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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. Orton is better than EJ right now, thinking anything different is fooling yourselves into being homers. Kyle has much more experience & has seen drastically more than EJ ever has in the NFL, he also is a winner & has decent to good stats to back up his body of work. One slight twitch or pull up by EJ will bring him out of the game, coaches choice to be careful.
  2. EJ would telegraph his coin call to the refs, aiming for perfection on the toss.
  3. There's no point in asking for that side of the equation as well, there's been a huge turnover at the QB position & the remaining QB wasn't given a captains badge. That speaks volumes to me, especially considering a majority of NFL team's QBs are captains.
  4. We haven't had 4 cuts in one week at one position anytime recently, especially considering that 2 of the cut QB's started at one point last season.
  5. If we bring in several better replacement options, it'll have everything to do with the 5th.
  6. Glenn allowed 1.5 sacks last season, why would we need to review his efforts?
  7. Dixon makes 4 of 5 QB's cut in the past week, think the position is going through some changes ?
  8. Guess you can't respond with logic so just fix a few words to make yourself feel better, it's only 14 preseasons will be the call next.
  9. They canned 3 of the 4 QB's over the last several days and not one person including coaches has came out on record saying EJ's our guy since then. I have no idea about how it works at other people's jobs but if 3 of 4 folks with the same job title as me lose their job at work, I'd be a little concerned. If I'm the 1 of 4 remaining, I'd like to hear something to the effect about how the management wants to keep me around. Call me crazy but it's been a QB bloodbath at OBD, major changes and minimal words spoken. Notice how there's not been a press conference welcoming Orton ? Wonder what they might ask Orton or the coach when their sitting there ? Lets all get off our fan horse and on the reality hobby horse, it's rocking.
  10. The coaches & management are scrambling to get new QB's in house but I'd like to hear the EJ support from his teammates. Has any team members spoke up and said EJ is our QB or even mentioned leader ? The guy has been a hot mess this off-season, so are the players supporting him & his play ??
  11. When our QB's leave the team, they're career is essentially over as a starter.
  12. EJ will see him start sooner than later.
  13. How about Snortin' Orton ?? Bringing back old Buffalo radio names, priceless. (I know it's Norton but ...)
  14. They call me Toby & it's Tuel's time....... J/K. If this type of play keeps up, they can't call the national guard to protect them because they'll already be drunk in the stands. Also, most Buffalo wives dread another bad Bills year.
  15. If we destroy the Bears, then it's all fan boy crush love.
  16. It's good to see smart coaching decisions to save Tuel & play Sammy.
  17. We really showed nothing this preseason, nothing.
  18. Possum is a play if it works, the coaches are all in this season.
  19. He implied that they have shown nothing to follow in the Preseason, it's the most accurate account of the past month I've seen.
  20. Club Marv really was a field walk at best, Bruce had Hammy issues almost every second until it mattered. The difference was, it was a known quantity unlike now. I hope he's right.
  21. 0-4 during our best years in the preseason, without last minute QB changes,
  22. Possum confirmed by the coach, goodluck defeating us !!!!!!!!
  23. Jerry is spending a lot of time minding other team's business / assets isn't he ?
  24. If anyone on the starting O-line or offense gets hurt playing with scrubs, it could alter our season. It's not like their going to put EJ out there with all 2 / 3 stringers starting. Sammy got a knee to the ribs in the preseason which sidelined him, so should we risk his health for no gain ??
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