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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Thanks Fez. BB2004, personally I'd say he's filling in fairly well. He ought not to book his tickets to Hawaii (ie, ProBowl), but he seemed like he did 'OK' yesterday. I beg to differ with MM's assesment though. Taking out a player like TKO and replacing him with Crowell is a serious dropoff in talent, although I'd never expect MM to blast his backup LB that way.
  2. I agree with you, but I think Aikman was a mediocre-to-barely above average QB with a stellar OL, RB, and WR. The thought of him making into the Hall before Thurm turns my stomach...
  3. That would really really really really really suck.
  4. I know what you mean. That said, I hope they keep feeding him the ball. If our QB can help move the chains every now and then, hammering our opponents with the run is an idea I like. Remember, Josh Reed had a holding penalty that brought a long one back. Add those ~50 yards to his stats yesterday, and Willis' numbers look much better. BTW: From your sig I gather you're a proud Scot also?
  5. As some of you already know, I serve as webmaster for our Backers club's website (BillsBackersofVirginia.com). I wrote an article last night about Thurman, and honestly, I forgot how good how dominating he was but man, he has some pretty gaudy credentials. An excerpt of the article I wrote: For those of so inclined, the full article is here. Thurm becomes eligible for the Hall in '06. Does he get in?
  6. Like when they stuffed us and we settled for a FG?
  7. That must've been a mistake, he wasn't active.
  8. No love for "newbie" or DeeRay? Man, Donahoe's a heartless bastige.
  9. I'm with you. It may not have been 60 minutes of domination, but I'll take 'em however we can get them.
  10. The guy Vincent hammered was the Head Linesman, Ron Phares. Coleman would have been in the middle of the field behind the QB on that play.
  11. I believe it was Peters in the endzone. If I'm thinking of the right play, that was the one where I realized he was wearing #86.
  12. Yup. As a kid I had a coach who, on running plays, had the receivers (including the off side TE) "run 'em off." Their job was to run fly patterns and not engage to block until they were at least 10 yards downfield. Granted, at that skill level you didn't have the CBs & LBs reading and reacting like they do in the NFL, but it's do-able, especially against man coverage. Running 'em off certainly must be better than expecting a WR to block one of the big boys, but like someone said above, they may have been showing that look to set something else up - if not in today's game, then maybe down the road (vs Jets?)?
  13. Plates on Friday, carmelization on the Saturday drive back to Va Beach, Jets on Sunday at 4. Tempting...
  14. When I've seen it over the past couple of seasons I always thought the goal was to open a cut-back lane (if the LB's first step is a drop in zone) and/or to have the back bounce it outside. The situations in which they used it today seemed a bit odd to me too. Lee Evans probably doesn't scare too many DL or LBs with his blocking prowess.
  15. I guess I missed it - what happened after the TB game?
  16. I'd rather not waste my time reading it, but I gather from your post that I think the Bills are somewhat better than you think they are, and much better than Sully thinks they are - 'course they never do anything right in his eyes.
  17. Really? He's a Sport Op/Ed writer for the Buffalo News, here's his latest tripe.
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