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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Just curious, what makes you so sure that Trey won't move out to T?
  2. If I have a lifetime supply of beer, I'd want "Greatest Irish Drinking Songs" by various artists. If not, I'd want Carbon Leaf's "echo echo." Either way, I'd need my guitar.
  3. You know me, always playing my cards close to the vest
  4. Outside of the Jackson 5? I'd feel pretty comfortable lumping the Jackson 5 in that category.
  5. I know this will come as a surprise to many of you, but I'm no fan of the current administration. Shocking, I know. But there's something about jokes to have elected officials and civil servants taken out that I just don't find terribly amusing.
  6. I'd say Spikes and Bledsoe. Fans wooed the former while he was still a Bengal, and the latter had a welcome reception when he came to town.
  7. In fairness to the Dems, it's not exactly like the GOP has anything resembling a plan. In fact, the GOP is pretty-much cannibalizing themselves over it. http://www.thehill.com/thehill/export/TheH...042605/gop.html
  8. Yup. Kinda' like the way they bring in extra QBs every year to be an extra arm in drills, Rheem's just an extra leg.
  9. IF that happens, and IF Travis isn't moved, I wonder how Florio & Weiler would spin that interesting turn of events to rip TD.
  10. He's been wrong a couple of times, but I do remember thinking "damn, Mr Larry was right again," but I can't recall all of the trades and signings with 100% certainty. realtruelove can confirm (or deny) these, but I think he called the Bledsoe deal a week or so before that draft day trade. I think he called the Adams and/or the Spikes signings with Bflo, and I think the Milloy signing too - either right before or immediately after he was officially cut by the Pats. I think he also called the McGahee pick, but I could be wrong about that one.
  11. That's not a confession my friend, that's a badge of honor.
  12. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7634382/ Paying old restaurant bills? The horror! I'd absolutely love it if a whole bunch of these twits got pinched. Maybe, just maybe, it would shake up some of the "my guys do no wrong" crowd and get everyone to hold their elected representatives a little more accountable.
  13. The only reason I even consider this is because I recall Mr Larry being pretty accurate over the last couple of years. Moulds Evans Calico Parrish Reed Aiken I guess it wouldn't be a bad WR group, but if TH is traded I'd rather get someone else, or more specifically, some other position for him. That said, if it goes down, I'll raise my eyebrows a bit, but I do trust our front office.
  14. It was either going to be the 6th Amendment or Nazis.
  15. The 6th Ammendment "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence." I would think it implies a fair trial also, but it doesn't explicitly say it. The 1st Ammendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." I would think that if one was capable of seeing the implication of a fair trial in the sixth, he would easily see the implication of seperation of church and state in the first. But on the other hand, sometimes I do give people too much credit.
  16. Nor does the Constitution claim that Americans have a reasonable "right to privacy" or a "right to a fair trial." Are you also in favor of dismissing these tenents of freedom? But while we're discussing the Constitution, Article VI does state that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Religious tests were commonly used in the colonies prior to the Revolution. If the founders wanted the "law of the land" to be rooted in Christianity, how could a reasonable person jusify that very unique clause? And why would clergy of the day attack the Constitution for not seeking the protection of God and the endorsement of Christianity if, as you alledge, it does?
  17. Sounds like the kind of kid it's easy to root for. I hope he shows enough to make the team.
  18. They're basically the Bills early/mid-80s unis. I loved that blue facemask with the white helmets.
  19. I agree with you Mike. FWIW, my takes on your points: 1. JP over Rodgers for sure. 2. UDFA or 1st round pick - doesn't matter in the least. 3. I've been saying that for awhile. Doesn't stop the doom-n-gloomers from telling us how badly TD screwed up though. 4. Exactly. Just because fans and the pundits declare the OL as a "need-area" doesn't make it so. 5. The only thing they bring to the table that a good percentage of us fans can not is that they do have some contacts around the league. But experts? Not hardly.
  20. There was a thread about the Bills fans at the draft. It was mentioned though, that when they announced Parrish's name and the camera was on the fans, there was a pause of about 2 seconds like ya'll were thinking "Who?" before errupting into cheers. It was pretty funny on the tube. I watched the game at our Backers Club party, and when they showed you guys, we started cheering - you made us proud!
  21. That's not entirely accurate. The weight of the tire pushing the ball back into the pocket is very effective at making the pocket form up. Obviously playing catch with it helps to work it in and adjust to the feel of your hand, but the tire trick - when done correctly - is the best method I've ever used.
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