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jimmy griffin

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Everything posted by jimmy griffin

  1. these guys reported that the sabres signed ron francis 10 yrs ago.
  2. really. i'm have no motive to post it. it was just very impressive. not tking sides. and i agree, good to see the political scene so fresh. i look forward to mccain showing some fire too. this is great theater.
  3. i dont care what party u r. that speech tonight was a masterpiece. im to young to remember jfl or mlking or abe lincoln's speeches. but damn, obama was incredible tonight. wow...that was great entertainment....
  4. i dont know what trolling is. i suppose it is some inside computer/ prejorative insult. stick to the subject matter. focus on the issues. don't try to impress the other readers. stay with the conversation and within the thread. you seem to know a little (stress that word) about the bills. but there are other teams in the league with growing and blossoming talent and rosters. keep your eyes and ears open and be open to the suggestion that other teams are better than the bills b/k they have better rosters. don't forget peters in 07, BTW. as to the pro bowl list, i think it is fair to say that most on THOSE THIN LISTS are/were alternates. only two (2) of those guys are still with the team -- what does that tell you? And one is a punter. the idea that the bills have talent, as we all know, if over and done with. they have stunk for 10 years.. this season we haev seen a transformation. we know have some fiber and some bodies out there that can compete. but please, if you are insisting that the club has had talent -- pro bowl talek for the past 10 yrs your are on "cloud nine." again, we are all here to talk about the team and be open to suggestion and conversation. my post simply says teh FINS will win a game against us. I feel they have the talent to do that; and we don't have the talent to STOP them. seems reasonable. seems pragmatic.
  5. I'll see if I have time tomorrow to write up a side-by-side with analysis. Ricky Williams is primed for a VERY good season. Jake Long is dominant already. Ronnie Brown was on route to 2000+ total yards last season. He was shredding defenses. Ginn looks like a top WR. On defense, they are active and young. Ssaban knows talent -- and stacked the team with guys that will blossom. Compared to the Bills, who had one pro bowler in, what, 10 yrs (brad morman), they have some talent.
  6. I was just in Phoenix for meetings. The Birds Nest has a retractable roof. Anyone who has ever been to Phoenix (cement city) knows that is will be about 110 degrees during that game. SUNNY and bright. Cardinals have developed some offensive punch. Their defense is shaping up. They have four or five pro bowl types. Bill will be coming off another road trip from St. Louis the weekend before. That is a lot of travel to the WEST. keep up the good work.
  7. talent wise , coaching and overall managment, the FINS are just as good as the bills. the games will be close. do a position by position analysis. i can't stand rose colored glasses fans. we are all bills fans, but lets be sober about the other teams in the division. parity exists. you have to put aside bias and use logic. do a sidebyside...and get back to me.
  8. favre never missed a game. part his line and THEN HIS POCKET PRESSENSE. same for manning and marino before him. savvy ---- savvy savvy...quick release, read def adn unload on hot reads and recognizing protection problems vs. overloads ...
  9. Nick Mangold is a special center. Brick is a star in the making. Your a clown if you think otherwise. woody is servicable. a seasoned vet. BUT FANECA is the best guard in pro football. favre also makes the line better as he recongnized hot reads and check downs. his pocket pressence is second to NONE. JETS will surprise...
  10. chance? what are you talking about? what chance?
  11. 9-7 -- my prediction. W SEATTLE SEAHAWKS home opener. shut down julius jones. trent to the royal for 2 scores. L @ Jacksonville Jaguars JAX is too physical. garrard is special. close game. trent might get injured. W OAKLAND RAIDERS OAK is terrible. shut donw mcfadden. blitz -- shoebel with 3 sacks. W @ St. Louis Rams steven jackson = 8 guys in the box. trent finds lang bombs -- posts. soft st. louis DEF. L @ Arizona Cardinals zona is a good team and will surprise. will be hot and nasty. Larry Fitz with 2 scores. BYE L SAN DIEGO CHARGERS even at home, we can't beat this team. OL and DE too much. especially without Peters. L @ Miami Dolphins miami is for real. they are physical and have a good running game. L NEW YORK JETS favre eats up the soft cover 2 de. jets OL in is dynamic. ouch L @ New England Patriots too much brady and moss. NE is still to powerful W CLEVELAND BROWNS we can hang with the slow browns. their def is soft enoug for trent to find holes. W @ Kansas City Chiefs stop larry johnson with 9 guys in the box and we win. fred jackson screen passes rule. W SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS this will be a close game. lindell field goal late. W MIAMI DOLPHINS (Toronto) bills will get timely special teams play. blow out win for blfo. W @ New York Jets bills surprise everyone and win in NY. marshawn goes wild for 200 total yrds. W @ Denver Broncos denver is terrible on def. bills win a squeeker by a field goal. L NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS
  12. indeed the bills have added players and more fiber. their top picks have panned out and they have depth. their FA guys have also panned out (royal, walker, dockery). they still dont have as much talent as NE. and i think the jets will surprise peoople. miami's defense will be active adn fast and their offense steady with chad pennington adn ricky williams and ted ginn. they also have good special teams. we still can't compete with the best. the dallas game last season proved that. we are not much better than that this year. Leonis will not start -- he is a better returner than corner (he looks lost most of the time and seems to have trouble tackling and reading plays). wittner is undersized and was drafted to high (jacobs of the NYG ran past him and danote was scared to try to tackle him -- at home, that was pathetic). all in all, lynch and edwards and the OL seems imporved. the peters loss hurts. the loss stands out b/k he and morman are the only pro bowlers the club has had in 10 yrs. dallas had about 13 pro bowlers. on paper, slightly better. 9-7 record IMO.
