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Everything posted by seq004

  1. I saw that also PTR. He said the oline was a work in progress but also the Bills offense would have to be creative because McCoy and Jackson are not built for ground and pound.
  2. I agree the old school Cowboys had some class and respectability unlike the current owner.
  3. Can someone explain his suspension though. I thought with the new drug changes to the CBA first timers were given reading material and tested more. Is this suspension for synthetic weed or reckless driving?
  4. I didn't think I would like the blue on blue for the GB game, mainly because I remember the Bledsoe era blue on blue which was hideous but I really liked them last year and hope they do it at least once this year.
  5. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse I read this and it's sunny again.
  6. His arrogance throught out has been nauseating. I can't stand unaccountable people anymore. Just shut up and take your medicine like a big boy and educate your coaching staff and players on rules of the game and why it's important not to break them
  7. Wait what happened to 4 years a slave? I guess it turned into 1 year of cash.
  8. I believe they said NFL am
  9. I'm in. Hey did anyone notice they said Kelly will be on tomorrow to give his opinion on Brady?
  10. I would love it. It would give us an alternative since Empire left.
  11. He suffers from a condition called "heavy foot" and has a doctor excuse for it.
  12. My question is since Brady has appealed if they get his texts records (including deleted texts) and or other documents and they find out it's worse than they thought can the league increase punishment?
  13. I thought he played really well last year right up until he was hurt. I heard some media saying pro bowl but what really impressed me about his play last year was his passion. I can't remember which game it was but one of our opponents were driving for the go ahead score and he started screaming at the defense and they held. It may have been Chicago.
  14. Jay thank you for trying. Appreciate the effort. Go Bills!
  15. No way kdiggz Rexy looks way better now!
  16. I would be happy they won, but I would question why they needed to cheat to win a championship and would be somewhat ashamed to represent my team because outside of WNY everyone would see ot as a tainted championship.
  17. I think he should have gotten 6 games but having those picks taken away really hurts them especially if JG doesn't work out.
  18. Put me down for a 4 game suspension but how does BB escape this again. He still is the captain of that ship right?
  19. As a caring involved father that had to take his ex wife to court on visitation rights I feel for you Deion. The courts do not like that garbage especially when your a good father that takes care of his offspring.Getting a lawyer and fighting is the right thing to do!
  20. I know a small school but that kid can rip it if you ask me. Nice arm against any competition but will he be able to read a defense, avoid monster lineman in big boy league? I'm not sure but I like his gun.
  21. I'm with Nanker on this. I'm not one for taking away a man's way of making a living, but in this case I need to make an exception.
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