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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. We haven't had anyone like that at LB for years, lets hope it comes to pass. Was TKO the last one we had like that ?
  2. He'll sign a week before the season starts to collect his check.
  3. I mentioned on another board that if the Bills wanted to spend $8.28 Million, they would of done a deal already. This is also going to get moved, In before move.
  4. Byrd will remain a Bills' player this season only, then he's gone. The tender goes up to over $8 Million after this season & if the Bills were willing to pay that, why not just give him a contract now ??
  5. Byrd just needs to sign his tender & get on the same page, top 4 pay at your position is a pretty good payday.
  6. I'm looking for Byrd to play under his tender but only come back after Training Camp is over, kinda of like the Bruce Smith my aching groin trick.
  7. I bet this will work itself out one way or another.
  8. Byrd's situation looks more dire than you think, there's no way he gets anything past his tendered-offer this year. If someone valued him that highly, they would of already given up the 2 - 1st round picks to obtain him. Byrd either plays for $6.9 M or he can sit out. We couldn't even field a top 25 defense & he wants #1 money at his position?? Come on man, get your head out of the clouds.
  9. If we had a top 5 defense, then you'd consider locking him down for the long-term on a big contract. We don't and no one deserves top of the league money on our defense.
  10. Byrd can play at a high level but he shouldn't get paid the most at his position, his agent must be crazy.
  11. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://media.nola.com/tpphotos/photo/2013/02/12217710-standard.jpg&imgrefurl=http://photos.nola.com/tpphotos/2013/02/ed_reed_celebrates_super_bowl_2.html&h=738&w=665&sz=111&tbnid=JAvj2CxiS4ChMM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=167&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ded%2Breed%2Bsuperbowl%2Bpictures%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=ed+reed+superbowl+pictures&usg=__gDpxqOnka2xmuIRnOn8-NgtBBRw=&docid=LsSpqC4R5phO5M&sa=X&ei=BbjQUfunIYHM9QSXoYCACA&ved=0CC0Q9QEwAA&dur=0
  12. 9 year one for Byrd, 9 last 3 years = 18.
  13. If you have kids with her, save for eyeglasses.
  14. Corey-Mac's arrest was wrong for Buffalo, it was a case of mistaken indentity.
  15. It's very funny but in reality, this type of attention is not something the Bills nor the league need to have players go into. Mario is posting up his own gun pictures & making fun of other players who have recently been accused of murder. Does this seem like a professional & someone who is taking his job seriously ?? I think it's time to see if we can unload this guy, more poor choices will be coming along sooner than later based on what I'm seeing. http://instagram.com/p/bEyXDGJy9-/
  16. Owning a gun & being a murdering gang member have some distance.
  17. Wow, no wonder why the Pats cut bait so fast with him.
  18. @AdamSchefter Boston PD located red SUV w/ RI plates it was looking for as identified in July 2012 homicide. Aaron Hernandez rented it
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/25/us/massachusetts-aaron-hernandez/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 No warrant or arrest yet, so how about we move this to spam.
  20. I wouldn't set my watch for how many wins & losses we might have just yet, thing being that we had such a mess last year that we might be better than advertised. I also wouldn't count EJ out because he can run well, so going the other direction with the ball might gain us much needed yardage at critical times. That and the fact CJ is probably going to run crazy makes me think we might do well, if the coaches call a reasonably sound game.
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