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jimmy griffin

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Everything posted by jimmy griffin

  1. Many moons ago, TOm Barasso had his 9-11 burned after a terrible Sabre performance/game. I wonder is these hoodlums in Leonis's cases are the offspring? Do you people remember the Barasso car burning?
  2. Added to the excellent play of the OL was great downfield blocking by OWENS. Any screen or 2nd level run depends on good blocking downfield. TO was a monster with that. And Nelson was good too. All in all -- they finally seem to know what they are doing upfront. I credit VAN PELT and better talent. They are ONE playmakere away on defense from benig a contender (need an impact LB).
  3. I agree. Like the throwback in TENN many years ago -- these idiots did not coach when it counted. same on the two defensive stands with 5 minutes left. WHAT THE HELL COVERAGES were they in? April is a GREAT STs coach -- but that coverage needs to be tighter. BLAME JAURON IMO. like it or not -- he is the fall guy...
  4. I like how all three stayed on their blocks. Jackson was able to get to the second level a few times. One time, there was a penalty by Bell - on a BIG RUN GAIN. I also like how Levitre gets nasty and goes after guys with some moxie. Wolfork is a load. And Levitre wore him down. In the senior bowl -- Levitre played left guard and was dominant. He is fast for a big fella -- he looks exactly like a denver bronco lineman 10 years ago. carbon copy...
  5. These three played GREAT. Bell had some mental mistakes, but all in all, he was solid. He needs some experience, but the tools are there. He also needs to work on pass rush moves to the inside. he got burned a few times on those. He can handle the outside rush just fine. His run blocking was super. He has good drive and was out in front a ton. He can run like a deer. Levitre was SUPER. He literally picked up Wolfork a few times and moved him. He was absolutely GREAT. He protects well and on running plays was down field going after guys. He seals blocks off and uses great leverage. He is fast. In space -- he looked like an all pro IMO. He is going to be a dominate lineman. Wood (see Levitre). Plays like a 4 yr vet. Mean and stays on his blocks. Technique and balance and power are all there. He handled Javis Green with ease.
  6. Sure, they will get beat. But damn it, lets see them, especially that young green OL, go out and knock some dicks in the dirt. No kitty football tonight. I want to see Butler going after guys after plays and Wood pancaking guys where he can. Solid blocking from the TE of choice will help... On DE, Mr. Maybin's time is here. GO BILLS!
  7. TENN has one of the best defenses in the league --if not the best. no one can run on them
  8. Ha, thanks buddy. For 12 years now -- I have been wrong with this team. I surpised they didnt cut Nic Harris -- that would be the norm for them.
  9. no team in the league can boast depth. there is a shortage of LBs and def line player. as such, maybin needs to go where he is needed. the team still needs impact players. TD was the worst GM is the history of the team. he treid to get 53 average players -- as opposed to 40 average players and 13 IMPACT PLAYERS. Mike Williams bing a scrub did not help. But really, TDs guys were/ are average to below average at all positions. YOu cant win in the league without a 4-10 impact types on your team. they dont have to be 1st rounders. i think the bill finally changed their approach on this -- as evident by the promsing play of nic harris at LB and Frad Jackson (a free agent pick up) -- who is becoming an impact RB by any standard.
  10. there is something to be said about changing the culture. trying to get rid of losing types and start fresh with kids who dont know any better. all in all, they got rid of a losing player (walker) -- who has never been a winning pro team. he was on a sad raider team first. this can either backfire or turn out to be brilliant. when it is brilliant -- often the talent and pedigree of the players are usually HIGH. GREEN BAY did this a few years ago and now has a dominant line. NE did it many years ago and is now dominates. you need to have good players to do it. this experiment should be interesting. drafting a RT next year would be awesome -- if BEll pans out.
  11. Jerry Crafts was just seen at the Buffalo Airport with Ron Francis
  12. yeah, "lg" -- usually means left guard. thus, no kidding he wouldnt ply lt (this means left tackle). he hurt his achilles game 4 of last season. that is a long time to recoup. also, that injury IS NO longer career theatening. i suppose you should ask the pats why they signed him -- i mean they dont do anything, right? actually, you know more than the pats front office, right? so, when they make a roster move -- you usually doubt it, yes? the moral of the story? bills should have signed him as ol (offensive line) depth.
  13. i would like to see sage rosenfels come over in a trade. then let him run for his life behind this swiss cheese line. this line will have to be gritty and will learn quick during this long season. vince wolfork must be loving it.
  14. simmons was a premier guard for pitt for many yrs. what is so funny? ne was smart to sign him. he would be a great lg for the bills. he is an emotional leader type. do you have anything substantive to say? or just giggling?
  15. they are morons. kendall simmons was avail a couple of days ago-- and new england took him. he is a force. runyan is a RT. unless they move butler to rg and wood to lg -- this move is whacko
  16. line: bell levitre harg wood butler
  17. Agree. He really knows DE. His pass rushing units and packages are legend. As a head guy -- yikes. Too loose. Gruden is the answer in blfo. short passing game and smash mouth running game -- 2 runs and short pass to a TE. boring -- but it will get bills to the playoff.
  18. lots of talk about JL gone. davis was incredible at clemson last yr. rookie of the yr written all over him...he plays like terrell davis. strong, one cut north south guy. good catcher.
  19. rhodes has a sb ring. he got in a fight in camp == showed some motivation to win finally for a bill... rhodes is a GREAT pass catcher. He is also a great blitz blocker. apparently, they want to keep a few extra WRs -- and guys who can play ST.
