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Everything posted by Campy

  1. And the global depression that would follow would be worth it? We started giving aid to foreign nations in earnest to help stem the flow of communism (that whole containment thingy) and preserve the option to exploit their assets (like we've done in Hawaii, Panama, etc) in the future.
  2. The Ninth is in a liberal part of the country. It doesn't surprise me that the judges tend to reflect that in their judgments - at least not any more than some of the Bible-thumping anti-science judgments rendered by courts in the deep south.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it actually the fillibuster that stopped anti-civil rights legislation from moving forward?
  4. Isn't the role of the judiciary to hear cases, interpret the law, and apply the law to the case? All of the "judicial activism" rants sound to me to be based upon disagreement with the principle of precedent as used by the courts. Of course, we could always request Congress to study all of the judgements rendered across the country and have them pass individual laws to cover every conceivable situation, but that'd be kinda' stoopid, wouldn't it?
  5. They are also on record saying that the nominees don't deserve an up or down vote. I do agree that they bank on the fact that the average American won't remember what they said in the past. Refresh my memory, is the "they" Republicans or Democrats?
  6. Question: What do H. Alston Johnson (5th Circuit), James Duffy (9th Circuit), Kathleen McCree-Lewis (6th Circuit), Enrique Moreno (5th Circuit), James Lyons (10th Circuit), Robert Cindrich (3rd Circuit), Stephen Orlofsky (3rd Circuit), Andre Davis (4th Circuit), James Beaty (4th Circuit), and J. Rich Leonard (4th Circuit) and Allen Snyder (D.C. Circuit) all have in common? Answer: They all recieved the American Bar Association's unanimous "well-qualified" rating, yet they were all denied an up or down vote by Republicans after being nominated by President Clinton. Here are more Circuit Court judges who received satisfactory ABA ratings but were denied a vote: Helene White (6th Circuit), Jorge Rangel (5th Circuit), Robert Raymer (3rd Circuit), Barry Goode (9th Circuit), Christine Arguello (10th Circuit), Elizabeth Gibson (4th Circuit), Elana Kagan (D.C. Circuit), James Wynn (4th Circuit), Bonnie Campbell (8th Circuit), Kent Markus (6th Circuit), and Roger Gregory (4th Circuit). In all, there were 60 (yes, 60) Clinton nominees that were blocked by Republicans. But now the GOP is claiming that denying an up or down vote is unfair? That's pretty funny - almost as funny as those who buy into that line of crap.
  7. The judiciary does what the founding fathers specified in the Constitution - the same can't be said for the legislative and executive branches. It's that whole "checks and balances" thingy. But hey, who needs that, eh?
  8. Thanks for the link. I would think that all of us, regardles of political affilliation, can see the benefit of the fillibuster. If you're a Republican, think about when the tide turns and the the Dems are back in control. Do you really want all of their legislation to be passed with virtually no chance of revision or review? I'm guessing you don't. It's the same tool that the GOP invoked when the Dems controlled Congress. While it can be frustrating at times, the fillibuster is critical to our form of government if we are to remain a nation that respects our laws. I know MoveOn is a liberal PAC, but in this case they just happen to be the ones fighting to preserve the fillibuster - and they just happen to be right. Please fill out the petition.
  9. I really really really hope you have free weekends on your cell phone. That sounds like a major pain in the butt - but it is most certainly appreciated by all of us for whom you bought tickets. Thanks for doing it. BTW, how did your son do at his game?
  10. Keeping Mary in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. The Virginia Beach Bills! They could play at the Sports Complex near Princess Anne Park. Now that would be cool!
  12. 35 pages for a book that's only 250 pages long? Did she write the book or "compile" it?
  13. Nothing like going out on a limb eh? I mean really, it'd be pretty damn difficult for him to actually be dumber than most people think he already is!
  14. Hey, if there's a "Cadillac Williams," why couldn't there be a "Toyota Camry?"
  15. And there are similar reports that conditions are worse now they were before the invasion due to the lack of electricity, potable water and access to healthcare. To quote an Alaskan friend of mine, "...and the media never lies. " Doesn't really justify an invasion, does it? In fact, some might say it means nada. Would you expect a terrorist to use his real passport? Maybe, just maybe, it was a forgery! Terrorist Posada Carriles, wanted for downing an airplane in Cuba in an attempt to kill Castro was just captured in the US, so does that mean the US is a terrorist regime? I'm not sure if "well documented fact" is the right choice of words or if "widely-reported allegations" would be more accurate. Again, Posada Carriles and the US "terrorist regime." Just got a phone call, I have to go pick up my Jeep from the shop, so I'm afraid I'll have to cut short this post, but it seems to me that there were fundamentalists in Iraq who may have aided terrorists and that most of your examples are circumstantial at best. I honestly didn't think you'd be one to buy into this type of lahjik. You've mentioned before that you were opposed to the war. If you really believe all of the above to be an indictment of Iraq, how could you have opposed the war? But no matter I guess. We're there now, knee deep. Hmm, I wonder why the US is so keen to go after states that support terrorism, like we did in Iraq, but never invaded Saudi Arabia? Afterall, they hate freedom, they are the only Islamic state that doesn't allow women to vote, and Saudi nationals made up the bulk of the 9/11 hijackers, didn't they? Why have UK officials, including the PM, admitted that the intel used to justify the invasion of Iraq was erroneous, yet here in America people tenuously cling to any circumstantial "fact" they can scrape together to try and defend the war. It's either very funny or very sad that so many otherwise intelligent people, both here and in the UK, have fallen for this ruse.
  16. Interestingly, if you throw a few zeros onto the end of that number it sounds a lot like the United States' foreign policy. Newsweek doesn't kill people, people kill people.
  17. I've read some compelling arguments from Dems on why they think Dean was a good choice. That said, I'm surprised they went with someone that far to the left given that the country is in a conservative cycle.
  18. It does look awfully powerful. If they ship it with the tech inside of it that they're talking about - like the 2 video cards that run retail about $500 each - you had better start saving for it now!
  19. That's the same as me. I have no idea what happens in the rest of the movies and frankly, I really don't care. The first movie was magical to me, and that may be part of the reason why I don't care to see the others.
  20. Nice story, nice guy. But the NBA still sucks.
  21. By its very definition, democracy does equate to universal suffrage. Neither the Greek or Venetian governments were true democracies. The American style of government is not a true democracy either.
  22. I suppose she is - if you're in to that whole anorexic crack-whore look.
  23. Dolphins fan AND a Leafs fan? Are you trying to make enemies around here?
  24. Chris - Campy 2 cars I'd like to be up front if possible but since I'm kinda' late posting, anywhere within cooler draggin' distance is cool.
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