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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Unlike baseball, football's HoF doesn't really have much to do with a team, ie, he wouldn't go in as "a Bear," "a Bill," "a Charger," or "a Patriot." Cooperstown inducts their members as a member of a team, but not football. That said, why in the world would you even ask? Do you believe Flutie belongs in Canton?
  2. Thanks for sharing your self-righteous rant but I guess you missed the part where he says he gladly pays the support.
  3. Apples and oranges. I mean, that was only the Vice President of The United States of America that said that. Reid, a party shill, actually had the audacity to say the word "loser." Oh my...
  4. Wow man. I miss hockey. Thanks for the link, that's good stuff.
  5. She's gotta' be - she married a jarhead afterall!
  6. I'll keep you and Heidi in my prayers. Be sure to let us know after the doctors give her the "all's clear."
  7. How did the boat split in half? Must've run into something? Or was the hull already compromised? What size/type of boat was it?
  8. That's sad news. Get well Joe.
  9. But the catch-22 is that anything short of doing that will bring about lawsuits by parents looking to assign responsibility for their children's behavior anywhere but where it ultimately belongs. Satisfying lawsuits and reaching out of court decisions isn't the most prudent way for underfunded public schools to use their limited resources IMO.
  10. Oh yeah, that vast left-wing conspiracy thingy.
  11. My thoughts are that this thread is further proof that life without hockey sucks.
  12. Me too. I wonder why AKC hasn't jumped all over this thread yet?
  13. I find it interesting that some of the people who justify profanity like the "F-Bomb" from elected officials are now decrying the use of the word a$$ as vulgar and insensitive. Very interesting...
  14. Sorry to hear of your loss Brandon. You're in my thoughts.
  15. Truly. But it's a welcome change of pace from the doom-n-gloom that's so prevalent among Bills fans.
  16. Sounds like someone's been watching Battlestar Gallactica.
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