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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Cool looking T's Nick. As far as copyright infringement, I had a go-round with that last year. As it turns out, as long as your club is a registered club in Bills Backers International you have permission to use the club's insignia - provided it's not in a for-profit enterprise. We've printed some really nice T's and we sold some outright, and used some as prizes in gameday raffles to benefit the fight against MS (our club donates proceeds to our local National MS Society chapter). After learning how we use their logo, the Bills gave us their blessing. Hope this helps
  2. I totally agree with the gist of your post, but I think it'd be a mistake to lump EVH into that category. FWIW, I play.
  3. I'm not going to lie. I had some reservations about posting this up here. I really don't mind other people's LAMPs, but I'm not sure I'm crazy about them being about me. But since there were so many of you who asked for updates and wanted to keep up with my situation, it judt wouldn't be practical to try and PM all of you, so here goes... The final lab results are in from the "mystery tissue" growing around my eyes (in the conjunctiva for you medical types). I do have cancer. It's B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, more specifically, a MALT or MALToma. What that means is that it "likes" mucous, so it tends to be in areas like the eyes (like me), the mouth, the throat, the stomach (like Joe Fergy), the intestines, etc. Right now there is no evidence that it has spread to my eyes from elsewhere which is a good sign, but the oncologist will be able to better determine if that is the case. If it spread from somewhere else (eg, throat or stomach) to my eyes that could be bad news. Very bad news. It's possible that it did do just that but in others who had a similar situation, statistically speaking the odds are better it that it did not spread from elsewhere, so I'm maintaining a positive attitude and hoping for the best. If it did spread to my eyes from elsewhere, I can look forward to surgery and chemo. Again, if the stats can be believed, I, most likely, will not have chemo. What they plan on doing is narrow beam radiation to my eyes. While the reactions to narrow beam radiation aren't as severe as those of chemo, it won't be very much fun. The most lasting side-effect (possible sterility aside) is glaucoma. Since my ophthalmologist is involved through this entire process, the glaucoma will be caught early enough so that I have chance it can be corrected with surgery and then eye drops daily. And my poor wife. Despite the facade she exhibits to friends, I think she's been more worried and anxious than me. Obvious big-picture health concerns aside, I told her that my main priority is feel to healthy enough to make the trip up on Sept 11. She just rolled her eyes and sighed. ...I guess some people just don't get Bills football!
  4. It could be argued that all religions are cults, or at least those "other" religions are cults. It just kinda depends on the faith of the person asking the question, doesn't it?
  5. And Tribbles. Don't forget the Tribbles.
  6. I've noticed on more than one occasion that the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thingy really trips people up. It's just so damned inconvenient some times. Our judicial system may not be perfect, but it's as close to perfection as man has ever come. It's too bad that it gets blamed for human shortcomings by the reactionary Hot Packet crowd.
  7. That is accurate. For states that didn't make the max speed limit 55 mph, their grant-in-aid funding for highways would be witheld.
  8. I'd be content if they just settled this thing and went back to work.
  9. My understanding is that the only way the federal gov't can justify jurisdiction over pot is the oversight of interstate commerce. If I plant it, grow it, cultivate it, and smoke it on my own property, wouldn't that mean that technically, I'm not violating federal law, or at least not a federal law that is constitutional, ie, designed to regulate interstate commerce? As some of you know, I'm looking at radiation (or possibly chemo). If I need to fire up a doob to help lessen the side effects, or if perhaps I develop glaucoma from nuking my eye, so be it. I'm gonna fire up a doob. Screw 'em. It's not a federal issue IMHO.
  10. The alternative to the HRBT, Downtown, Midtown, or Monitor-Merrimac tunnels is a ferry. By comparison, the tunnels ain't so bad.
  11. These lists are just looking to be ripped, aren't they? Will someone explain to me how a "play making star on a very strong defense" is rated two spots behind a player who "has never been as good as the hype" but is "still a good player"?????
  12. So shouldn't he be on a "Top 100 Songwriters List"? This list is (theoretically) the best guitar players, not songwriters. If songwriting was the be-all end-all of guitar greatness, why isn't Bob Dylan listed in the top 10?
  13. That was pretty funny. He ended up using most if his time screwing around, but it was funny.
  14. I hope you're enjoying your day Rock!
  15. While I'm hoping that it is true, I'm far too cynical about such things to get giddy. I'll believe it when I see it here.
  16. IMHO they're both ranked about 90 spots too high. I don't dislike either, but I don't believe that either is an exceptionally talented guitarist. I don't think either one of them deserves to be ranked that high, but looking at the rest of the list, I'm not terribly surprised they are, afterall, it was a longtime ago that Rolling Stone was counter-culture. Now they're nothing more than a glorified Teen Beat.
  17. I quit college to move home and help my dad care for my mom - she had cancer. When it became obvious she wouldn't be with us much longer, my father encouraged me to re-start my life so to speak and it just so happened that a friend was moving out of WNY and was in need of a roommate. Virginia Beach, VA Most everything is newer, cleaner, and better here. Although Buffalo does have better restaurants and food. No way. My plan starts with TNT. Lots and lots of TNT. Also, secede from New York State.
  18. Be careful on those patrols soldier. The only PETA chick I ever uhmmm... "dated," was left alone half naked on her bed. Being pretty hammered I didn't mind the unshaven underarms - I thought "How Euro-trash of you." When the hairy legs were exposed, I bolted.
  19. True. That would kill any chance Bush had of being re-elected in '08, wouldn't it?
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