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Everything posted by seq004

  1. ...and will you always make an excuse for him? It was the wind. He had all day to throw in Seattle in fact I think it was the O-lines best game of pass protection yet Drew KILLED THREE drives when he threw 3 perfect passes to the other team that is. We will never get there with Drew.
  2. I totally agree with that. I say keep him in until were out and than let JP start and forget about 2 and 1/2 years of a bad QB
  3. Decisions equal stats! Another brain on the board
  4. I agree with that somewhat but are you saying you are satisfied with Bledsoe's performance this year and you want him back next? We will be sitting here spinning our wheels talking about what could have been another year IMO
  5. Whatever, The reason they are winning is in despite Bledsoe. Your right it comes down to wins and losses and if Drew would have played better in some games we would be talking playoffs. I think most people outside of Buffalo view our wins as due to O-line and Willis and that Drew is the same old Drew. Stats DON'T lie. He is not a good QB. That's not a lie. You can throw Trent Dilfer in back their and still win with this offense but is he a good QB?? No, and did you ever think what the offense could be with a better QB? It's just my opinion and of course not everyone will agree. While it's hard for me to understand Drewonians I respect your opinion
  6. 10 and 2? I thought their were 16 games? Guest chose your own poisen. When the Bills struggle to get to the playoffs and fail next year and Bledslow is still throwing to the wrong team and has 40 sacks maybe then you'll scratch your clueless head. Your not ever going to get a winner in Bledsoe. How long will it take?
  7. Big deal! Troy was a much better QB than Drew. Get real. Did Troy have two seasons in a row like Drew has now had? Did Troy choke in every big game he had? Don't even try to compare. Troy was a winner and Drew is not and if you think bringing him back would be a good decision than your happy with his numbers of CMP % 57.5, 72.8 rating and 14 int to 13 td's ? The media has realized it why can't some fans realize it is baffling to me
  8. He has a CMP % 57.5 a QB rating of 72.8 and has thrown more Int's 14 than TD's 13 and threw 3 of those last week in a win. The media is finally realizing he's a liability on offense and that the resurrgent Bills are due to an improved O-line, Willis, and creative playcalling, why can't some of Drew's fans realize the obvious? Why would you even think about bringing him back? The o-line gave him all kinds of time last week and he still threw perfect balls into the hands of defenders. If we want to wallow in mediocrity for another year make Bledslow the starter again next year.
  9. I think I'll take their analysis over yours. Stats don't lie anytime you have more Int's than TD's you have a bad QB!
  10. I hope not. Like the crew of "playbook" on the NFL channel said he's a liability on offense and the Bills turnaround is due to the improvement of the O-line and Willis in place of Henry. They also said if Drew drops 1 more game Losman gets the start and I have to agree with them. When you have more Int vs TD's you have a bad QB. Lets wakeup people nothing is going to change if Bledsoe comes back.
  11. The tale of the tape tells it all. If you can go back and look at Mcgahee's TD's this season and notice Shelton's lead block is pounding defender's on every play.
  12. Trust me, havings used them at one time a long time ago I can tell you their are so many athletes that have at least taken them at one time or another the general population will be surprised if that list ever got out.
  13. In the words of "Doctor Evil" "Riiiiiiiiight". Bonds makes me sick. One of things I always notice with steroid users is that their face blows up like a balloon. Take a look at Bonds in Pittsburgh.
  14. I'll be honest and say I took steroids for a brief time. It's hard to admitt this. Do I regret it? Yes, very much so. I'm afraid what it could have done to my health. At the time I didn't have kids. Now that I do I want to be around as long as possible. I know guys right now who have been taking them every day 9 months of the year. I think that's crazy and one day they may regret it. I had no side effects other than some zits (which I hated.) The only good part is when you went to the gym or went out to the field and your doing some incredible things with strenth that you didn't have before. Would I do it for that money? I can honestly say no. My family which is a 17 month old baby girl and my 6 year old girl, and my wife are more important. Take it as you will.
  15. They basically said what most of us already know, which he's a liability on offense and that's just what they called him. They praised Willis and said he along with the run blocking is the reason for the turnaround. Everyone said except Parker that if Drew loses one more game he's done. Finally the medis speeks the truth
  16. Is anyone other than me on this board Democrat and didn't get fooled by Bushshit?
  17. Forgot to put (OT) sorry guys
  18. This is the breakdown.funding
  19. Can you tell me why the Blackbear talks in third person? Jimmy wants to know.
  20. They have not beat a good team in an AWAY game and till they do they are not an etite team. They probably will make it to superbowl because they won't lose at home in the playoffs.
  21. I played with him on two teams in grade school. Funny thing is at that time he was not the best player on the team. Daryl's father was an assistent coach but man he was a harda$$. This was not the type of grade school football that you see today. They would treat you the same as in highschool He chewed out the first person he saw. I used to have a team picture that we were both in. Man, hard to believe he had a great career. He was very good at the Cuse also. I think that is dad pushed him so hard that he was bound to do well. He's got a great Mom and Dad(don't know if dad is still alive)
  22. This game might be a lot closer than you think. One thing is for sure they are the worst fans in football.
  23. Sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you and your family.
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