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Everything posted by Campy

  1. He doesn't have to be. He only has to be closer than where JP is right now, this week.
  2. Perhaps you should let Brett Favre and Tom Brady in on that. As far as I can tell, nobody is claiming that Holcomb is a long-term answer. I am, which ironically enough, only points to the sheer absurdity of your position. Is it beyond the scope of reason to think that sitting one game won't destroy JP? Can he not still learn subtle nuances of the position (that have evidently escaped him thus far) that will benefit him in the long-term without having the obligations of press conferences, media conference calls, and learning a game plan? Do you really believe that by sitting out one game, or even several games for that matter, that JP's long-term development will suffer? If so, then he clearly never was the answer. Since you're slinging around pithy little statements, perhaps I should point out what your post made painfully obvious. It is you who seems incapable of long-term thinking. There's simply no acceptable reason to sacrifice today in the hopes that something might workout tomorrow. And again, why shouldn't Losman be benched? Anyone..?
  3. I guess that's where we differ then. I'd just be excited to get the win. It provides the Bills with a quarterback that has demonstrated an ability to get the job done at the NFL level, something that Losman, outside of a decent if unspectacular half against Houston, has demonstrated he's unable to so. And for the sake of clarification, by "job done" I mean complete more than 50% of his passes, throw for 100 yards, and grade out higher than a 65 rating. Only 6 more players in the NFL have carried the ball more than Willis. He's getting his opportunities, but when your QB is unable to stretch the D by completing a pass every now and then, it makes the ground game much tougher. Losman was pulled to see if they could get a spark. Mularkey's said that each time he's pulled JP. They called passes in the hopes that Losman might actually COMPLETE one. If you were the Saints' DC, wouldn't you focus on the run and dare your opponent's wildly inacurate QB to make a play? Myself, I'd go with man-on-man coverage against Buffalo's receivers and stuff 9 guys in the box with orders to stop the run too. Losman can't complete enough passes to move the offense. When he can, the DBs will play off and the run game can be even more effective. Believe you? The chemo make me tired, not stoopid. Just a couple of other points stoj: Mularkey doesn't call the plays, Clements does. In a conversion I had with Marv Levy a few years ago, he commented on how misguided we fans can be when we question play calls. What he explained was that the calls don't have any more to do with your team than they do with your opponents' playcalling tendencies in specific down, distance, and field position (north/south and east/west) situations. Who has how many carries, or how many receiving yards, or any of that other stuff, is completely ignored by coaches according to Marv. That's one of the reasons why it's very rare you'll ever hear me be critical of playcalling (schemes maybe, but not the called plays. I just don't have access to the same kind of information that the guys who do it for a living have.
  4. Since you "KNOW..." -Is Holcomb capable of passing for more than 100 yards on Sunday? -Does he have the skillset to achieve a 50% completion percentage? -Will his QB rating be above 56? I'm really curious because thus far Losman seems unable to complete 50% of his passes, throw for over 100 yards per game, or achieve a better rating than 55.9. I'm still trying to figure out why people have a problem with Losman being benched against Miami this week. I keep reading threads to see if I can find a coherent reason, but looking above, below, and around the boringly predictable Mularkey=RJ threads by the same boringly predictable people, I've yet to see a concrete reason why JP should start. He certainly hasn't earned it. In fact, it's his play that has mercifully earned him a spot on the bench this Sunday.
  5. That also happens to be 15 years past being a moot point. The salary cap and revenue sharing have leveled the figurative playing field, and most prime talent that has been targeted by Bflo (most recently Fletcher, TKO, and Sam Adams) signed with Bflo.
  6. Perhaps some thoughts should be kept to oneself.
  7. Just curious, what will your reaction be if Holcomb lights it up and the Bills destroy the 'Phins on Sunday?
  8. If KH's stats are good and the Bills are moving the ball up and down the field, yet still lose the game, why would you not let Holcomb start the following game? After all, there are 50 other men on the roster who aren't QBs that need to step up and do their job if Buffalo is going to win regardless of who the QB is. The future is next season if we don't get a win on Sunday, and there are no gaurantees that our future is particularly bright, given Losman's performance thus far.
