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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. Yep, in one persons twisted mind, not the mind of all republicans as the media wnd left wing politics want to paint it. Race baiting at its finest. I’m sure he blamed it on the Ultra Maga. Where was this visit in other mass shootings Locke Wakusha Christmas parade where kids were mowed down? What’s that you say? The skin color of tbe aggressor didn’t match his fear mongering? Oh I see.
  2. I told my wife the other day, she is 6 months pregnant with our 3rd boy, that if push came to shove, and our country was threatened (especially if it was close proximity to my family) I would 100% take up arms to protect her, the family, and the country I love. She said “I know”. This country, with all of its blemishes is still far and away the greatest and most free country on the planet. It’s the most excepting of all countries, despite what you hear in the news. If there was an invading force trying to take over the country, I think a large majority of able body men would fight. All creed, race, age, etc would come together and fight proudly together, much like what is reported to be happening in Ukraine. It’s easy to bicker and fight when times are good but when push comes to shove, America would defend itself vigorously, and I’d be proud to die for our freedoms, for my l wife and sons freedoms, and my fellow Americans pursuit of happiness without hesitation.
  3. He sometimes tries to hard but overall it’s enjoyable and get a couple of chuckles along the way.
  4. Agreed, like to watch him during the season.
  5. This makes no sense, it’s a non-sequitor The same group who tried to stage neo nazis outside of Younkins campaign. No, they don’t have a reason to paint things a certain way, don’t look behind the curtain.
  6. At some point we you gotta beat them at their own game. Rest assured, the republicans will cease control when they wrangle the communist authoritarianism lust from the Dems and put them in their place. Gotta break them down from the inside. Certainly not something Dems would do, they want to grow their power and keep control by any means necessary.
  7. Not a good take at all. Terrible argument. Last I knew the roads don’t control speech.
  8. Was going to say the same but you got it covered. Much easier and fool proof.
  9. I mean, the salaries in general just keep going up, so this is not surprising. Love the move though! Beane taking care of our own!
  10. Wow, this is insane!!! In a good way of course!
  11. I don’t think Charles Oakley or Lambeer will be returning to competitive sports anytime soon. I think we’re out of luck. Maybe Rodman when he’s not on a LV bender or cozying up to North Korea? I really don’t think he’s a process guy though.
  12. Bills front office only work in the shadows. They’re the “mystery team”, this way too in your face to be the Bills!
  13. Well “the Bills won another offseason” is a throwback from the drought years. I also don’t think we were where we are now last year, there were more questions last year in my opinion.
  14. You’re proving my point, we have all these pieces already, we are adding pieces to fine-tune and supplement our roster. Then there is Von Miller who is the type of player you pay all that money to because we expect to win it all this year. We’ve not been in the position before.
  15. This is unlike any offseason we’ve seen since the 2000s and I think you know that. This is a fine-tuning off-season rather than the overhauls or hope and prayers off season that we’ve become accustomed to. It’s all about plugging the few holes we have to win the Super Bowl, legitimately this time!
  16. Donte Hitner, playmaker
  17. I disagree, he can get extra yardage as he always falls forward, he can put his head down at times and bowl someone over. I've also seen him catch out of the back field well enough.
  18. Singletary was picking it up when he was given feature back carries at the end of the year but I agree we need something else to put us over the top.
  19. Are you part of Jims group from Philadelphia from “The Office”? Sounds like the same jam. 😂
  20. Is Irish Dave and Fitz one and the same? I would love to have Fitz but sadly I think it means he will not be coming.
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