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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Just about every network (or at least NBC, FOX News, CNN, and ABC) have shown the take-down in their teasers, so it's possible KD saw it on any one of those.
  2. My post above probably read harsher than I intended, forgive me for that. The thing is, the guy's a 64 year-old retired school teacher who was interrupted when asking a mounted cop what time the curfew was - he was back in town checking on his property for the first time since the storm. Another cop started insulting him while he was speaking to the mounted cop, and the educator got the best of him, he told the interrupting cop he was being rude and unprofessional. He was then spun around, handcuffed, and punched in the back of the head and neck several times driving his face into the brick wall of the building they had him "lean and spread 'em" against when he was cuffed. As for being drunk, the guy quit drinking 25 years ago!
  3. Semantics, but Hammister had to withdraw his bid when his partners backed out. Golisano was awarded the team by default.
  4. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. If you think of it, shoot me a PM before the game you can make. I'll keep an eye out for you and make sure you get a good seat.
  5. In Mark Campbell's first season in Bflo, he caught a long ball up the middle in Jax and got absolutely lit up. His eyes were crossed, but he hung on, took one play off, and was back out on the next play. That pretty much showed me all I needed to see to believe he's one tough SOB. He got hammered again a game or two later and hung on then too.
  6. We were talking about that during the game - when's the last time anyone's seen an "up and over" play? I don't know why they (NFL teams in general) don't do it, but I can't remember the last time I saw that.
  7. I think they went to the air after the fish stuffed us 3 times on a previous drive down there. Personally, I'll take 'em however they come, but yeah, I'd rather see them run. On one play (I don't remember which drive down there at the goal line), the near side was strong, and they overloaded. Miami responded by leaving the weak side wide open, and since the ball was on the near hash, there would have been a footrace to the pylon - and I'd take Willis' speed and stiff-arm down there in a minute. I'm sure that the Bills will see that, and I'm sure our opponents saw them run to the strong side, so I'd expect, at some point and time, that Willis will get the opportunity to turn the sprint to the pylon into 6.
  8. Yeah, Mrs Campy thinks I rewind and watch that commercial over and over again because it's funny. The "Awesome, hockey's back" girl is a hottie.
  9. He only said he was "dealing," he never said anything about cards. Wanna' go in on an oz?
  10. Stats like Holcomb had against Miami would certainly gert us a better chance than the numbers JP put up. Shoot, Holcomb's numbers were better than JP's in the Houston game. As far as the QB carrying the team, it ain't gonna' happen, I agree. But the plan all along was to get efficient play out of the QB. Unfortunately for all of us, that hasn't been the case under JP.
  11. 'Zactly. But I'm one of those in the minority - I like Lindy as our coach.
  12. I really don't think we need a big name, but that's just my opinion, and I may be proven wrong as the season progresses. I hear ya'. I hope he does well for the Isles, but I can't say I was heartbroken when the Sabres passed on re-signing him. They looked tired in the Sens game, their what, 3rd game in 4 nights, but I agree. If some of our young guys only meet half of their expected contribution, we'll have a good year IMO.
  13. Me too, but from what I've seen (Center Ice package) and read (I subscribe to The Hockey News and WNY Hockey Magazine), I get the impression that the blue-collar Lindy has been replaced with a quick-transitional game, offensive minded uptown Lindy.
  14. I thought of state funds too, but the legislature, not the governor, actually spends the money. I would think he'd be OK, but I might very well be wrong. It'd be interesting to see how that would work out.
  15. I'd rather roll 4 lines able to score than have all of my proverbial eggs in one basket. The Sabres are fun, exciting, and they're winning. EDIT: Am I the only person who thinks that Golisano bought the Sabres to repair what, to my understanding, was a less than favorable perception of him to help him in his political aspirations? Some years ago when I was up there for a Bills game and the election was onlt a couple of weeks away, it seemed that a lot people considered him nothing more than a wealthy eccentric.
  16. Sounds like you haven't watched a game yet. Most hockey people have singled out Buffalo as embracing the changes, and Lindy has done a great job of having the Sabres get the jump on opponents in terms of technique and strategy. Take a look at how many power plays we've had - and perhaps more importantly - how few PIMs we have. Lindy didn't "worship" clutch and grab, he was coaching the game the way it was played. Not unlike he's doing now. As far as the Bills, what Dan said.
  17. A bunch of us at our Backers club noticed it. I'd undertsand if AVP was even on the roster, but sheesh, c'mon CBS
  18. That's a good question. My first thought was that there probably would be a conflict, but I'm not sure how it'd be any different than any other governor who was self-employed. The Sabres are a business, and like PayChex, I can't imagine a reason why he'd have to dump them.
  19. Have you not seen the video? He was pummeled and afterward, handcuffed with his hands behind him while a pool of blood formed around his head. He didn't resist at all - other than trying to cover up as the 3 cops beat him. The cops were wrong, and they knew it, which is why they assaulted a credentialed reporter who was recording the beating. Talk about not evaluating the facts of the case, you're right, it is easier to rush to judgment. Just blame the victim... Watch the video.
  20. From BillsBackersofVirginia.com: In lieu of emailing or calling, feel free to post in this thread or send me a PM if you might be able to make it. If you and I haven't met, I'll be wearing a blue/home Milloy 36 jersey, so please introduce yourself - I'd love to meet you. I'll look out for you, make sure you're comfortable, and I'll introduce you to some of the most hardcore Bills fans you'll find south of Orchard Park (I'm talking to you JinVa, dev, Dr Fong, NavyBF, et al.) As I wrote above, I'd love to see y'all on Gameday -Campy
  21. I learned through the stoppage of last season that regular TV blows. Every night is Hockey Night at stately Campy Manor, and it's awesome - I only hope your wife is as understanding as mine!
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