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jimmy griffin

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Everything posted by jimmy griffin

  1. well, he couldn't do my job. and i show up every day and work hard and never get injured (or call insick). so your analogy holds ZERO water.
  2. i hope you right. they have been thin on talent for 10 yrs now. they need to stay healthy 1st.
  3. Perry Fewwells info?!?!?! LOL. belicheck needs Perry's Defensive Info like a Moose needs a tie rack. Fewell will be luck to have a college defense backs coaching job after this season. 31st ranked defense = bye bye
  4. Man is a WR who was forced into action acter everyone got injured. But during regular season games (not practice or preseason) he excells. He is a gamer -- and plays with savvy. If a good Off. coach targets him, we are in trouble. But in the mix -- he is effective. He reminds me of Carnell Lake, kind of untrained and wild -- yet has a knack for a big play. I like him over KO simpson. Whittner must step up.
  5. McKinney looks pretty darn good. That line is one of the best -- better than Clevelands.
  6. Graham, In your opinion, who are the top four (4) heavy weight boxers right now? 1. 2. 3. 4.
  7. Walker and Dockery need to blow people off the ball this season. Positioned side-by-side, these two could dominate -- ala Mount McKinney and Steve Hutchinson, in Minnesota. BTW, imagine if the BIlls had drafted McKinney -- Peters would be pumping gas in Hope or working at a Wallmart in Little Rock.
  8. general u.s. grant was taken by a fiancial ponzie scam too. it happens. the SEC and other layers for plaintiffs do wonders to police these scum bags.
  9. I would love to know how much money, after taxes, jason webster has made in the NFL for the PAST THREE YEARS. Should not be more than $15.23 for the work he put in and did. That guy blows. as little as he has been on the field -- really, how much did he make for the last three years aft taxes?
  10. She is available. She is now an American citizen -- via mariage (the divorce -- unexpected). She is bringing her family from St. Petersburg -- to live in Cleveland.
  11. i liked the article too. graham capsulated all the important inforation in there -- nicely. i especially liked how he pointed out that peters dropped his old agent to hire parker -- the ball buster to get him more money. pure greed for a guy who is lucky to be in the league. what a fool. if wilson caves in a pays $8 mil i will loose respect for wilson and the is front office. the case is clear cut that peters is in the wrong and must conform before money will be spent. he needs to proves his value past what he has -- which wsa he was rewarded for in 2006 -- with $3.5 m.
  12. jerry crafts is out of prision
  13. walker has a compound fracture and will have a new arm attached by doctor andrews of montgomery , alabama.
  14. lets give dockery a raise while we are at it. dockery has been playing amazing. he deserves more money on his $50 miil deal. while we are at it, lets give langston walker a raise too. these guys have been playing soooo well! they need and deserve more money. lets extend their contracts tomorrow morning. we are a cash cow, adn we don't use contracts anymore. we simply pay - -when some player says, I want money. that is how we do business.
  15. chambers aint that bad. he is a terrible run blocker. but he can pass block like a mother.
  16. i agree. and the pedigree of a blue chip player is important -- usually. it speaks to technique and longevity and is an accurate determination for how long a guy can last. these guys are at the combine, and a determination on a prospect goes way beyond physical play -- ala jay peters.
  17. what if we beef up robert royal and let him play left tackle. he then will want $11.5 mil after he switches to eugene parker's law office for representation.
  18. fantasygang.nation.com just stated "l. walker might have a herniated clavical" kidding
  19. lol!!!!!!!!!!! haaaaaaaa.....that is hilarious!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaa....this is great. some kenmore west sophmmore is diagnosing a starting nfl left tackle. haaaaaaa
  20. lets give demetrius bell $3.5 miltomorrow a.m. for 5 seasons. and let him play 16 games. next season, he will want $8mil, while having 4 yrs left on the existing k.
  21. guys are going to get injured. we can't really have a team that is so thin that we can't live without walker, can we? good teams keep going with injuries. chambers, step it up. walker is a good player -- but by now, after 10 yrs, the bills have some depth to work with. i think...
  22. mcelvin has been terrible at corner. he can't tackle and his coerage skills as suspect. we got a problem here. hell ofa returner. but his defensive skills are suspect as hell. modrak, please chime in ...
  23. funny as$ picture avantar. lol. your post is intersting. i would take that vet 99 defense anyday. the vet pressence and savvy pedigree of that unit was important. BRUCE was lossing it a little in 99 - -but still effective. thomas smith and henry jones were gamers. they rarely were beaten. polian drafts GREAT defense backs. sam cowart was a solid player. very physcial. i dont like poz. he is FAR to small for my liking. in games, he is dragged around by large RBs. i would be surprised if stays healthy for 16 games. too small. i know others like the guy, but he is a poor mans chris speilman -- who was devastated by natron means and other big backs in large palyoff games in the late 1990s. i would rather have a big body teddy bruski, kirkland (old), etc, type in the middle -- to take on guards and ousupport the run. cowarrt was very physical. he refused to be carried for a few yards. he would drive RBs backward. run defense is an attidude. ted washington played with great technique and savvy. he knew when to make the special play at the right time and save his energy. mccargo palys to random adn wild still. wiley was athletic and had good athletic ability and speed. he was fearless and would stick his head in there to make a play. he was happy to get dirty. kelsay and denney are bruttal. both stand around the entire play with their hands on their hips. and then help the RB up off the grass. they are terrible. spenser and stroud are savvy vets who will clog up the middle. stamina is a major problem with stroud. with JAX he could not finish games ro stay fresh. he is a nasty SOB when primed and motivated. ko simpson - who knows? nothing stands out for me. donte is a good player -- but a bust IMO for a draft pick that high. michael Huff for the raider -- the safety taken before donte is dominating games now -- all over the field. wittner's range is suspect. he is short in stature. and when brandon jacobs ran past him last season and wittner was scared to tackle him -- i lost a LOT of respect for donte. he might be a pus$y at heart. i'll tell you, kelso , ya that guy, stuck his head into Ottis Anderson (super bowl ) a few times. He was not scared. ottis had kelso by 40 pounds. winfield was great. he got outclassed by tall receivers, but all in all , he was a super corner. the guy knew the game and was very smart. sean moran was a joke. shawn price was terrble too. they were not good subs. and it hurt late in the 1999 season. pjil hanson was like wiley. played with great leverage and had that odd and strange midwest country farm hand strenght. a GREAT player in every regard. one of the great bills IMO. not affraid to get dirty. he would shed blockers or take them on adn still make plays. mcgee is terrific. good cover guy -- great athlete. like winfield or thomas smith. "the greers" are a wash IMO. gabe northern, again, was physical. wade phillips likes physical LBS that try to destroy RBS. Gabe got injured adn was never the same. kurt shultz was a good substitute. the bills could plug guys into the lineup like him and it would not show. on his own, schultz was nothing to write home about. but he was protected by the stars on that 99 defense. marlo perry and degorgio are spare part players. not starters -- should only be special team guys. kavika is a solid physical player. he fits that nasty mean LB with good size and hatred for the opposition. no flare-- jsut solid meana$s play. great pickup. we covered everyone here... i would say the 99 defense was smarter and the vets pressence was evident.
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