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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. What if La'El lives on campus attached.to the same parking lot as Applebees ??
  2. No a few players went up to visit him on Miami's behalf.
  3. He told the maitre d' to go outside and shoot something for him to eat, stat.
  4. It's a joke & you know it, HO insurance is more here for sure.
  5. Wow, just wow. They're not bothering with it, so what does that mean ??
  6. That rarely happens man, like never. It's obvious that the infrastructure there was so badly damaged because of the way power & water was being transmitted. I'll assume every power cable was low hanging & above ground, right ?? I've been by there before and remember thinking this is not a modern place.
  7. Can you make this simple for the rest of us ?? What's up ?? Highlights ??
  8. Let me know how many bad ones she's had. Your Mom could also be overpaying as well, which after reading the verbiage of your post is about 99% likely. Apple's never fall far from the tree.
  9. Does the Port part mean it's directly on the water ?? J/K. Like I said, events like that are rare here. How long before that happened was the last storm ?? How long ago is a few years back ?? 2 big storms coming by in 50 years isn't something that's going to make it that much more, unless the place is really low (like New Orleans' bowl).
  10. Not when you're away from the water, there are zones that could flood based on the size of the storms. That's how they rate your homeowners insurance, most are Category 3 or higher (which are unlikely to hit). To be clear, there's been ~2 storms in about 50 years that came in about that with none being a direct hit (tidal surge). I'm in SW FL & not using Hurricane Andrew in the early 90's as an example, that was a big one & leveled quite a few homes in a tight area. The Miami zoo was directly hit so there was animals running around that you normally wouldn't see down in the South florida (Lions...Zebras...).
  11. This is where the Bills shine, we need major help on the line & have a great O-line coach to make their dreams come true.
  12. No, even the property taxes are about half & my local state tax on purchases is 6%. That's about 3-3.5% less than Erie county tax as I recall.
  13. It's more like 9% NY state tax and a net less of 5.75% of all the income, let's not forget the state income tax on homes owned being about 2.5% of their value versus about 1.25% in FL (less homesteading).
  14. Rodak doesn't know what's going on & no one is going to waste their time chasing someone that's already made a commitment to another team. He is supposed to meet with the Bills & Miami, he hasn't formally met with the Bills just yet.
  15. She was 8 months pregnant & as I understand it, they broke up a few months ago. So there's a chance that it's his child that passed, which adds an additional layer of motive. That being said, he looks to have not physically done it (like Rae Carruth) & wasn't even technically in town. He could of hired someone but that usually takes money, which he hasn't gotten yet. I would think the police would check his bank accounts & see if any large sums of cash had been withdrawn / major money moments. Following the money is usually a good start, then talking with all their mutually friends. Personally speaking, I think the dude got railroaded & she got herself in a street debt figuring she'd pay it off when the contract was signed. When the money guy found out she couldn't pay, he made an example out of her not to borrow unless you can pay.
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