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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Burris (sideline reporter) said it was his shoulder. He did not return to the game and the status of his injury is unknown. He didn't appear to be in major pain - I don't think it's too serious, but we'll have to wait for the injury report to be sure I guess.
  2. The reporter who popped off to Hannity was Shep Smith, usually a real putz but that was a good segment he had. Why are people who are trying to evacuate New Orleans being turned away on the bridge to Jefferson Parrish? That makes no sense to me...
  3. I admire your enthusiasm BiP.
  4. That's a brave lady you have there Ron Mexico. You must be awfully proud of her.
  5. I don't think he's connected those dots yet.
  6. Question: Is it better to struggle as the kids gets some OTJ training, or is it better to play a very mediocre veteran QB? I for one, still roll the dice with JP because of the intermediate and long term upside. Going with Holcomb stifles any development JP can make, and certainly harms the team's confidence in him - the "If the coaches don't trust him, why should we" kinda' thing. There will be growing pains, but it's something with which we'll just have to live.
  7. I can say that in the plays I've seen from the Lions game, Holcomb appears to be more accurate with his passes. Holcomb appeared to be making better decisions with the ball (throwing it away, taking a sack, etc). JP's passes were consistently high, and his decision making hasn't been too hot since the first preseason game. Jp didn't look off receivers and relied too much on his arm strength to force balls. Those types of things are noticable regardless of the level of the competition. Don't get me wrong, I think (hope) that JP will be a better QB than Holcomb ever is/was, but right now, it appears to me that Holcomb is a better QB. I'm not calling for JP's head or anything - we all knew there would be growing pains watching him develop in to what we all hope will be an awesome QB.
  8. Actually, Warrick Dunn appealled to fellow NFL'ers on Thursday to donate a minimum of $5k. If 53 guys from each of the 30 teams (Saints excluded) kicked in, they'd raise over $8 million. Hopefully the other guys get on board with him.
  9. I just saw an interview on TV where a tractor trailer driver said he was loaded full with cases of water in Houston to take to New Orleans on Monday afternoon, but he said his boss made him wait. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm reasonably confident that it has next to nothing to do with NO's response plan (or lack thereof).
  10. After 25 years of top 5 draft picks they're finally finding some good ones. You really think so or am I missing the sarcasm?
  11. Prices in Va Bch were for 87 Octane varied from $2.89 - $3.05 this afternoon.
  12. Oh, it does suck, but not as bad as taking 2 hours to travel 30 miles.
  13. It's probably a matter of semantics, but I really don't mind people b!tchin' about the price of gas per gallon because it is pretty high these days. What gets me is when people driving a big vehicle (car, pick up, or SUV) start whining about their gas mileage or that they had to fill up twice in 3 days. Now that drives me nuts.
  14. I guess my attitude is that if a person wants to pay for a Hummer, is willing to pay to put gas in them, then what difference does it make? Going after SUVs seems kind of Hot Pocket-ish to me. Perhaps we should burn all of the SUVs and go back to driving lead sleds - like the old '73 Impala with a 427 that I drove while in college. My point being is that people who choose to buy SUVs are hardly the problem, but they (we?) seem to make pretty convenient targets.
  15. I drive a Jeep Wrangler, so I'm not sure if you consider that an SUV or not, but why the hostility toward the consumers? Why not blame Detroit for making them? Or better yet, the fed gov't for not following up on the plan for stricter fuel economy requirements for new vehicles?
  16. Interestingly, I say the same thing about Buffalo knowing full well that Buffalo, Erie County, and WNY has their fair share of two-legged turds.
  17. I agree with you, but I was referring to communication -A- before the storm, and -B-, the old fashioned way. If the governor and/or mayor can find their way to a news camera, one would think that one of their aids should be able to make it to the other governmental body's "situation room."
  18. Good link BRH. I agree with him, we ought to question how we got to this point. But unfortunately, the questions are coming at a time when there is a need for action, not rhetoric. There'll be plenty of time for rhetoric in the coming months.
  19. I'd agree with that. It sure seems that way That's right about where you start to lose me. Yes, in a perfect world 10K National Guardsmen would be sitting on the city line waiting for the storm to pass so they could enter and maintain order. But in the real world, such things just aren't practical. Remember, Congress was not in session. I doubt anyone would argue that, but it could be said that it might begin to show people in NO that the rest of us care and want to help. I make no secret of the fact that I despise our current President on several levels, but I don't think it's fair to lay the whole thing at his feet either. I thought it was obvious, but perhaps it isn't, but there appears to be a total breakdown of communication at the local and state level leaving the fed gov't in limbo. Now that a gov't (fed) has asserted themselves in a leadership role, things seem to be rapidly improving. Sure, slower than what you and I would like, but hardly all W's fault.
  20. Certainly stands in stark contrast to fellow WVU alum Darryl Talley, eh?
  21. Puh-lease. If the sitting Pres was a Dem, it'd be EXACTLY the same but with the GOP leadership blasting away.
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