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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Who said that wasn't one of the coaching staff's responsibilities? It's hard to even dignify that statement given the differences between Williams/Gilbride's mentality and that of the current coaching staff. MULARKEY BAD!!
  2. I don't remember Mularky fumbling, blowing coverage, missing tackles, dropping balls, and missing blocks in that game against Pittsburgh. And what exactly, did you find wrong with what he did last week inside the 20? Oh, I get it, MULARKEY BAD!!
  3. I believe this is the first time anyone has fretted over JP's lack of confidence.
  4. JP had a lot of company, but he played very poorly. He's got to learn to look off DBs and make better decisions with the ball. Before the garbage time final drive what were his numbers? Something like 3-19 for 40-some yards? All of our opponents are going to stack the box to stop Willis, therefore, JP must get it done. People can blame whoever they want but the fact is, JP stunk it up yesterday.
  5. Fantasy Basketball eh? OK, here's mine: The NBA folds so I won't have to wade through 56 replays of very similar looking dunks to see highlights of my local AHL affiliate.
  6. Pontillo's in Batavia (their original location) or Le Roy (their second location). Just had some this past weekend in both places - they haven't lost their touch.
  7. The troll was singing Greensleeves? That's one talented doll.
  8. Very nice. Part of me wishes we could do that every home game and another part of me is glad that it's only once a year - it keeps it special.
  9. They're bought even when your guy wins. Don't believe me? Quick, name 5 presidential candidates from the last election. If you're like most of us, you'll name 2 for sure, 3 possibly, 4 is unlikely, and 5, darn near impossible. What do the two candidates most people can name all have in common? (hint: $$$). I dunno. He can still be pretty funny - you know he does bust on Dems as well as the GOP. His biggest "shilldom" seems to be railing against the gov't for sticking their nose in peoples' business - which is something I agree with him on.
  10. I'm not sure I see this as "conservative common sense logic." Isn't it supposed to just be funny? Or at least somewhat amusing? For example, there's a reason that we have a military presence throughout the world, and there's a reason why it's still there despite the break up of the Soviet Union, right? Why do you think that is? More importantly, what would happen to US diplomatic muscle and US business interests if it were removed? Remember, the US has tried the whole isolationism-thingy a few times before and it didn't really work. Maybe I misread some of the plan attributed to Williams, or maybe I misinterpreted your post, but let's just take it for what it is and not pretend it's some idealistic dogma to which we should aspire.
  11. Depends on the sense of urgency. Regular picture. Zoomed in. It would suck to have the press capture that little moment, but I can't help but wonder why he chose to frame it as a question - note the question mark. Is he not sure if he has to pee? You what they say George, if you have to ask, the answer is no.
  12. If we're talking an All-Bills team, how can someone not mention George Saimes?
  13. Am I the only one who believes that neither TKO or Fletch would be nearly as effective without the other? They are both difference makers alone, but they need each other. It'd be like Biscuit without Bruce in front of him. They were both talented, but together they're greater than the sum of the parts.
  14. Tom Terrific? That'd be about the lamest nickname in the history of sports.
  15. We all probably agree that the QB gets too much credit when his team wins and too much blame when they lose. The guy does have a pretty impressive record, but am I ready to figuratively fellate him? Hardly. He's just getting his too much credit.
  16. Wierd. We had a 3 page thread last week wondering where you were. Welcome back.
  17. That Madden sucks worse than Theisman?
  18. We were in the Old Dominion waiting for you to finally get smart and move up here!
  19. Nice post. It's nice to see that there are at least a few of us who wish Drew well.
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