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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Wait 'til ol' Rev'd Sharpton gets ahold of him!
  2. 1. Out of ideas? Let's blame the schools! 2. Doesn't really have less to do with having the "balls" to say no and more to do with the potential recruits being lied to?
  3. I know abstract thought can be difficult at times, but yes, it is possible to disagree with the action in Iraq yet still support the actual fighting men (and women).
  4. No more innocent 'til proven guilty thingy? I mean, it's only one of the cornerstones of our society.
  5. Is it not better to cure the disease than just treat the symptoms? That's not really their responsibility is it? If the government as a whole wants to eliminate these "setbacks," perhaps they should re-examine their policies and procedures. Of course I'm the cynic who simply can't buy into the claim that the only people responsible for the prison-abuse thingy were the soldiers charged in the affair.
  6. That's not exactly true, is it? You remember that whole Afghani-Soviet war thingy?
  7. Is it totally beyond belief that the story was true and that Newsweek is backing off at the request of the government? Considering how many people here are calling for reinstituting full-fledged censorship of the media, it wouldn't be totally out of the question for something like that to occur, would it?
  8. I read somewhere (IGN.com?) that it won't be backwards compatible because of changes in the OS and video cards. Not much of an issue for me because I plan on keeping my big box anyway - or at least until some enterprising hacker creates an xbox1 emulator for the 360!
  9. I learned of these via TV and newspaper websites. I stumbled upon them on the same day and that is what gave me the thought that these holy rollers are some sick perverts. A gynecologist who will be advising the FDA on reproductive issues defends himself against the allegations of forced sodomy by claiming he was unaware he "missed" when penetrating his wife from behind while she was sleeping? And throughout 7 years of "missing" he didn't even have the decency to respect his wife enough to stop when she told him to? Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure how anyone could be comfortable with this guy advising the FDA on reproductive issues, but to each his own I guess... I really don't know where your Flint reference is coming from. I'm not much of one for porno mags, but I do know Woody Harrelson played Larry Flint in a movie I saw, so assuming the film was somewhat accurate somewhere along the line, that's pretty much the extent to which I'm familiar with him. I read about the ass-rapist, the group-sex pimp, and the animal-boinker in articles online from traditional newspapers like NY Times, Va Pilot, and I think one of the stories was in the Christian Science Monitor as well as an AP report on a local TV station's website. Take a minute and visit GG's site at google.com and I'm sure you'll find the same articles I read. The bad news is that it won't give you an excuse to scour Hustler.com.
  10. I didn't read all of the posts, but among the shorter ones I did read, Hammer offers some sound information. When you file the suit ask for compensation for missed time from work, court fees (filing fees), and request statutory interest - in VA that's 9% daily - in addition to the $500. Provided you win, you will certainly receive the $500 plus court fees, but it doesn't hurt to ask for lost wages. Also, request that the statutory interest is retro-active to the time of the incident/disagreement. Lastly, file the suit in the name of an officer of the company AND the corporation if they are incorporated. If it's a sole proprietor, file it in the business owner's name with the dba (doing business as) - or in the case of a partnership, both owners' names. To learn more check out this book and this book because even if you win, the court doesn't order them to pay, you'll have to enforce the judgment yourself using the tools provided in your state's statutes. I'm no attorney, but I unfortunately do have a lot of experience in suing people to collect money I was owed back when I was self-employed. Good luck!
  11. Thank you for the kind words guys (and gals). I really do believe in the power of prayer and positive thought, and I appreciate you taking a moment to think of me. This biopsy was wierd. The local, obviously delivered by a needle into the inner eyelid, was... "interesting." I couldn't feel it, but seeing him tweeze the tissue and start cutting it with scissors was a real trip. Remind me next time to DEMAND they put me out cold! Shoot, I'll pay for the anethesiologist if my insurance won't cover it! Now I'm sitting on the couch, not in pain, but in serious "sting." It feels like someone poured an ounce of sand into my lower eyelid, and having one eye blurry really messes up perception as the other eye tries to compensate. Reading and typing isn't terribly fun right about now. My next appt with this doc isn't until 13 June to let it heal completely, but if the lab results warrant, they will call me in sooner. Thanks again. I'll update you as I get more info.
