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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Cool, thanks for the link agilen - I bookmarked it.
  2. Owning a firearm makes a civilian understand what it's like to serve in the military?
  3. Hurley and the kidnapped boy's father are on Kimmel right now. The actor who plays the boy's father told Kimmel that they indeed were the Others.
  4. It does not do both. It does specify some rights (eg, women's suffrage) but the Constitution wasn't created to be an all encompassing list of rights. It does "grant" some rights in the sense that it puts limitaions on the ability of legislatures - be they federal, state, or local - to deny those rights to Americans. Most people aregue that it limits the powers of government as opposed to grants rights. He wasn't "sort of" right - he was "spot-on" right. "New" interpretations of our 200 year old Constitution merely demonstrates the wisdom and foresight of the founding fathers. As you don't specify the interpretation to which you refer, I can only offer the generic response that the Constitution is bigger than any single issue. Again, the feds never made abortions legal. What the Sup Ct did do was rule that it's not an area in which government should legislate. Again, the Constitution is designed to place restrictions on government's ability to restrict individual rights, not to directly grant rights to the people. I'm not trying to change your mind, but I trust you're willing to consider why so many of us (both lefties and righties) are so quick to dismiss the "activist judiciary" mantra.
  5. Promo - if he's gonna' give you the choice of topic, go with something political like the checks and balances issues you mentioned above. IMHO if there is one poster to whom we all should defer on questions of terrorism, WMDs and the like, it'd be the Ghost. He deals with all of that stuff and the oftentimes unpleasant realities that go along with it for a living - it really is his job. I can say that he's not some internet tough-guy or message board know-it-all after having met him when he was in town on business and he stopped by our Backers club to catch the Bills-Raiders game with us. We had the opportunity to talk, and I kept switching the topic while he was talking because his answers to my questions on things like terrorism, chem and bio weapons, etc, were really freakin' me out. He knows his stuff. I'm not saying you shouldn't engage him in debate, just choose your topic carefully.
  6. The above should be considered mandatory reading.
  7. Simply put, your argument just isn't conducive to intelligent debate because it's not based upon an opinion but upon a false premise. As I've tried to explain in previous posts, the Supreme Court interprets law. If there is no specific law relevant to a case they are hearing, they take the framework provided by existing law and apply it to their opinion/decision/judgment. You or I may not always like the outcome, but considering that the only thing they do is to interpret law, it is impossible for them to "ignore the rule of law" is it not? To me it sounds like you're either confusing the role of the judicial branch with that of the legislative, or that you are simply unaware of the roles that the legislative and judicial branches play in that whole checks and balances thingy.
  8. 3 thoughts on this... First, this a home for war vets we're talking about here. Secondly, according to the article the home's "operating costs are borne mainly by a trust fund and by monthly fees paid by its residents. Another source of revenue are the fines and forfeitures levied upon members of the active-duty military in judicial proceedings." Thirdly, did I mention that these are United States war vets we're talking about?
  9. The reason the placeholder would be named in that manner is because I had stacks of photos of golfers, but only one appeared to have blonde hair (B&W photos). If it had been merely "golfer" I wouldn't have a clue as to which photo I was thinking would work in that space and would be formatting the page all over again. Maybe it's because I've had the task of formatting a yearbook before, but if there is something that's unique and easily observed that allows you to identify that particular photo from the stacks of hundreds in front of you, you use it, especially if you don't know the name of the person in the photo. Frankly, I just don't see any racism in that. Also, their faculty advisor might be like ours was. He only give us editors his classroom for 1 hour a day after school - and if we had practice, work, or whatever other commitment a high schooler might have, that was another day lost in trying to pull it together. Every time I look at my senior yearbook I'm reminded of the pride that we editors had when it finally went to print. It truly was a massive undertaking.
  10. The Walk-of-Fame thingy is only a tourist attraction. Perhaps it used to be an honor but these days it's merely a way to increase the number of los touristas.
  11. Check out Das Keyboard for only $80!
  12. Was Deepthroats lurking in the shadows of the Watergate Hotel?
  13. I can only speak to the low tech methods used in '85, but placeholders were used to identify the picture that was to go into a specific place during the layout process. In the section that I edited (Sports), I used descriptives like blonde golfer, short goalie, dumb play, etc.
