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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. Or if you only proved yourself your rookie year & the following 3 years have just been ok.
  2. Byrd's the only player left that didn't sign his tag this season, thank you Mr. Parker.
  3. Byrd shows up a week before the season starts after signing his tender, practices & gets eased into our system. He gets traded away for a late-first round pick just before the next draft, Bye bye birdie.
  4. Do you think we should make him the highest paid FS in the league ??
  5. It's all based on the scheme, kill the guy with the ball is the Bills new scheme. Not to be confused with bend but don't break.
  6. Can this guy play FS or QB ?
  7. I was thinking the same thing, it's just not happened as of yet but it probably will soon.
  8. Peters wanted more money every few years, that's why they got rid of him.
  9. I.E. when the player takes a hit & is lucky to be alive (without mentioning names).
  10. I forgot about Eric Berry, man that'd be a tough pill to swallow not getting a long-term deal done. Maybe he should ask for #1 pay at his position because the Bills were so bad, that makes sense as well & shows you who's to blame. Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.
  11. I'm sacrificing a lamb next week, so this idea can't hurt.
  12. He can get hurt at home too, he gets paid to play football & not sit home.
  13. Maybe we should make him #1 at his position for that play alone?
  14. Byrd looks to be gone either way, he was a soft-target for us saving money as well.
  15. Bring in a few more WR's as well.
  16. Byrd will play this season & get traded the next for value, there's not a lot to know.
  17. Byrd was tagged to retain value for the team for their investment in him. It's either going to be Byrd on the field giving us value or the ability to draft one or more players relatively early in the draft.
  18. Expectations were set way too high in the Byrd camp, talk about an overplay.
  19. Call the Oakland A's first. The Bills marketing department is snowing the locals on setting something up like this, we're more likely to get a new stadium.
  20. Maybe we should make everyone from last seaeon's defense the highest paid for being a complete failure as a unit ?? Then if we get near .500 & they crack the top 25 teams, we can have an automatic doubling of their pay. A different idea is pay based on success as a unit, which usually is the reason you reward successful people. Parker is off his rocker & Byrd has lead the league in nothing over the past 3 years. Victor Cruz lead WR's in all categories the past 2 years & took less than Byrd wanted, at a much more crucial position. Drop the hometown discount BS there, he's more than going to make it up in outside pay (commercials / marketing deals). Goodluck to Byrd & Parker on their quest, it's off the hook crazy talk.
  21. Wanny killed any hope of having a good defense, 1997 plays & simple schemes don't work anymore.
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