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Everything posted by Campy

  1. This isn't the forum for my anger managment group?
  2. I know you're much better versed in such things than I, so I will happily defer
  3. Picking nits, but while I think Jesus probably would have known Aramaic and Greek and not too much Latin, I'm thinking it was much, much earlier than the the 3rd or 4th century that the lingua latina was widely used.
  4. If he's on IR that's right - I forgot. Good call Ramius.
  5. As I said to ajzepp, "Oh I know, and that's cool. But he is a Navy guy - he had to know he was going to get ragged-on for that thread!" Don't take any of it heart, it's all busting chops - which is pretty much all we do at the TBD Tailgates.
  6. The 22" pythons are looking for you Rowdy Rodney!
  7. I believe it does, but I can't say that with 100% certainty.
  8. Oh I know, and that's cool. But he is a Navy guy - he had to know he was going to get ragged-on for that thread!
  9. Then you've never been to his house for one of those post-game parties. It ain't pretty.
  10. I think the Bills are required to negotiate in "good faith."
  11. He hit a curb at a community college parking lot? A FRICKIN' CURB?
  12. I don't think too many people will argue that, but c'mon, shedding tears over Hulk Hogan?
  13. Rest of the article ->http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...TC-DT9705204233
  14. Are you sure you're not thinking about Henry VIII?
  15. I'd be more inclined to appreciate his toughness if on the next play he scored a TD, but the video did show that he is capable of getting drilled. BTW: looked like a bad hit, helmet was down and he led with his head. Could've broken his kneck at worst, and should have been a flag.
  16. That's good stuff BRH! BTW, unless it's a Sabres or Bills game, I play "local" too. It's kinda' fun to get them all wound up
  17. 1. That's why people of faith are called people of faith 2. The Bible wasn't written "thousands" of years after the death of Christ, we're only in the year 2005. As far as repentence, heaven, hell, and judgments, IMO nobody knows for sure how all that works. 3. Me too. That's why we have the God-given ability to think, rationalize, and choose our actions.
  18. There has been something of a delayed response for me with no hockey, but I agree man. Not having FanTV throughout the afternoon hours and Empire Sports Report at dinner is going to make for a looooooooooooooooong preseason.
  19. There may be more than you or the extreme right would care to admit. http://www.logcabin.org/logcabin/home.html
  20. For the love of all things jiggly... Jell-O was actually created in the same town that bred the stringless string bean, and it wasn't Bflo. Sincerely, LeRoy, NY Chamber of Commerce
  21. I appreciate that post ajzepp. It's hard to get too excited this early in the game, especially for those of us who've been pumped only to see them underperform (or at least we perceived them to underperform) more times than we'd care to admit. That said, I'm also liking what I've been seeing since the end of last season, and I really believe that this team has the potential to be very good, perhaps even special. Time will tell, but IMO there's a reason for us to be excited this year. GO BILLS!!!
  22. There were so many threads started blaming Donahoe (we refer to him as 'TD') for: -making bad hiring decisions -bonehead plays at the worse possible moment by decent players -poor draft picks -bad free agent signings -etc Many of us decided to take it a step further and see what else was "evil" Tom Donahoe's fault. It is 100% tongue-in-cheek.
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