If you have a tape of the Houston game check out Willis before and after the TD to Peters. After they reviewed the run by Willis to see if it was a TD or not Willis looks over to the bench and gives a signal that looks to me as if he's saying give it to me again and I'll make it. So after JP throws it to Peters (which unlike the Tampa game was a good call) the offense is coming off the field and MM has a big smile on his face and he's trying to shake everyone's hand...Shelton shakes his hand, JP, Trey Teague, he puts his hand out to Willis and says something to him and Willis just ignores him altogether. He was pissed because he didn't get the ball. Now you can say he was pissed because the review didn't give him the TD (Rightly so) but then why would he be pissed at MM? My point is uh I forgot. No, really is this guy going to be a team player or not? I saw him put some pathetic looking blocks on Tampa and he needs to get threw that hole a lot quicker. He has a lot of talent I hope he uses it wisely because MM is not the type of coach to put up with that type of thing.