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Everything posted by seq004

  1. Price was pumped up for the game and it showed. Did anyone notice that? Isn't that the attitude we need badly on the O-line? Right now I would say I like Tucker at Center better than Teague and we have to get Price in the lineup somehow. He's too good to keep on the bench. If Mike was a coach like Cower or Del Rio those guys might not make it back to the starting line-up. If you start players on performance only and not reputation, draft pick, or salary then say goodbye to Jennings and maybe TT, but I don't know if MM will do that
  2. Again, people are saying he has no trade value and that's just nuts. Does he look good this year? No. Does Henry give a sh1t? No. My question is why would any team not realize the guy is not giving 100% and will return to a 1400 rusher who will play in pain for the benifet of the team. I think TH is a dam good RB and until this year I'd say he was our MVP on offense. I just think Willis is a special athlete that will be a star in the NFL. I think that if we could get a quality lineman or say a 2nd round pick we trade him tomorrow and let Shaud Williams who I think is a pretty good back up and better than Burns back up Willis, JMO.
  3. That was NOT holding! The dumbest refs in the league
  4. ...and the Lake. When you consider all of it's natural resources you have to shake your head. It has to be the most underdeveleped city in the states. You could do so much to revitalize the city with the right people and the right money. Focking sad! I want to go back but to what?
  5. Jones was far from the greatest QB to ever play the game but he was a good one. He had a nice strong arm with a soft touch and he was cocky. He played under Ted Marchibroda and for a couple of years it looked like they would make it to the superbowl but just came up short. He was also a crybaby and I think that hurt him a lot
  6. Well, I live in Columbus and have watched his entire career or what was left of it. If that's YOUR opinion then so be it, you and TD would make a great team Travis almost tripled Dillon in yards last year and is 4 yrs the younger. There now go ahead and make excuses for last year genius
  7. I would take Travis over Dillon any day. So again are we talking about the old productive Dillon or the moody not so productive Dillon?
  8. I think if you look at the past 2 years Travis is a top 10 back especially if you consider the line he has run behind. It's obvious to me that he wants out and I think it's very possible we could give him to Oakland for Jake Grove maybe straight up. If not I think we can get a second for him. I think most teams realize the situation with him and Willis and will recognize is worth when giving 100%. I know some will disagree but I honestly think he is somewhere between 7 and 10 if you eliminate his 4 games played this year. I like Shaud Williams as a back-up to Willis. Fire away!
  9. I think most posters on this board are under-estimating Travis Henry's worth. If you go by the last 2 years the guy is a top ten RB and we might be able to get a O-lineman for him
  10. I have to agree Pete. The only trade scenrio that this team needs his for a guard or center and yes Jake Grove would be OK by me. If anyone thinks Travis has been giving 100 % since the Willis controversy they need their eyes checked. I believe he will be traded now rather than later so that teams can concentrade on his production for the last 2 years which I think makes him a top 10 RB. I like Shaud Williams also for a backup. Joe Burns ain't worth a nickel.
  11. I would support trading Henry for either a draft pick or a Offensive lineman. Anything else and I'm going to scream because we are losing games due to are TRENCH PLAYERS
  12. I agree PJ. It would make much more sense for the Bills to trade him now rather than wait till the offseason and give teams a look at the new Travis. The one falling over his own feet. Now, the old Travis is a bull and has been a 1400 rusher for two years in a row. Their are teams that will show interest in Travis I'm sure. It will just depend on wether the Bills can work out a deal for a O-Lineman or a draft pick. Thats what this team needs most. If they can't TD may wait.
  13. He's so toast and would add nothing to this offense. The only way that a trade would make sense would be a 3 team deal for a team that covets Rice and Buffalo getting a quality OFFENSIVE LINEMAN. If TH is on the block and I for one believe he is then getting a OFFENSIVE LINEMAN or a 2nd rd pick would be what this team needs. If TD can't get one or the other for Travis than I don't see him being traded.
  14. How dare you actually report a rumor, didn't you know the board is full of posters that only believe the facts, and have never read or wondered about trades Like I said last Sunday I think TH will be traded before the deadline. He is not helping the team by his pouting and he is no longer giving 100% . I think it's very possible and a good post.
  15. I agree! I hope they boo him. I just think that's focking bulls#it. Go find some other way of spending your time OJ, or are you to busy finding Nicole's killer? What a scumbag :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. Funniest thing I've heard all day
  17. Can you make this your last year as a Bills fan?
  18. Love his stuff. I've been following his career and also have done a lot of reading on Carl, Brian and my favorite Wilson- Dennis. Who would think Brian would last longer than Dennis or Carl. Their story is a truely tragic one, that is Dennis and Brian.
  19. You mean we haven't given up on the season? The players have, just tune in on Direct TV every sunday, crack a cold one and ask yourself again the same question. The season is over.
  20. I can think (and spell) but can you? If you idiots have been Bills fans for so long how come you don't know your history? Have you ever heard of Kay Stephenson, or Hank got yanked Bullough? Don't kid yourself Ralph does what he wants when he wants. HE IS THE OWNER! Hello? Like I said BEFORE it may not be till offseason but if the Bills end up 3-13 again TD will be gone. If I'm wrong come back and tell me so after the season
  21. You mean if we go say 2-14 TD won't be fired? Does a new GM always have to bring in a different coach than the one thats under contract? If the Bills keep losing TD WILL BE FIRED. You can count on it. It may not be till offseason but it will happen. Book it Dano
  22. I have to disagree....Go back and look at my post I said fire TD not MM and name an advisor till the offseason when a replacement can be made. It's to early to give up on MM, but I can see TD getting fired sometime this year. If you know Ralph Wilson's history of firing's it should not come as a surprise to anyone. The truth of the matter is he fired Bill Polian after taking them to the superbowl. I know some fans may dissagree but unless a miracle occurs TD will be leaving Buffalo sometime in the near future. I never said MM was going to get fired so I'm not sure what your talking about.
  23. Yes, Yes, Yes! They were talking about it during the game. You have a pro-bowl reciever on 1 side and a fast emerging rookie who plays like a Vet on the other side. They need to admitt this team is not set-up for the ground attack. If Bledsoe has 1 thing left in him it's a strong right arm. Let it rip! The season is almost over anyway.
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