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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Me too. As close to heaven as you can get while still breathing!
  2. Obviously this will be The Big One that everyone's been fearing. From HoustonChronicle.com.
  3. So what your saying is that our journeyman FB had his hands full with a perennial Pro Bowler and probable HoF LB? Shocking.
  4. I heard on the radio that 'New Awlins' processes something like 40% of domestic oil. It looks like we'll soon be wishing gas was only $3.00/gallon.
  5. Nice trade. Lydman for a 3rd is a great use of a draft pick. I guess Calgary ran into to cap trouble and had to move him because Lord knows he's better than a 3rd. He'll be a bit streaky but he'll be a good player for the Sabres all the same.
  6. 1. Probably 2. Outrageously high (housing). 3. The traffic is worse than "really sucks." 4. I'll defer to VABills, Ghost o' BiB, et al.
  7. I thought you were arguing about Brady
  8. Just curious... Aren't either of you (ie, AKC or Hollywood) growing just a bit tired of this little debate? Hollywood seems to think Brady walks on water. AKC seems to think Brady is incapable of throwing a ball more than 5 feet. Can't y'all just agree to disagree?
  9. This game will be interesting on a couple of levels. For starters, we have two former Bears on the roster in Villarial and Gandy (as I imagine you know). Also, I'm curious to see how Hutchinson does. I know he struggled some against the Colts, but that was on relatively short notice. He'll have had more reps in the offense for this game, but on the other hand, it's safe to say that the Bills' D is a bit stiffer than the Colts'. It should be a pretty good measuring stick for Bears fans, although a less than stellar performance shouldn't be interpreted as doom and gloom in Chicagoland - our D has a way of making many QBs look that way. He'll get better week after week, but if he performs at an average level in this game then there might be reason for optimism along the shores of Lake Michigan. But it would be nice to see what Rex could do with a couple of injury-free seasons worth of experience. Part of me wonders if we'll ever know - I almost feel sorry for the guy. Either way, both teams should get some good work. FWIW, the Bears have been my NFC fave since I saw a game at Soldier Field back in the 80's during a visit with my sister (she was a junior at UC).
  10. Probably sound advice, but it doesn't make it any less sad. That said, I wear my Bills jerseys to away games and haven't had any real problems. Just expect people to talk trash. Smile and laugh along with them (or at them, as the case may be). Take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. Don't let anything they say get under your skin, even if it crosses the line. Don't get mouthy back, but do have some fun. Most fans (regardless of team) are actually pretty interesting to talk to once they get past that whole "your team sucks" stuff. I won't promise you anything, but that works for me when I catch my team on the road. By the way, your team really does suck. Kidding. Juuuuust kidding.
  11. Wouldn't they be the same one's put forward by Reagan and ol' man Bush?
  12. That article you mention was much ado about nothing. A few aging, bitter, and/or overpaid pseudo-stars aren't happy with Regier or Ruff? Well boo-hoo and cry me a river. There are former players from every team in the league that have less than flattering things to say about their former team. For that matter, the same can be said for any employer - including yours and mine. I know it's fashionable to bash the Sabres' brass, but not only does it not change a thing, it represents a stunningly myopic perception of the new NHL IMO.
  13. It's a workface safety issue, much like the bartenders who complain about cigarette smoke. Damn unions. *braces for BillsNYC's reply*
  14. He always reminded me of that Chris Farley character from SNL. When they'd show him in his usual near-convulsive state during a game, our entire Backers club would yell "in a van down by the river!" at the TV. Mauck was enthusiastic, I'll give him that much.
  15. ...And the foundation which shares his name (Hunter's Hope) has granted over $3.8 million to help end Krabbe's Disease. In his too few years on this rock Hunter made a bigger difference than the rest of us can ever hope to make. Today is a day to celebrate his life.
  16. Kelly: 6-3, 217 Losman: 6-2, 217 Either one of them can take care of themselves out there. And 11 is Roscoe Parrish. Look forward to seeing them. Thanks for the report!
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