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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I've never known you to be diplomatic and it seemed to me like you let him off the hook. I expected a stevestojan reference - or at the least "embarassingly inept." I think you and I agree that he was anything but spectacular
  2. Watching ABC right now - did any of you just hear Senator Graham (R-NC) critique of Bush's SS plan? Joe Biden was running his mouth, Graham followed with "Joe's right in that you can't tax your way in to solvency and you can't grow into solvency through the accounts the president has suggested." I wonder if there'll be repercussions from the GOP hardliners..
  3. "rather sub-par"? You running for office in his hometown or something?
  4. You forget about ICE and Spiked already?
  5. Sep 11 Houston - WIN Sep 18 @Tampa Bay - WIN Sep 25 Atlanta - LOSE Oct 2 @New Orleans -WIN Oct 9 Miami -WIN Oct 16 N.Y. Jets - LOSE Oct 23 @Oakland -LOSE Oct 30 @New England - LOSE Week 9 BYE Nov 13 Kansas City - WIN Nov 20 @San Diego - LOSE Nov 27 Carolina - WIN Dec 4 @Miami - WIN Dec 11 New England - WIN Dec 17 Denver -WIN Dec 24 @Cincinnati - LOSE Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets - WIN
  6. Yeah, sounds it. Lindell must be doing something right. His kickoffs help the Bills maintain their elite level coverage ranking and he was ranked 6th overall in the NFL on FGs despite kicking in one of the most difficult stadiums in the league I imagine he'll be over his cold before the season starts He'll most likely play as big a role for the Bills in '05 as he did in the final 8 games of '04. Not much of one. He's mobile, he'd been in the system for a year. He's fairly accurate, has a strong arm, and a quick release. Do you think he'll hurt us more than last year's starter? The offensive line came along pretty well last year, including Teague and MW having their best years in Bflo IMO. They also have the best OL coach in the league. I wouldn't worry too much about them. They had the 2nd ranked D in the league last season and only lost a player who was on the sidelines for 2/3 of the plays. I don't see where they'd be an area of concern Even if your opinion on our cap was remotely accurate, there just isn't much of anything to "fix."
  7. This is something that has been bugging me for a while. The oil companies all claim that they need to charge more because supply can't keep up with demand. They claim they are keeping their prices as low as they can despite upwards pressure. Yet all of them have posted record profits. It could be said that it's simply capitalism at it's finest, but I can't help but think there's a certain amount of collusion going on, and that'd be capitalism at its worst. Am I the only one thinking this? Am I missing something?
  8. The only problem is that the rest of us get what they deserve too
  9. You're right, but looking at recent history, half of that 300 million would go unaccounted for. Iraqi oil has generated over 20 billion in sales since the US occupation. Of that, near 9 billion has gone missing. 9 Billion! Dontcha' think that 9B would go further than 300M? Maybe we should take a look at where that money went, afterall, Iraq's oil industry is critically important to getting that country back on its feet.
  10. No argument that it looks like a good idea. But the idea isn't what concerns me, it's the execution. In the new Forbes, even Grassley said that by reducing FICA withholding to 2.2% from 6.2% with the balance going into private accounts is akin to "kicking the can down the road awhile." Grassley then asked the Finance Committee to come up with a recommendation that will prevent future Congressmen from being required to address Social Security in the future.
  11. No, it's not a new way of doing business. But Bush is the sitting president, he did say "We're going to keep the promise of Social Security and keep the government from raiding the Social Security surplus," and he is much much more thorough at tapping into it than his predecessors.
  12. Which admittedly is better than Bush siphoning 1.4 TRILLION off of Social Security to cover his spending spree...
  13. I don't mean to pick nits, but that's really not the QB's perpective, it's higher and farther behind. The QB can only read what he can see, and that camera fails to account for clogged passing lanes.
  14. Interesting site, I bookmarked it too after looking around for a bit. I have to admit thought, the notion that teachers must resort to submitting funding requests for educational/learning tools is more than a little disturbing to me. I'd understand if the marching band wanted new uniforms or something, but some of those requests are for the most basic teaching tools. Shocking.
  15. Now that's what I like to hear from our WRs!
  16. I remember the OL being pretty decent as the season progressed.
  17. If I Remember Correctly All sorts of issues with him. I've lost track of all of them, but I know he was drinking, popping pills and I think attempted suicide.
  18. I have less than 5000 posts and I probably think you're more nuts than they do.
  19. If JPL is bombing and they think that Holcomb can get it done while the game is close, I think they would. MM seems willing to do whatever it takes to win each week. The question really becomes when exactly do they reach the point where they feel that Holcomb can get the job done and JP can't. That said, I think they'll be pretty patient with JP.
  20. I agree with that 100% - but with a caveat or two: The first is yelling "fire" in a theatre and the second is making threats, especially against an elected official and more especially against the president of the United States. As much as I dislike Bush, it's not about him, it's about his office.
  21. What is the purpose of the Permanent Fund? Why was it established?
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