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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Notify the credit companies (like Equifax). Have them put a note on both of your credit reports. Also block them from running credit without confirmation that it's actually one of you requesting credit. Other than that, call the police and have her get a new card - they won't issue a new number unless there are extreme circumstances. And for God's sake, tell her to leave her SS card at home from now on. There's no reason in the world she would need to keep it with her on a daily basis.
  2. At 2:30 a play began where JP takes off running. I can't tell who it is, Mark Campbell possibly, who just collapses a Houston DL with a devastating block at the 25 yard line. The dude just crumbled where he stood - amazing.
  3. Just had a "Severe Weather Report" on the local news. They showed sustained winds in Wilmington at 36 with tropical storm gusts to 55 right now. It sounds like it's starting to pick up. I know that you can't live in Wilmington and not know how to prepare, so I'll spare you that, but just take it easy. It's crawling along so I'd expect you guys get more flooding than wind damage. High tide is going to be a little scary I bet. Just an FYI, but NC has issued mandatory evacuation for a couple counties up north of you, Dare and Currituck - they're calling for 10-15" of rain in those areas with storm surges 6-10' up there. We don't expect any real problems here. 30-50 mph sustained with gusts to 50-65 and 1-3" of rain with tidal flooding. I guess there's a reason why these build waterfront homes on pilings afterall, eh? Stay safe and make the best of it.
  4. Hey Jay, on your next day off, shoot over there and steal that locker display for me will ya'? It'd look great in my gameroom.
  5. It's easy for you to say that when your monkey butt was in an aisle seat! It doesn't bother me much to be honest - unless it's a big play like a 3rd down or goaline or something. I know I got caught trying to leave when Bflo hurried a huddle on Sunday. When it's somebody else I give them the benefit of the doubt - Maybe they really left their seat before the play started. You can only move so fast in there, there just isn't much room to slide by.
  6. Wow, there is a lot cool stuff there. I see a couple of things there that I have in my gameroom. Some of the others, like the '84 poster from Bells was a blast from the past. I had several of those posters because I worked at Bells while in high school. Man do I wish I knew that display existed while I was up there.
  7. I don't like him back there either but it has more to do with fumbles and muffs than it does the risk of injury.
  8. It was a great day - thanks to all of you for making it so. The only regret I have is that I didn't order one of those killer T-shirts. Don't suppose there are any left for sale..?
  9. I'd say it was a little bit of both. That said, I thought the TBD section was pretty darn vocal for the most part.
  10. And the beauty of it all is that when the people in front of you stand, you can yell and bang on the backs of their seats to make even more noise!
  11. In the first half, for sure. In the second half he looked pretty inaccurate to me.
  12. Good post, but I think I like our TEs a bit more than you do. We don't have a Tony Gonzales-type TE (not many do), but I think they are capable at worst, and pretty decent at best. Afterall, bad TEs really don't get separation all day, do they?
  13. From my view at The Ralph, it looked like Anderson and Gandy had pretty good days, that penalty notwithstanding. JP had plenty of time most of the time, and it looked like the left side of the line had some decent-sized holes on running plays.
  14. Made it through with no ruptured abdominal walls or broken noses. I guess you could say we're on something of a roll! But I did mooch a few cigs off of a couple of people throughout the day and awoke Monday with the sorest throat and chest I've ever had. I honestly don't know how I used to go through a pack a day.
  15. We had no problem with traffic at all. I guess arriving at 6:30 AM and leaving at 7:30 PM will do that! I know they've had a couple of the gates closed at each exit over the last few years, but I thought it was odd that this year they only had a single gate open after the game. I imagine there's a reason for that, but I'll be darned if I can guess what it might be.
  16. So glad you're swinging by Glenn. Maybe you'll have some time to slum it with some of your southern Virginia fans? It wouldn't have been the same without you there my friend.
  17. A mobile QB helps keep a defense honest. There is a strong possibility of mismatches in Bflo's favor this game/year. Like Simon said, that will either allow Willis to break off some decent gainers or allow Moulds and Evans to go one-on-one. Whichever player draws the Safety, I like our chances with either Eric or Lee alone on a corner.
  18. Hi Joey - All of TBD/TSW is glad you're OK. I hope things return to some sort of normalcy sooner rather than later. God bless you, your family, and your neighbors as y'all pick yourselves up and put your lives back together. You're in our prayers.
  19. Now that just wouldn't be right. If I'm at Nick's I MUST have a plate! You're on. For some odd reason Teresa said she's "very excited" to see you again. I've been wondering why the last couple of years you always have to "show her something" in your tent...
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