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Everything posted by Campy

  1. If it's that simple, I'm pretty frickin' relieved!
  2. Mrs Campy and I are leaving Thursday AM. We'll be at Hammer's Lot, and like Jay, if we can find that stadium-thingy after the Tailgate, we'll see if we can't stop by to check it out. Plates are being planned for Friday (that's still on, right?), but I can't 100% promise we'll make it (chemo side effects and all , but at least I still have hair and don't look like a cancer patient ). Looking forward to meeting many of you and seeing even more of you again! Go Bills!!!
  3. Check your phonebooks for a local team uniform supplier that does their own customising. They'll match up the nameplate's background coloring and lettering so nobody will be the wiser. Down here there's a place (on S Holland for other Va Bch fans) that will do it for ~$20. A great deal if you have an authentic jersey.
  4. I was at that game - it was a good one. It was also the first time I saw that many people at Rich Stadium for something other than a Stones concert. Fans were keyed up that day, much like we'll be this Sunday!
  5. I used to think that too but the dark pants and jersey look has grown on me. The new road jerseys on the other hand...
  6. Take Abbott Road. The traffic is minimal when we real Bills fans show up no later than 8 AM.
  7. I'd say Shaud is #2, but Joe Burns should be listed as a fullback. He's behind Shelton, no?
  8. I'm thinking QB draw or naked bootleg - let him get hit and knock the nerves out of him.
  9. There was a Sugar Bowl long before there was a New Orleans Saints and they'll still want/need the revenue. Of course, future Sugar Bowls could be played at Tulane - like the first one was in 1935.
  10. Hey, JP might come out and stink it up, but the beauty of a ball control offense is that you take the game out of the QBs hands and play the field position game. JP might finish with a rating of 23, but I doubt he'd be the sole reason Bflo doesn't beat Houston if, in fact, the Texans upset Bflo. Barring injury or misfiring synapses to the point where he reverts to calling high school plays, I'd be shocked if he gets pulled.
  11. Right on. A little realism is fine, but when it borders on some bizare negativity-based obsession, I guess I just don't see how some fans manage to enjoy football season. Regardless of a Bills' win or loss, I still have the same ol' routine come Monday morning. Apparently some of us experience a higher quality of life when either the Bills win or when they can post "I told you so." To each his own, but I'd rather just have fun. Life is too short...
  12. Funny you mention Music Choice's Arena Rock channel. We no longer have DTV, but we do get them on digital cable down here. Last weekend Teresa and I did some major house cleaning (our autumn version of spring cleaning) and we had it on that station all afternoon. It's really a flashback, but like you said, sometimes for all of the wrong reasons - but I have to admit, it was pretty coold to hear some of the songs that I had long since forgotten about. Got to hear bands like Zebra and Slade - it reminded me of 97Rock and/or WCMF circa 1984-7.
  13. Maybe NavyBillsFan is moonlighting - he recently moved out to Suffolk. Just curious, was the guy in the hardhat relatively slim, 5'11" or 6'0", about 30 years old or so? And what were you doing going to the Suffolk dump? You live out there?
  14. Is that what Pittsburgh was saying about Notre Dame?
  15. I know you must be stunned - I think I can understand a little bit what you're going through. A couple months back I learned that I have a cancer that, according to my doctors, will most likely not be cured. They've already said that it may very well kill me one day, but that they are trying to do what they can to keep that from happening anytime soon. Just some stuff to think about: -Follow to the letter what your docs say, but question them every step of the way. -Get a small notebook and make a journal with every ache, pain, pill, shortness of breath, etc, and bring that with you to your cardio appointments. -Be sure to write down the time and what you were doing at the time when you experience discomfort, as well as any questions you thought of since your previous appointment. It helped me feel confident that my docs had all of the information they'd need to offer me the highest level of care possible. -As scary as it is, remember to maintain a positive attitude - you and the people who love you deserve no less. -If you don't already, consider doing something to feed your spiritual needs. Be it church, temple, meditation, affirmations, or whatever works for you, do something to cleanse your soul and lift your spirit. It really has helped me and hopefully it would benefit you too. I know you've been knocked on your arse with this news. Feel free to PM me if you ever need to think out loud. Take care brother, -Chris.
  16. Let me preface my post by saying that I agree with the overall gist of your post. And I'll agree that Rice is (perhaps) the best WR to have ever played, but saying he's in the debate for best player ever?
  17. The results are meaningless, no doubt. The performance of our new inexperienced QB is not, and he's been anything but stellar. I'm not ready to throw myself off a bridge just yet but I am a little concerned with whether he'll be able to get it together in a week.
  18. Per Shep Smith, Jefferson has electricity and potable water. If that's the case, something just ain't right. I knew NO is 60% black, but I just learned that Jefferson is 68% white. I won't say it but it sure has crossed my mind.
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