and can be trusted to apply the appropriate penalty or you don't because once you start making an exception then every case can be argued for one reason or another to be an exception. You have to defend it. Watson might be a piece of trash but he is innocent in the eyes of the law and it is the law who should decide. He should be free to go on about his business and his career.  

    1000000000% correct on all points.  You hit on something very very important, the post-modern view point that everything is relative is what's ruining a lot of good that has been created by this American experience. It leaves no room for standards or principles to abide by, you can live life as you see fit an wing it.  If you "feel" something doesn't sound right, you can kick and scream and get people to follow and support you, most of them not even knowing what they are supporting and still supporting the cause. They just want to feel good and show people they are virtuous in a secular society.


    The only point I have been making is that I don't know the full story, people on this board don't know the full story, but people want to bury someone because they want to believe someone. They don't want to stick to the principles that this country was built upon and has made us so successful. So they tear down Deshaun without any evidence or inside knowledge. This guy may be a big POS but I will withhold judgement, I don't know the whole story, just what the media wants us to know. Today's media has clearly lost their principles, so how can I trust them? 


    He's been exonerated and I will, as with anyone who is exonerated, honor our principles and accept them.  We are a better more just country by far when everyone is held to the same standards. The sooner we get back to the principles this country were built on (and I personally believe they come from God), the sooner we will see ourselves flourish as a society and country again. 


    Being that he has been exonerated, I hope he has a great career in front of him, except when he plays the Bills of course! 

    3 hours ago, Michael1962 said:

    The main problem with the legal system is that cases of sexual assault are notoriously difficult to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" so in this case I would give credence to the # of women who complained.  And probably for everyone who went public there are several who chose not to do so, in most cases for this reason. If it was a different type of crime, such as a robbery, it either happened or it didn't, but what happens between two adults is a different animal IMO.  It is a complicated situation.

    So you would prefer to put an innocent person behind bars as a sacrifice? Not saying he is guilty or not, (just that he is not being charged so I will respect the process) but this type of thinking will put people behind bars who did absolutely nothing. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Sometimes you have to use common sense. Why would a massage therapist who has a very successful business make up this story, immediately call their friend about it, have text messages showing her telling him he was inappropriate and she can't treat him? This was years before the other allegations, she didn't know he was like that. If it wasn't true he would respond saying what the heck are you talking about? Or she would try to sue him but she hasn't because she doesn't want to lose any business by going public.


    I know someone who was sexually assaulted. They also did not want to go to the authorities, they just wanted to forget it ever happened. If you go to the authorities you have to relive it over and over again. For these 22+ women to come forward it's incredibly brave of them and maybe some of them are lying but I highly doubt all of them are and considering there are others that didn't even come forward shows there's more to this than we might even know. And now this guy represents the city of Cleveland and is the highest paid player in the league in terms of guaranteed money. Not only the face of the Browns but one of the faces of the entire NFL!

    Your “common sense” is confirmation bias.

  10. 1 hour ago, KDIGGZ said:

    And what kind of evidence would you like her to provide about a guy getting a private massage who acts inappropriate and gets aroused and keeps trying to get her to have sex with him? She called a friend right after it happened and she has text exchanges of her telling him she would not treat him because he acted inappropriate. All of this is from years prior to any allegations against him. So you think she was faking the text exchanges and telling her friend so that she could set him up in the future to...not sue him and get nothing out of it? Great plan on her part

    I can’t know for a fact but that is not anything that says he’s guilty. In my original position, people lie. She does stand to gain something even if she said she didn’t want to gain anything. That’s silly. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Determining guilt is also something that each individual person does on a daily basis. Nobody is precluded from determining guilt in whatever matters they choose. They just don't have the power to do anything about it.

    There is also an element that wants to bring guilt to signal things too. To make things look a certain way to their advantage, whatever the ends may be. There is an element that can glom onto something for hopes it will get things for them or bring them game, ala Stephanik in the Kavanaugh situation. The thing is, people want to act like people don’t lie, and even more so groups of people won’t lie. They can and have throughout history. 

    I don’t know enough about the allegations or the situations surrounding this to make a valid argument. We only know what people tell us, that’s not enough to speak intelligently on it. So maybe everyone should step back and understand that you don’t know the facts. The facts may completely exonerate him if they were to come to light. Or he could certainly be guilty, but I don’t know, I can’t know. 


    We would be better off as a society to not jump to conclusions or destroy someone’s character because we feel a certain way based on biased information we are taking in, however it is biased.

    That said, another QB in the AFC to be dealt with, the arms race continues!  

    8 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    They independently fact checked the story with receipts, text messages, DM's, interviewed friends. That person was not one of the plaintiffs she just wanted to get her story out there so it doesn't happen to someone else. Also, her timeline is from prior to any other reports so all of this happened before the people who are suing him.

    She had nothing to gain from telling her story to SI and she's not suing him or going to the cops. She doesn't want to ruin her business. Very believable. You should read it if you haven't

    Weren’t the allegations of actual actions? Not text messages? 

  12. 5 hours ago, No_Matter_What said:

    You guys learned nothing? If there is a news that we inquired about this guy you can be sure that Beane is working on something completely different.

    That or the media has learned if they hear a dark horse team sniffing around but can’t figure out who it is, it’s gotta be the Bills. They report accordingly that the Bills are interested based on that understanding. Ipso facto the Bills are in on xxxx player is reported. 

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