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Everything posted by Campy

  1. You tell him to keep an eye out for Town-a-wanda?
  2. Le Roy always gave people troubles, but it always seemed pretty straight forward to me. But on the other hand, so did Chili and Bergen, and "leicest" I forget Socio... EDIT: Leicester reminds me of a place down here called Gloucester, prounounced Glawster.
  3. Couldn't have said it any better - very succinct.
  4. Good trick, given that there's no such thing as Norfolk High. Norfolk's schools are Booker T Washington (Bruce Smith's alma mater), Granby High, Norview, Lake Taylor, and Maury.
  5. For those of us with Houston connections, KHOU-TV in Houston is now calling Galveston Bay as ground zero, it's no longer looking like it's going to directly nail Matagorda Bay. As you probably know, that's not good for SE Houston - the surge will absolutely hammer Channelview and IMO up to and including Humble. It's not looking good at all. Here are a couple of links to KHOU-TV I've been using to follow the developments in and around Houston: 5AM forecast - Galveston Bay (Houston) is ground zero KHOU-TV Blog (misc updates posted as soon as they come in) KHOU-TV's live web feed - great coverage for those of us who have Houston connections Hopefully the people to whom you are connected are on the road now. My father and mother-in-law (as well as his mother) are making their way to Lufkin. They were unable to find a room anywhere closer than Dallas, so they're going to stay at a shelter, which I know they won't like but given the alternative... My sister-in-law and her husband are leaving this afternoon to go stay with his family in San Antonio, farther from home than my mother and father-in-law are willing to travel. My brother-in-law is choosing to ride it out in his big 'ol brick house in western Houston (I've forgotten the neighborhood's name), but wife's dad doesn't think that will be too safe - especially given the current health of his mother. I'd rather see my brother-in-law go, but he's convinvced he'll be OK since he's not in the mandatory evac zone. There's no arguing with him, but at least I now know my wife isn't the only bullheaded member of the family. I just pray he, his wife, and their daughter (she's 17) get through it. This storm isn't going to be fun for a lot of people.
  6. You frickin' northern Virginians don't say it right, ya' damn yankee wannabe's. It's actually Nah-fik for those born and bred, Nor-fik for us transplants. Norfolk trips up outsiders, yet they all seem able to say Suffolk (Suf-fick) properly - Go figure. Another one is Warwick, pronounced War-ick. That said, I've yet to meet someone NOT from WNY who can get through Cheektowaga or Tonawanda without butchering them. And I won't even get into what they do to Scajaqueda or Chautauqua.
  7. Wow man, by looking at the IR loop, Rita looks like she reaches from the Yucatan Peninsula to all but the extreme western Florida panhandle and extending east out to the Atlantic . She's looking huge... registration may be required
  8. Who are you with, the MSC, NWS, or a commercial outlet?
  9. Looking at the latest sat loop (log in might be required), she looks like she wobbled a bit toward New Orleans. As much as I fear for my in-laws in Houston, that would be even worse.
  10. Now ya' know, Jello was invented in my (for all intents and purposes) hometown of Le Roy, so please, do not disrespect the gelatinous goodness of Jello.
  11. I hope it works out as well as this situation possibly could for her It's a biggun for sure. My in-laws live down there (some are/were in Galveston, the rest are in Houston) so like you we've been keeping a close eye on this one. I'm hoping it steers way south of Corpus Christi - it'd still be tragic for those affected but as you know there are far fewer people down that way.
  12. I misunderstood (or misread) you on that one scribo, my bad.
  13. The blue face masks got to go though.
  14. Don't read it. I did and while it's a real stretch, it is possible given the twists and suspense in the show thus far. I wish I hadn't read it because it's possible it's accurate and I can't go back and unread it. Either way, watching it unfold would be so much better IF it's accurate than just reading the cliff notes - It's that whole immersion thingy.
  15. I follow, I hope Fletch can go too, but I think (I'm guessing) that the fastest LB is Posey. I know he's OLB, but I wouldn't be surprised if they use him in a lot of short zone-type drops to keep an eye on Vick. Disclaimer: I seem to think a little more highly of Posey than many of my Bills fan bretheren (and sisteren), so feel free to flame away!
  16. I appreciate your point, but I've found that calling a US Marine a "kitty" isn't always a wise move. But that's just me...
  17. That sounds good. This past trip up for the Texans game was the first I've made and didn't get any Beef on Weck. I didn't even think about it until your post. You're picking her up at 8? Dinner at what, 8:30 or 9? Hmm, if I leave now...
  18. Aside from the fact that I haven't been on PPP in months, I'm not so sure it's entirely accurate to label me as a liberal (nevermind your twisted perception of liberalism) because I disagree with the current administrations policies on several issues. In fact, most real conservatives agree with me on many of my beliefs. Moving beyond you calling me out of the blue for no reason, I agree with you in that I fail to see the humor, but to each his own...
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