  20. hey you, what about jamal lewis? any word ? thx
  21. The WWE (formerly the WWF) -- is one the most profitable entertainment entities ever. they make about $600 mil (revenues) year. Thus, Jerry JOnes trying to mimic it, is brilliant. Im not taking JOnes side -- just playing devil's advocate. Crushing the little guy is how big business works. Business has no morals or social awareness. Ever hear of Enron? With the big business aside, and my opinion of what jones has in mind aside (his motivations) -- i agree with you RJ that you would think owners would want to preserve the product. And again, that is wilson's only position. WIlson also says that he deserves this sharing model b/k he was a poineer of the product. THis arguement (the Don Corleone trick) is almost done -- as his co-horts Mara, KC guys, Bidwell, etc are almost all gone and passed away. Wilson does deserve credit -- but after 40 years, no one cares. People are starting not to care about anything. The argument that the cartel must stay whole and that there money in the structure and conformity and unity of a well run league, on balance, can not compete or out rationalize the big business model seen in Major league baseball and wanted by NFL greedy owners. THey see profits being shared. They see a monopoly of teams - -that protect the little teams who HARDLY have any comapred to them. They see 5 or 6 teams that are in the way. The other cities are solvient and can make huge cash without sharing. Cincy, Buff, Jax, et al are the trouble makers. the little cities and teams have to beg for new stadiums to look like they are helping and participating in the sharing (here, if you get a new stadium - you make 20-30% more profit to bring to the profit sharing table). With Wilson, he has a crap stadium with NO luxury box licenses to big donors. He is NOT BRINING anything to the table or helping the sharing of money. His product is actually taking money as is Mike Brown's. And Jerry JOnes is pissed about that. ultimatly, the bills and fans get an inferior product and stadium with sharing. owners have no motivation to build or make profits. they simply live off scraps of the kills of the stronger lions. and with the new luxury box licnese fees and stadium fees, etc -- this sharing model is dumb for the big owners to keep up.
  22. Jerry Jones could care less about the structured league you talk about, where owners read history books on how great it used to be in the 1960s - all in an effort to keep the structure entact for future profits. This is evident by the fact that Jerry Jones actually SUED THE NFL (a few times) alleging the NFL was a monopoly and that revenue sharing was antitrust and restricted competition. Jones wanted to break the cartel up --- he could care less about the history and how the cartel ultimately protects the league or the other stuff you wrote. Why? Because the league is a mature entity now. It can stand on its own. You are drinking Ralph Wilson's punch that the "owners need to be govenors and stick together and keep the league solvent by being bound together as one cartel." That is Wilsons only way of making money -- is that scare tactic. Nonsense, the league has its concrete underpinnings, it will not fail. The tower is built strong, they are into Canada and will be into Mexico soon. Fans are hooked, merchanidise sales is hooked. The electronic media, TV, the sport itself is ingrained, stamped and forever part of the american fabric -- as a cant live without necessity. Local, state, federal entites are all co-mingleded in the NFL. The league is overly solvent/intact -- and it is the little teams and cities that need to get out of the way of the big cities (in the eyes of Jones, Schneider, etc). Right now, Buffalo uses about 70 % of its revenue to operate the club. The cowboys use about 30% of their revenues. The rest of the cowboys profits go to profit sharing (so 70% of jerry jones hard earned money goes to the league). 30% of Wilson's money goes to the league sharing. DOes that seem fair? And as time goes on, these numbers are getting larger. The NFL made like $8-10 BILLION last season. Ultimately, Ralph Wilson makes a HUGE profit by having a lossing team and doing nothing.
  23. In a way, you cant blame owners like Jerry Jones and Danny Schneider for not wanting to share the money they make. In Wash, DC, Danny sells merchandise at a higher cost to WAY more people than Ralph Wilson can. They make more money off their club and their TV markets are much larger. Jones just sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth the high prices box seat licenses for his new stadium. He wants that money. Teams like the bills and Bengals use 70% of their revenue to pay the club and salary cap. Big teams like the redskins use about 30%. Of course these owners have no respect for the old guard (Wilson, Mara, Paul Brown, KC guy, et al). The old owners want to share, like it was back in the Depression, when everyone was nice to one another and it was a land of milk and honey. Times have changed. There is no respect in business anymore. And the NFL is a business. Old deals and winks and nods are over. New fast-cat lawyers and businessmen owners will run this league into the ground. The anti-trust agreement is germane. As on poster stated, COngress could get involved. Charles Shumer, Sen from NY is Ralph Wilson's buddy. He sits on the Sen. Judicial Committee -- where this exemption would be hashed out, if it came to that. Ralph stuck his neck out a couple years back to push back Schneider and Jones on sharing. The owners all agreed to let Ralph has his way -- UNTIL THE NEW CBA which is coming up next year. THis is going to be a WAR ...and there is a rumor that they will play that season without a cap. yes, NO CAP.
  24. One of the Browns' QBS would look good in a Bills uni. Both are NFL caliber. Both are an upgrade. Send a 3rd rounder for Anderson. Quinn has more upside -- Mangini will keep him. T. Jackson of Minnesota could be an excellent QB in this league. He has a GREAT arm, is mobile and has some good experience. Jackson struggled in the playoff last season -- but was green. Get him now, when there is ZERO pressure on him to perform (insted of some end-of-the-year dog and pony show bring him in a week before the season -- i.e., obviate the "he is the savior" crap). Get him under the radar and let him play. Edwards is NOT the same guy he was since taking that hit in Arizona. THe guy is a shell of himself. TImid, not sharp, not leading. NFL = Not For Long. live by this mantra and you will win in this league. Bills big cuts: Denney Parrish
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