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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. It's crazy talk, they need to drug test the agents.
  2. We should be pretty stout at WR now, man oh mighty.
  3. The tag the Bills' placed on him speaks volumes towards that being the case, one would think the Bills brought more to the table with a long-term deal but it was rejected. If Duke steps up, Byrd is gone.
  4. Simply huge, he could really use him & I hope he's ready to contribute.
  5. Is Byrd worth #1 paid FS money right now ? Does that seem reasonable ? In my mind, Byrd's a top 5 guy & after last season maybe a top 7. Top 5-7 right now don't get paid #1 money, not in this world. If Byrd comes out & lights it on fire like he did his rookie season, I'm all onboard with paying him #1 money.
  6. There's also a possibility that we sign Byrd to a less expensive long-term deal & still trade him away for a 1st round pick, especially if we feel comfortable that we no longer need his services.
  7. I think water seeks its ground, so Byrd might as well thought he deserved the most money & found an agent to agree with him. We also know how Parker rolled the Bills before, so there's a history there to justify pay the player big or cut him loose. Peters was a great LT at the time & it was proven by the Eagles willingness to pay a high price to obtain him, subsequent to more great play by Peters. If we had to compare where Peters was at his position talent wise at the time versus Byrd at his now, Peters was way ahead. Byrd just needs to get to work & show why he deserves #1 money, not just hire a guy that's justifying withholding services.
  8. This is one of my points as well, our defense sucked with Byrd on it & now he's unreplaceable ?? Then he wants #1 money for what he's accomplished at his position? Shouldn't #1 money be reserved for players who help their team dominate or at least play decent ? Our defense was an embarrassment, how many 50+ point games did our defense give up? It takes a lot of nerve to even ask for #1 money considering how they played last season & a whole new coaching staff now, like the most nerve possible. Byrd needs to show up & help the team succeed, then I can see #1 money idea being palatable. Until then, even $6.9 M guaranteed for one season seems too high.
  9. I'll let his play on the field talk but it's great to hear he's feeling ready.
  10. That would be some retro-pay wouldn't it?
  11. Byrd would of left for big money if we didn't have a tag, just to be clear here.
  12. I know you're a Byrd homer, so you need to get over the fact that Byrd will not be here after this season. He values himself as a #1 FS in the league, he's not. He played better than everyone else on our defense on occasion last season, the rest of the defense was terrible. So he's above average on a horrible defense, that doesn't make him worth #1 money at his position. I suggest you realize that the Bills will not overpay for people who think they're worth more than they are worth to the team. If we didn't have a tag for Byrd this season, he would of already left because we weren't even close on what he was looking to get. Think that's going to get better next season ?? No it won't & he's already gone, I'll mail you some tissues.
  13. He wants #1 pay at his position, could anyone say with a straight face he deserved it? Could anyone say anyone on our defense last year didn't mail it in at some point ?? Didn't the Jets hang 50+ on us ?? Remember that debacle ? Would you pay #1 money to anyone after watching that game again? There's only one person to blame, the guy not taking a ~$36 Million 5 year deal that's current market for a top 5 FS.
  14. No reason to give up a proven asset without the proper compensation, 2 first round picks.
  15. His last 3 season INT's total equaled his 1st season, so how far back do we go ??
  16. https://www.nflplayers.com/reports/RunPublicReport.aspx?report=top51
  17. The retro-thing can cut either way, did anyone really earn their money on the Bills defense last season ?? Let's collect some of that back for poor performances & see if the players like the tables turned.
  18. Them: I think I'll more as a grocery store clerk or I can sign this piece of paper making me an official multi-millionaire.
  19. He needs to play if he's there, he's a really good player & has a really over-reaching agent. Nobody deserves #1 pay from that defense last year, anyone thinking even close to that belongs in an asylum.
  20. I haven't felt this much love since Father O' Flaherty was in town.
  21. Byrd is not the top FS in the league, expecting to be paid as #1 is a huge stretch.
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