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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, sounds like a great man / fan. RIP.
  2. The Pats have basically owned the AFC East for a while now & usually make it late into the playoffs, we've been a dimple on a donkey's behind for years now, time to chance that from the start to the finish of this season.
  3. Bills should be good with McKelvin or Goodwin, either way they both rock.
  4. This is great stuff that I think makes the athletes realize how lucky they are to have an opportunity to touch people's lives like this, good stuff.
  5. Thank you so much Astro for covering TC, you made me feel like I was there. GO BILLS!!
  6. I plugged my computer into the TV outside via HDMi for the pre-season stuff, it worked perfect & looked / sounded great.
  7. Didn't Damond ask for the guillotine yesterday ?
  8. No does everything right all the time, don't sweat it. Step back from the cliff's edge.
  9. Bradham might get cut to send a message to the team, don't mess around.
  10. Tell her she waited too long & needs to pony up for the better seats, I'd look at this as a opportunity to improve where you sit.
  11. Chris is a special person.
  12. Now that Gronk is out for their first game, Hernandez can really execute.
  13. Gate checks are going to end soon, 1/4 mile minimum with final ticket gates with full metal scans. It'll be announced next year but the clear bag are a initial stage of the changes that have been implemented are Super Bowl related ongoing changes, all in the sake of safety. You heard it hear first, gates are the final like of metal defense / all fans can be searched as part of a ticket acceptance. Good grief flight line invasions.
  14. Folks, we're in lockdown mode. The coaches will praise everyone to high heck, point out the obvious. Everyone is there to support the team, all players included. If you remember: Spock: Admiral, if we go "by the book". like Lieutenant Saavik, hours could seem like days. EJ will be back early, even though it won't be shown until it matters.
  15. I can't watch it anymore, there's nothing there anymore to watch that I'll relate too.
  16. Where have all the good ones gone? This is really sad.
  17. His cousin sinkhole is really happening down here in FL.
  18. Hogan is awesome at ST & is always open, he's sticking. Signed, Hogan's Mom
  19. I find a foot on the throat has a way of getting you what you want.
  20. I posted that last week, the guys not that great.
  21. We should be able to improve from near last.
  22. The promo code: directv lowers it down to $11.24
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