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Everything posted by mitchmurraydowntown

  1. LOL, my favorite.
  2. It just came down to a hometown refs calling the game.
  3. We gave up 86 rushing yards, I'd be 186 rushing yards if Pet was still here.
  4. Wait coach wait...you forgot your clipboard...
  5. Yeah, one last parting shot by the refs on our winning FG just so they could say goodbye.
  6. Great job by EJ yesterday, I couldn't be happier today, hopefully he continues to play well & protect himself.
  7. OMG, this guy needs to be let go immediately. You cannot even expect this guy to still be on the team, 2 games was truly a complete & utter joke.
  8. I cursed Cutler out after the game was over & his medical condition, so I could see why they'd be upset.
  9. There's a line there on tattling, it's called a subpoena.
  10. Yeah, it's a 12 yard average penalty as well. Brutal.
  11. Penalties (YDS) Bills- 9 (108) Bears - 4 (43) Real biased line there, no way we played that felonious compared to them Bears.
  12. Great win on the road, are there any TE's available that can catch? We'd probably had won this in regulation if we had one. Right now, it's our weakest position by far & under-utilized. Let's see who's out there and cut bait with who we have now, no reason to coddle them or wait.
  13. You can't cook the Buffalo Lance & the meat chewed you, enjoy the roast.
  14. Extra green Jello with marshmallows.
  15. Common sense, EJ need to step up today.
  16. I love Notre Dame & always like the Wolverines, it's a shame to see them at this point.
  17. Did they get their doors blown off last night or what?
  18. I say we sprinkle sugar all over the D-line & really get him jacked.
  19. Bills win it all and all the pre-season slobbering meant nothing.
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