  13. Each plastic seat is worth $33.80. When in stalled in 1972, they were state of the art plastic/polymer/synthetic. The seats are also bolted down into the concrete rows with 5 inch leg bolts. $100.00 is not a fair offer for the seat. $100.00 might be fair for the tickets -- as it is a preseason game.
  14. agree. but conjecture is always fun. these threads are pure conjecture and fans , who know nothing, comments about their dreams and their thoughts on everything. subjective meets objective.
  15. funny thread. the responses are great. funny question. will we ever have "another shot". the bills SB teams, were like the perfect storm. kelly was a leader. thurman a great back with all the tools. great savvy coaches. vets (lofton, art still, richter, etc). good roll players (hull, conlon, lenard smith). bruce smith - a premier end. cornelius bennett the feared pass rusher. andre reed, who went from rags to riches b/k he ran a perfect slant patterb and skinny post every down. and others. polian is a mastermind. he knows how to assemble talent. he should have never left blfo. the other gms and coaches have been suspect. free agency requires a new strategy to keep and attrack players. the front office got burned on many high picks. wilson is older and not as in-tune with the day to day operations of his club. the club has gotten "loose." john butler, aj smith, ferguson and dwight adams were class acts, during an era when class acts and good guys were rewarded. times have changed.\ so, we hope for the best and cant compare the past. i think it will require luck to advance. the parity of the teams is evident. ne IS amazing , but they have everything blfo had in the early 1990s.
  16. 50+ tds in a hard division! i like tebow. but he is not a pure passer. tackles and ends and linebackers would beat th ehell out of him. most of his runs, he simply overpowers guys. in the nfl, he would get drilled. but he sure is fun to watch. colt brennan is the guy the bills should have drafted. he has a rocket arm and is favre like. save this post.
  17. he is a force. raw. but he looked like a player. real nice balance and footwork. plays free and not afraid to mix it up. we shall see more tomorrow vs. detroit. but bell, on the surface, seems promising.
  18. good godfather pull/call. nice one. goodole mr. woltz. tom haggan made him an offer he couldn't refuse...
  19. here we go again with rotoworld...oh boy... and i though leonard joined the circus or became a rodeo midget. starting for an NFL team -- damn, balt must be desperate...
  20. takes courage. del rio is a real man. the guy has always been a warior on adn off the field. what a guy. i mean, he has to retain an agent too -- for his deal to be a coach. and he knows managment must keep the peace with agent to get palyers signed, etc. del rio say SKREW YOU! i love it. he doesn't take any crap and his team has that same mentalit.y i like jouron, but his panzie defeatist attitude only emboldens guys like peters and parker -- who are preditor looking for an easy 'mark' parker is sitting behind a big oak desk soemwhere in arkansas right now thinking he has the bills by th eballs b/c brad morman is their only pro bowler in the past 5 yrs. thus, peters is god to mr, wilson, so parker thinks. old man wilson aint NO BAND LEADER!!!!!
  21. jimmy the greek? yikes...
  22. by trade they lost willis mcgahee. and they lost london fletcher, a GREAT player. pat williams was good too (not to go too far back) but all in all, they havn't lost many good players. goes to show you how thin and bruttal their talent was and is.
  23. peters wants $8-12 mil per season and anywhere from $10-20 mil. guaranteed. he limped off the field last time we saw him. his agent wont return calls and is a known touble maker. he wont take a low base salary or incentive laden deal. he wants to renegotiate a renegiated deal. great agents he has. how do these guys get their law degree ?
  24. Jaguars] Del Rio Blames Agent For Derrick Harvey Holdout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the contract dispute between the Jacksonville Jaguars and rookie defensive end Derrick Harvey lingers, Jags coach Jack Del Rio has taken off the gloves and swung a bare-knuckled fist at Harvey’s agent. Several days ago, Del Rio pointed a finger at Ken Kremer of CAA during Del Rio’s weekly radio show. “Obviously, it has gone on quite a while and there’s a great deal of money that’s gone by right now,” Del Rio said. “Quite frankly, I think its more about the agent than the player. When you look at the numbers, it doesn’t make sense for anyone expect the agent building a client base for next year.”
  25. I agree with you guys, that Peters can get out of his stance and puch people off at the POA. HOwever, the majoritiy of the runs allow these guys to stand up (toss; sweeps; counters; h-leads, etc) and simply waltz into the defenders. Only on 3rd and short do they need have the leverage to uproot a defender. As for Walker, he has great technique and has developed his understanding of the positon. Peters has NOT mastered his posiiton, and relies, maybe, on pure brute athleticness. And that is why the pedigree and technique consideration (i mention in other posts) matters over the long haul and when talking about large long contracts.
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