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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. LOL, the leader role he played lead to the worst defense in the NFL. This is a good way of putting it.
  2. That's actually an interesting theory, T Jax was going to cost us something so this might be a good bridge.
  3. These 4 guys have something in common but some things are not the same.
  4. A few people Lynch ran over with his car / almost ran over might beg to differ, he had a poor character when he was here.
  5. I agree with the last part, this should of been handled earlier than now.
  6. By If the management caves everytime a player holds out, more will hold out. The Bills gave him a very generous, all guaranteed cash offer. If he plays this season & makes a huge impression, he'll be holding a huge contract. The past 3 years performancse have been good but not rookie year amazing good, so which player do we pay ?? The rookie Byrd guy or the past 3 year guy, using the data we have ?? You give him a huge raise & see if he deserves more, based on his play. Byrd's trade-value is also about as high as it can get right now as well, I'd probably try to pick a great LB on another team to trade for him for instead of a pick. We really need help at LB right now, more than probably any other position. I know I'll get the "player for player swaps rarely happen", but so does the possibility of other teams improving their secondary.
  7. I see a few similarities, Both have a guy in charge that monitors everything you say and do while acting without any boundaries. Both have powerful armies of people that go out and collect money using the law & both cannot be touched via anti-trust laws, allowing them to basically print money without being taxed.
  8. Just don't field calls from strange phone numbers.
  9. JB's 2009 INT total is equal to his past 3 years combined, even passes defended is close for 2009 if you combine the last 3 years. That's a one year wonder to me & you don't pay him near the most money for one amazing rookie season. http://www.nfl.com/player/jairusbyrd/79899/careerstats
  10. We will not overpay for him, he's a one year wonder on a consistently losing team. If he was consistent on a winning team, he'd have a chance at his contract goal.
  11. This means that both sides are digging in, this isn't good.
  12. The judge was upstaged in court by Chad slapping his lawyer's fanny & decided that Chad queered the plea deal. The judge then proceeded on to sentencing Chad to 30 days in jail instead of the plea that Chad's lawyer worked to obtain, which the judge commented positively on the work of Chad's lawyer's behalf.
  13. Wow, sorry to hear this Brother. I guess we all can equate negative or positive things to when the games were played. It's probably what helps makes us fans I guess.
  14. My Goodness it's like learning how to live again, Kick it's rear Jim. You have always been a man amongst boys.
  15. Cancer touched my family quite sadly, not too far after Norwood missed his kick. My Mom wasn't a big sports fan, not her a normal Bills backer herself spent her last few months alive after watching that happen. After the kick went wide right, my Mom began to cry. I looked at her in amazement & wondered why she would be so emotional. She basically spent the additional time in confusion after cleaning up & didn't say a lot after it happened. She had me laid down several years earlier to the event explaining that she had cancer & that she wasn't going to live all that much longer. Being younger, I wrote it off as impossible in denial. She went in and out of the hospital for several years in-between & looked to be good when she and back for treatment, my brother preparing her new kitchen & bathroom she always wanted. Finally my brother got all done with those improvements & Mom passed never to come home to see them. She passed & every game I hoped for a better day to say look Mom we finally did won it. Maybe some day, I'll get to hold a sign as an event to acknowledge that we finally did it & to RIP. You'll know me by that event event, being there for that moment. Someday she won't cry anymore for the Bills losing, based on my thinking she's still waiting for that day. We all have our battles to fight, mine is just a little farther away than I'd like to admit. I bet Jim's isn't that far off from mine, having something that simple in common.
  16. Wow, I couldn't be more sorry. God Bless you & your family.
  17. Jim has lost children, his health & champions Buffalo everywhere he goes. Anyone saying anything negative about him now should just look in the mirror & see what they've done, they'll be hard pressed to find a better man now. God Bless you & your family Jim, we're all behind you circling with you.
  18. Just lost a lifelong friend a few months ago to pills, a 7 year battle that he couldn't win. Things happen & then bad things happen, just pray to overcome them.
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