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Everything posted by seq004

  1. Hey genius , I said "In the red zone" "at least on running plays" Some of you are pathetic. OMG, we could NEVER put in a defensive player or a player who plays a different position at the O-line. I bet Bears fans were saying the same thing about the Perry in 1985 but he palyed RB many times in 1985 and you know what oppenents could not stop him simply because they were over matched. A player does not have to go thru an entire training camp to learn a couple of plays on offense. What I meant was keep him in their in their at least in red zone running plays. So, BFD if the Jets see it, the question is can they stop it? I think Jason Peters can do what Bannan is doing and he is a tight end. Ever play football? You don't have to be a rocket scientist. Wow "extrapolated" that's a big word.
  2. I've got the TD's on tape and he was just mowing over people at the goaline. I at least hope to see him in the red zone on running plays. He's not playing defense so why not? That is a weak spot on the line( LG.) He seems to make the difference in the red zone.
  3. Justin Bannon who made a key block on Willis's TD. The thing is Bannon is a DT not an offensive guard.
  4. Signed Rudy Just kidding but they need to get the ball to Evans more. He has speed but was shut down again this week. The tightends have played better yet we can't seem to find another reciever other than Eric. I know he's just a rook but he or Sam Aiken will need to make some plays. Who cares about Reed he blows anyway. The media is still blasting the Bills more now than before the win.
  5. So, your saying if those 3 players were playing or at full speed the Pats would have won? No way but I think it would have been closer then the way they dominated you guys.
  6. ....and his number is 21. When I went back at looked at the tape Willis is screaming at L. Smith for holding on one of his nice runs. He seems like a leader our offense needs. The only other player that has leadership is Eric Moulds and he was giving Willis a big hug after the game. If JP pans out he will also be a leader so I'm optimistic about this team for next year. That's something this offense has lacked since Kelly left.
  7. If we can't move the ball more than 40 yards per drive. I'm glad we won and I'm enjoying it but I went back and looked at the tape. He could not put more than 1 long drive together. The 1st quarter Mcgahee TD was the only long drive we had. I believe the rest of the TD's were from field position from special teams. We won that game due to special teams and we can't count on that every week. I hope we beat the Jets. BTW looking at the tape Mike Williams looked pretty good. Got to go
  8. I'm hoping he gets in a knock down drag out fight with some of the coaches this week and even hope he refuses to come out of practice! It would mean another big game. Seriously today is the best I've seen of him.
  9. Nice call. You were close
  10. Man, can we do that every week? They look so much better than anyone on the offensive line. Big Sam won his his battle twice in the red zone (The first was not run his way) and Bannon gave a nice block on the long Magahee run. That's got to be tough playing both ways but if those guys want to win badly enough I think it can continue to work. Hats off
  11. If we can beat the Jets I think this team could go 8-8
  12. I hope your joking
  13. Yes I know Arizona is not the best team but 38 points is pretty good. I think that on defense game ball goes to Sam Adams. He was in the backfield in the QB's face most of the day. On offense I have to go with Willis McGahee. It's his strenth that is most impressive. The risk paid off for TD in this case. I'm watching the Stillers game and Ben gets pressured so he just steps up and complete's the pass. I have to believe Drew would hit the panic button and throw it at a wide open Willis's feet like today. Ben is a rookie. All and all Drew had a decent day but I'm waiting for a real QB like J.P.
  14. Too early to make that assumption but he has looked great. I think we'll have to wait till the end of next season to see who will be the better QB Losman or Ben. I like his arm but he is not as mobile as JP. The wait is on, but I got a feeling Losman is going to be a good one.
  15. Are you kidding me? That's a bunch of Bushshit! George Bush was for soldiers being killed in Vietnam but didn't want to go and fight being a child of priviledge but John Kerry had to go over to fight and risk his life but was against it! Connect the dots! Bush is a spoiled little moron who got a gift 4 years ago and now he's playing bang bang with marines lives. Look at job growth in the last 4 years and he is a foreign policy nightmare.
  16. In their prime without any doubt would be O.J. Simpson. He was just so much better than anyone on the field. He did things that didn't seem possible. I hate the guy today with a passion but I think most football historians pass him by because he stabbed 2 people to death but if were talking strictly football he was one of the best ever. Jim Brown also killed a girl.
  17. Dennis Shaw ahead of Lord Frank Reich is crazy. No way. Watched them both and Shaw had 1 good year (rookie year) and that was it. I think Frank was the best 2nd string QB of his time and would have been the starter on most teams. Without him there is no 4 superbowls and I think he outplayed Kelly in the 1992 season.
  18. I have to agree. I like Drew but the way to getting to him and our offense is too simple. Just Blitz. I think when you have a mobile QB it makes everyone look better due to the fact that the defense has another area to cover which is the QB running out of the backfield.
  19. Yeah, I mean I supported Drew until the Ravens game. It's just enough. I want to see Matthews give it a try till JP gets back which I think will be 2 weeks. It is a bad mix. Going into the season TD had to do at least 1 of 2 things. He could have totally revamped the o-line so that Drew could get the acres he needs to complete a pass or get a mobile QB who was ready to start. He did niether and gentlemen THAT is why we are 1-5. I want the Drew era to end asap and do my best to forget about the focking nightmare. Can't wait to see the costumes on Sunday.
  20. Ageed ...it's time to go to Matthews and see if that was a smart signing while waiting for JP. I do believe he was talking about Bledsoe or I really hope he was.
  21. Thats too funny
  22. Check it out it's on the front page, click on the link to the Buffalo news
  23. How is he surviving? Well Mr Bush. has decided to go ahead and pay for is room and board. Don't we have a great president that's nice to other folks?
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