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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. You didn’t answer the question, the original poster was talking specifically about school shootings. Also, I didn’t look but I’ll bet those statistics include suicide, not just homicides and mass shootings.
  2. There are negative connotations in the conservative side and all bubbly words on the liberal side. How about wanting change for change sake that cause catastrophes because of their religious adherence to their ideologies (see gas prices because climate change)
  3. What’s the chances of a being killed in a school? What’s the percentage of an abortion working and killing the baby? Your logic fails.
  4. That’s because the right to bear arms is in the constitution. The right to bill a baby is not. /your argument. Lol this is not true, inflation and economy effects everyone. Roe doesn’t, as much as the left would like you to believe. The twisted logic of the left and their cronies, no care for the other person in this scenario. Truly sad
  5. You don’t understand free market systems but this is not the place to discuss given it’s a Buffalo bills message board. I’ll digress and agree to disagree.
  6. On the surface it may not look like it but it’s actually the government participating in free market principles for once. Team goes to the place that has the highest amount offered to the stadium.
  7. I mean, how much more perfect can it get? This guy is literally doing facial expressions that I do prior to my “O” face. Speaking of…after watching this video….OOOOOOOOO yeah!
  8. Like Josh “70% of the time”? What? 😂
  9. Or on his bust in Canton!
  10. No, I didn’t watch that, it was just in the mornings, sports center. Watched it on a loop, that’s all I cared about, highlights from the night before.
  11. Flip side, you’re ignorant of what you want to be ignorant of. I remember nothing of the sort, just sports center rolling clips in the 80s and 90s. I would watch them every morning, over and over again. Just fun quips and sports. That was the hay day.
  12. You stopped watchful 14 years ago is probably why. It has become much more political since. Perhaps for you, but for me, and others on here it seems, it was the politics. I’d think we are not the only ones and there is likely a large contingent of fans that were turned off by the constant discussion of political issues.
  13. Well I would conflatulate you!
  14. I think you’re stuck in 2020, that is most assuredly Darnold.
  15. The reactions from both dudes though lol
  16. You don’t see people unfettered streaming across a border a threat? We don’t know who they are? You’re ok if there is sex trafficking happening, if there are drugs coming across, if there are any people wanting to do us harm coming across? You’re ok without borders at all? I am against that, it does not = great replacement theory like you’re trying to say. I’m not saying I don’t like it because I think my race is better than theirs, and that’s the big difference. My focus is on how it’s bad for the country to not know who is coming across.
  17. Ah yes, the legacy media in concert with the message. See, you’re proving my point. Conflate everything with replacement theory on the right. What is great replacement theory, I’d like to hear what you think it is. It’s a very specific thing. No, the republicans don’t believe in it, just because you want a more secure border does not mean you believe in replacement theory.
  18. There is someone babbling, but it’s not me. The great replacement theory has nothing to do with legitimate grievances in polices such as open borders and taking issues with it. The great replacement theory is specific to the thought that people are replacing the white race, none of which the majority of republicans believe or any Fox News personality believes. The disinformation on the left to paint all republicans as complicit is bs and what you’re trying to spread with your comments. Disinformation at its best.
  19. No idea what that even means. You don’t want to admit your disinformation.
  20. “Any part of this crap”, this is you trying to expand the politics into great replacement theory. Bs
  21. He is an avowed black supremicists, if you’ve ever seen his YouTube videos that have now been taken down. It’s not even a question. The white supremicists narriative is overblown to the point of hysteria. Are there white supremicists in the country? Yes. Are they as prevalent as the left says they are? Much like police statistics are overblown by the left, the white supremicist infiltration is overblown. It’s all political. The left is now trying to ascribe great replacement theory they guy (who hates republicans and Fox News in his manifesto) was espousing to any grievance against the way we are policing the border or how we think voting policy should be in regards to illegal immigrants. That’s not the great replacement theory, that’s just politics. They are trying to pin this all on the republicans but the American people are tired of this bs, they saw this happen with the word “racist” and how the left made all republicans racist, they see through this. Dems think this a Roe will be a wedge issue that will turn November around to disgusting attempts to divide this country, and it won’t work. Americans know better. Watch.
  22. I touched on it in my original post. We are so fortunate in this country, we have had no real threats to us from the outside. We’ve been able to ruminate on issues and blow them up to more than they need to be. That’s how we get to “micro aggressions” being a thing. Something that is based on bias and not something that is not premeditated, something our mind does as a way to survive in a world that sends us stimulus from all angles, is being turned into a tell that people are racist. We are eating ourselves from the inside because we are so protected, humans innately need conflict (in my opinion).
  23. Wakusha was not determined to be, there are politics at play with this democratic justice department. I’m sure it was terrorizing for those being run over, wasn’t it? What about the black supremicists who shot up people in the subway recently? Was Biden there to talk about black supremacy or how his race baiting from him and his administration is a direct cause if the standard they are putting Republicans to is to stand? This is disgusting race baiting by the administration. They are picking a choosing based on the narrative, creating a moral panic directed at one race. Does he think increasing the heat against whiteness is going to cause less of these instances??
  24. You’re learning something. Look it’s real time sticker shock in reverse, much less than you thought huh?
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