  12. At 3:30 eastern I will be having some tissue removed from between my eyelids and both eyeballs for further examination, ie, a biopsy. I've already been poked and prodded the last couple of weeks, and it seems I have cancer (lymphoma). If the growths around my eyes are all that there is, the prognosis is pretty good. If the docs determine there is more growth elsewhere -- like in my diaphragm or bone marrow for example -- I will be in for one helluva fight. Either way I'm looking at either chemo or more likely radiation before it's all said and done. If you could take a moment and offer a prayer or think of me at some point this afternoon, I would truly appreciate it. Thanks guys (and gals), -Chris. PS: For those of you that are curious, I smoked since I was 17 or 18 (I'm 36 now) including 6 of the last 12 months. The docs can't 100% rule out the cigs, but they all seem to be of the opinion that it is most likely not related to smoking as similar amounts of non-smokers get this type of cancer. In any event, I will never smoke another cigarette - you could say I've found the motivatation to quit for good!
  13. I don't entirely disagree, but I do feel that the GOP, aided by their backers from the religious right, have taken a self-righteous stand against individual rights and liberties such as who may (or may not) marry and discrimination based upon sexual preferences, pushing to have Roe v Wade overturned thereby denying a woman's right to choose, trying to ensure morality legislation isn't shot down by attempting to render the judiciary powerless, etc. I don't watch Larry King, but I'm fairly confident that Kerry wasn't imposing his belief system and morality upon us. That seems to be pretty much the exclusive domain of the GOP, not the Dems.
  14. Bad people, or perhaps people who just do bad things, are certainly not confined to a sole party. That said, it does seem to me that only one of the parties is holding themselves out as some sort of beacon of morality that the rest of us should follow. And I forgot to add another one to my list - the anti-gay GOP mayor of Seattle was just busted for (and admitted to) surfing gay porn sites at work, which is a violation of city policy, similar to the rule he implemented that does not allow gays to work for the city. Oh yeah, he also attempted to solicit a gay 17 year old on his work PC with promises of internships and a city job. That's just the type of guy I want keeping them fags at bay. [/sarcasm]
  15. It took me a year to get used to the home jerseys, and now I kinda' dig them. I don't have a strong preference on the pants, but I do favor the white pants with blue top. As far as the away jerseys, they're pitiful IMO. I used to love wearing away jerseys because most people had the home and it was somewhat unique to be in white, but I can't bring myself to buying one of the new ones. They look like ugly CFL or NCAA Division III uni's.
  16. Usually it's not a problem with military because they'll garnish wages without a judgment - just a copy of the finance agreement is all that's needed, and you'll get paid. That's why so many Buy Here/Pay Here slug lots are near the bases. It's easy pickin's for them if the guy (or gal) doesn't make their payments as agreed.
  17. A married GOP senator was popped for choking his girlfriend. A vocal anti-abortion leader admitted to engaging in beastiality. The man who has been pegged to chair the FDA Advisory Committee on Reproductive Drugs forcibly sodomized his wife for 7 years until she left him in '02, and the nominee for the position of UN Ambassador forced his wife to participate in group sex against her will. And I'm not even touching upon the pair currently occupying the White House... Does your family value that type of behavior? Neither does mine.
  18. Interesting that just today a Pentagon audit called into question several of their contracts for fuel purchases including a payment to a Turkish fuel distributor for a "retroactive adjustment" based on increased fuel prices - despite the fact that they are contractually prohibited from paying such adjustments.
  19. There seems to be more than just FFS who questions the real importance of this capture. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-1602568,00.html
  20. I'd say it's less a function of locale and more a function of youth. Those of us over 35 years of age remember him well.
  21. I think Ithaca offered him the HC position.
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