  14. They are printing corrected yearbooks which will actually be distributed to the students.
  15. Settle for Leafs-Bruins? I love watching two division rivals snot each other!
  16. O'Quinn was on Kimmel last night. Kimmel asked him if the monster had two legs or four to which the response was "What does it matter if I say two?" Kimmel explained that if O'Quinn told him the answer that we'd know they'd show the creature/monster tonight, and then asked him to confirm if it was a two-legged monster. O'Quinn's response was something to the effect that he already said too much and wasn't going to say anymore about it. Oh yeah, he also taught Kimmel how to throw a knife. Seems like a pretty cool dude. Somewhat cryptic, but I gathered that they'd show the creature in the finale - I thought you Lost guys might find that interesting.
  17. It's not just liberals who think tests are stupid. I have a professor who is a hardcore Libertarian and he doesn't see any benefit in asking his students to regurgitate a memorized piece of trivia. Labeling all educators as liberals in an attempt to prove a point (I know, I know, liberals are evil) is an exageration to the nth degree. Also, sending your kids to another school if it continues to score poorly isn't really going to resolve anything, is it? It certainly will not correct any alledged deficiencies in the school. Why don't we at least attempt to correct the "problem" schools, or even better, tell the federal government to keep out of state issues.
  18. You and that wife of yours are destroying not only the "sub-species" but all of mankind with your intermingling beastiality-like practices. How dare you?!? /sarcasm
  19. Based upon my experience, I thought everyone in NYS who graduated received a district diploma, and everyone who graduated Regents received two - the district and the Regents. Is that not the case?
  20. Our nation's history in the area of race-relations is regretable, and I'm well aware of our past. Your example where you used the term "japped" is something of a strawman relative to the issue at hand, but we'll continue the scene. Let's say you follow bar etiquette and tell him you're going to buy him a drink to show you meant no hard feelings, afterall, you didn't mean to offend the only Asian in the bar by making a flippant remark. Besides, you tell him, that had you known it's implied meaning, you would have never said in the first place He thanks you and returns to the area of his table to grab a smoke. You don't know his name, but he overhears you asking the waitress to deliver a beer to "the Japanese man" as you point in the general vicinity of where his table is. Is he offended then? If the yearbook contained the n-word or any other of a number crass, rude, and downright deragotory terms I'd agree with you 110%. Instead, the student editors captioned her photo as "black girl" in the template and failed to correct it before it went to print. Having served as an editor for my senior class yearbook, captioning photos in a similar manner until the proper spelling, or even just the student's name if it's unknown, can be confirmed is a common occurance. They used a non-deragotory term for the student's race to quickly and easily identify her. There doesn't appear to be any hidden agenda, subversion, or insult, only sloppy editing before the book went to print. Big deal.
  21. IMO, your scenario is a perfect example of why interrogation should be done by those devoid of an intense and personal interest in the case/suspect/interrogation. Due to my interpretation of God's will, I am against the death penalty. Does this mean that I wouldn't want to shoot someone who (God forbid) raped or killed my wife? Hell no. But that's why I shouldn't/wouldn't be involved, other than just being granted the opportunity to speak during sentencing.
  22. I don't remember that part of Animal Farm. Perhaps you read the uncensored version?
  23. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, nor am I claiming that racism should ever be tolerated. I am, however, saying that referring to people by their race or ethnicity is not inherently racism or bigotry. It depends upon the word choice, context, and intent of the reference to be racism IMO. And yes, I'm Anglo. And yes, I've been discriminated against for being Anglo. In fact, if any Anglo wants to know what it feels like to be told that they're in the "wrong" store and the "wrong" part of town, and perhaps even be occasionly threatened, PM me when you plan a trip to southeastern VA and I'll be sure to provide you with directions to some stores and shopping centers in Newport News, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, and Norfolk where you too can experience it. If you'll be in northern Virginia, PM VABills, I'm sure he can point out some places where the same has happened to him. Racism is wrong. Describing her as a "black girl" is not racism.
  24. It could be argued that the above is an accurate statement. Afterall, I'm sure King Soloman and Cleopatra were also bitten by one of those desert spiders after a long day of toiling in 100+ degree weather.... That guy's a real piece of work. If I was him I'd be looking over my shoulder every time I walk out of the house, and twice before I walk back into it.
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