  9. All of this hand-wringing over the starting QB is being overblown to laughable proportions. I'm with you Adam, and here's why: -For starters, nobody from the club has definitively stated that Holcomb will start. I'd laugh my arse off at these chuckleheads if JP trots out there on Sunday. -We're playing a division rival at home. If the Bills think Holcomb gives them a better shot at winning, then so be it, just win. We'd be right back in the thick of the race with a win on Sunday. As I said in another post, JP is the future, we play in the present, and presently it's the damn 'Phins. -Miami switched from a 4-3 to an aggresive 3-4 defense. They come from everywhere and have so many different blitz packages that their MLB (Thomas) has to keep a cheat-sheet with him on the field. You expect JP to either learn and/or perform well against that? I just don't think he's there yet. -Perhaps, juuuuuuust perhaps, JP will benefit more by studying and watching. Maybe it's just a bit too soon to ask him to learn the nuances of the position while he's busy learning game plans? -TD, MM, RW, et al, don't have crystal balls. They can't see the future, they can only take (very) educated guesses as to what each player is capable of. If they had their way, don't you think that the Bills would win every game by 80 points? Some of the people ripping into the Bills brass over the performance and/or development of given players really need to take a deep breath and count to 10. I gaurantee that everyone within that organization is doing the best they can to bring the Lombardi to Buffalo - isn't winning a Super Bowl the ultimate achievement in their chosen field of endeavour? Does anyone here honestly believe they could do it better, or is it just more fun to snipe on a fricking internet message board? -IF the Bills offense gets on track under Holcomb, isn't that a good thing? -IF the Bills lose with Holcomb, does anyone really believe that at this stage in his development JP would have been able to get the job done? -IF Holcomb starts, we'll average more than the 98 yards passing per game we've had out of Losman. -Most of the people flying over the top were the ones who bought in to the "addition by subtraction" theory after DB was cut, so I'm a little confused. Weren't they the ones preaching that putting anyone but Bledsoe would help the offense? It appears another change is coming this Sunday, but NOW they try to blame everyone else but the QB position, which up until this summer had a nice target for them to whine about. Bledsoe was chased out of town a year too early and now they want to have their cake and eat it too. -Every year my posting drops during the season for a few different reasons. Chief among them are the vocal minority of posters who seem to be subject to so much anguish with every loss. Just enjoy each game for what it is because I can tell you firsthand it ain't nothing more than that. It's the comradarie with fellow Bills fans. It's being excited that anything is possible on autumn Sundays. It is cheering for our team. It is a game, and it is supposed to be fun. As pained as many seem to be, I wonder why they bother. I wonder if they're truly having fun yet.
  10. Agreed, but I'm still trying to find the solution to the QB who couldn't hit the Niagara River from the Maid of the Mist... That hasn't happened. Mularkey has said many times that they are installing the offense in bits and pieces as JP becomes comfortable with what he's already learned. Big deal, Holcomb is going to start. JP's the future, but this game is must-win and it's being played in the present.
  11. Islam? You're the one who said "Gotta love those Christians." And 3 of the denominations I listed above are Protestant, the other 2 consider themselves to be Catholic. Care to try again?
  12. I'm not too terribly concerned about Christian denominations' tolerance of homosexuality, but since you seem to be : Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterian, and Anglicans all tolerate homosexuality to one degree or another. It goes back to the "Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone" thingy... Now name me 5 that don't tolerate homosexuality.
  13. I saw some lady filling them up in her minivan yesterday while I was at a stoplight. I kept waiting for the static-induced BOOM. Don't people know you're supposed to put gas cans on the ground when you fill them?
  14. She's the lady who protested the Masters because they don't allow women as full-fledged members at the country club at Augusta. ...Focussing on the matters that matter. [/sarcasm]
  15. Support and tolerance are two different animals. I don't support homosexuality, but do I tolerate it, much the same way as my church does. Perhaps you didn't hear about the gay Episcopal bishop? I think most Christians believe it's a sin, but most Christians realize that they themselves aren't perfect either.
  16. Martha, Martha, Martha. With all of the craziness happening in the world, can't you place your energies into something that matters?
  17. I guess the part where Jesus befriended lepers, beggars, thieves, and prostitutes is kinda' lost on them, eh?
  18. Looks awesome Fez - be sure to keep us udpated as you continue to add stuff.
  19. Don't put your hand out when you walk by illegals slapping pamphlets into their hands.
  20. Yes, and by reading my post I would think you'd see I was in agreement with you, not arguing with you. I guess I thought wrong?
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