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Everything posted by seq004

  1. Wow, I was watching that this morning. Thankfully Andre was gone already. Why can't we draft a great player from a small school today?
  2. The fact that other than taking Mike Williams in 2002 this front office has continued to over look the engine that makes the car run is a definite failure. While TD has taken care of the skill positions on offense he choses to put bandaids on the O-line. This goes as far back as Butler. (RIP) I really thought this was finally the year we get a quality line but thus far their is little reason to believe that will change. IMO
  3. I agree somewhat but TD hasn't invested in interior linemen. We have good skill position players but we won't get far unless he finally addresses our lineman. We also have very good coaching but our offensive line needed improvement and I just feel we have taken a step back and am afraid JP will get killed this year.
  4. If TD and the Bills are looking to follow in the way NE built a winner they're going the wrong way. I support them no matter what they do but every situation and every team is different. Do you remember when the Rams won it and everyone wanted to have "The greatest show on earth" or how about when the Bucs won it all and teams were saying that "Defense wins championships." Then the Patriots win and it's now become "Don't pay to much for players and they will still work hard and win." I'm paraphasing here but I always notice that it's the team that doesn't follow the leader and instead creates it's own path that leads to success. Yeah that worked with the Patriots it doesn't mean it will work for other teams. I like TD as our GM but if their is one glaring weakness it's his inability to either draft or sign lineman who are going to win you games. The O-line has been poor since the end of the Kelly days. He needs to get at least one key player in at LT. I'm not saying become Daniel Snyder and screw up your cap but right now we have two key players who left and thats OK with me they wanted to much but he needs to make moves to off set their departure. If he's just going to sign Gandy and let Jonas go to me that's not an adequate plan to off set a player leaving on a O-line that still needs improvement. JMHO
  5. I have to agree Hammered. I have to believe their would be a joint effort by wealthy business men in the area and JK to buy the team if Ralgh said goodbye.
  6. He's done a great job of getting free agents here in the skill position but he continues to ignore the imortance of where games are won and lost in the trenches.
  7. Really, why? Wasn't the city of Baltimore in a similar situation when they lost the Colts? The city was in bad shape if I remember. Didn't have the $$ for a new stadium. You could even make the Browns an example. Yes the city would have to improve their economy but it could happen. I know Golisano has said he wants the team when Ralph goes and with the NHL dying off he might want it more.
  8. Yeah, maybe I'm the one who should read the whole thing before I comment.
  9. You might want to turn the page.
  10. To get what? What did I say other than it proves nothing? Yes, Milloy is trying to get him here but I'm sure a lot of other players in the league want him on their team also.
  11. Beat me to it. I'm a slow typer. It doesn't say the Bills are interested but it's clear Milloy is trying to get him here. At what price?
  12. I agree about that message board but it's been pretty boring today. I think most likely just a rumor.
  13. Your not going to believe this but YES I guess WGR (We know how acurate they are!) is saying that he was at the airport with Milloy which doesn't prove a thing. Again posted at BB.com .
  14. Cablelady is their any player who you don't think is cute?
  15. That's the only thing I can think of if this is true....maybe TD knows he won't be able to keep Clements but he better have a trade, plan or something for this OLine because if he ignores it again and spends up all the cap money on Defense and the O-line struggles which it may their will be some angry confused fans.
  16. Don't shoot the messenger but a poster at BB.com is saying that 97 rock is claiming they will meet Saturday and hope to sign him. I don't know if it's true and I don't know if I like it. He's a great player but again in the second half of his career like Drew, Milloy, and we have other pressing needs like an offensive line. Anyway for what it's worth.
  17. I thought I heard an announcer at the Superbowl say that he talked with Brown and that Brown said he was "Running out of gas." We don't need another NE player on the bottom half of their career. IMO
  18. Hey when he said those comments did he try and look like a real tough guy? You know when you see him on the sideline with his face all sqished up to try and look as mean as possible but it really looks fake and foolish.
  19. Joe won the starting position from Dennis Shaw in the pre season of 1973. The Bills went 9-5 that year missing the playoffs. They of course used the ground game with OJ and Jim Braxton. Then in 1974 they went 9-5 again and made the playoffs (Wildcard.)
  20. I agree. Now we can watch year round and that helps a lot. I don't know who thought of putting an "NFL Network" together but I'd like to say thanks. The only thing I don't is Rich Eisen throwing softballs and kissing butt for some of the shows.
  21. My wife is light skinned black girl and she is OK with being called black or chocolate swirl when we get kinky Our kids look white. You would never know but I want them to realize their mixed and learn as much as they can about both races and be proud.
  22. I'm in to that stuff so thanks for the info and your right about the SciFi channel. They suck.
  23. Jerry Jones has had so many plastic surgery's the knife severed the part of the brain that allows us to think clearly, with intellect and be able to focus on things like math. Dallas + Bledsoe=another losing season.
  24. It's almost like he took a relaxant during the games and at the press conferences
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