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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Immediate and significant swelling is a symptom of torn ACLs I'm afraid.
  2. I think it would have been better received if it would have been addressed to the mods of this forum and not the mods of Bills Daily.
  3. Right. I, like 99.9% of petro consumers, simply don't care which "brand" is dumped into the gas station's tanks. I'm sorry I mistakingly made you out to be something other than the hardcore Exxon-loyalist you are Nobody (other than you) cares what "brand" the gas is.
  4. I feel bad for you. Afterall, it really is all about you.
  5. Demand's up in India too from what I read. I understand there are different petro companies, but I think most people don't know or care who the fuel provider is, all they know is that it all costs 2.34 per gallon at all of the stations in their town. Hell, I'm like that. I use 2 different stations (depending if I'm getting gas on the way "out" or on the way home), and I really don't care who dumps the gas into their tanks - gas is gas is gas. But I do care how much it costs to dump it into my tank, and there's no difference there between the stations.
  6. No argument there. More thinking out loud... Someone posted above about the animosity toward "big oil." I think there are two reasons. First, as mentioned above, the "Rockefellar effect" plays a part in that. When many of us (not you or I per se, but us meaning Americans) where relagated to breadlines and pan handling during the Depression, I imagine that there was a lot of jealousy and resentment that the moguls of the day were able to get by relatively unscathed due to their vast amount of wealth. Secondly, I think people don't like big oil because we all know that we don't have any viable alternatives. They own us, we have no choice but to pay what they charge. We can't run to Target because the cashier at WalMart pi$$ed us off- and not having that option to take our business elsewhere makes us feel helpless - which is something I don't think we like.
  7. It would also have an adverse impact on the balance sheets of the oil industry, who as we all know, has greased many-a-pocket in DC.
  8. Just thinking out loud... We have tree companies and contractors who inflate their pricing before and after hurricanes because the market will bear it. I'm not saying that I totally disagree with you (because I don't), however, there is a mighty fine line between things like collusion and price-gauging and free market and laissez-faire capitalism.
  9. That's what I meant but I chose my words poorly. I'm all for opt-in/opt-out programs at the state level like the NYS Regents, but I'm not comfortable with wide reaching mandates. In talking to several friends of mine who are high school teachers in Virginia, it's actually sad to hear them talk about the mandatory SOLs. They have all said in so many words that they no longer are allowed to teach, but to just have the students memorize. E.G.: I'd like to teach history, but instead of having my pupils understand how the East India Company's monopoly and the Townsend Act directly led to the Boston Tea Party, I'll have to drill into their head the useless factoid that it occured on December 16, 1773. I think the concept is more important than the factoid, but the factoid is what's on the SOL. To me, that's just stoopid.
  10. I'm with AD on this. Education should be regulated at the state level with each locality allowed some flexibility within the state's requirements. The feds have no business mandating educational requirements IMO.
  11. Note to self: Continue to disregard posts which contain the words "ring of truth" and "profootballtalk.com."
  12. I did not know that, but I am relieved to learn that I'm no less accurate!
  13. True. It all started right after 'they' killed JFK and MLK
  14. As a senior in high school, our "history" class consisted of a half-year of political science and a half-year of basic economics which included mock investment portfolios, basic accounting, and personal finance. Because the high schools now only teach for the SOL tests, innovative programs that helped teach life skills have been done away with. I'm not sure what I expected to happen, but it sure doesn't surprise me given that the braintrust behind NCLB is more or less a functionaly illiterate stooge.
  15. I think every effort should be made to bring Shane back. I've read articles where Wyche and JP have both credited him with helping JP along. It sounds like they got along very well, and it sounds like Shane had JP's ear from the get-go.
  16. To Graham's credit, he did say that he thought the problem that needed to be addressed, and hasn't as of yet, is that everybody is concentrating on the front-end when the problem that needs to be addressed is the payout and schedule of benefits. It sounds to me like he's looking at the situation from a perspective that at least has a chance of providing a real solution.
  17. Well said. Except the last line, he doesn't have to keep posting. Juuuuust kidding
  18. You sure you're off the oxycontin?
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