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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Take your post and apply it to airports and the airline industry. Should we remove the x-ray machines and metal detectors too? There are also many ways to get bombs into an airplane other than carrying it inside your coat.
  2. Truly. It reminds me of a Marv-ism: Fan: Was there ever a time when you wished you wouldn't make it to a Super Bowl? That way you would have avoided the pain of losing four straight. Marv Levy: No, and I'm glad you're not a member of our team.
  3. Instead of putting the focus on the front door, think of it as focussing on finding a better neighborhood in which to live - that way you can leave doors unlocked and not worry about it. Both can solve the problem, but they are two entirely different ways to attack it. A pat down at an NFL stadium isn't going to end terrorism, but it can still serve as a deterrent IMO. If it doesn't, what's the point of metal detectors for airline passengers?
  4. I appreciate the point you're trying to make, and you may very well have a valid argument, but you probably picked the absolute worst poster to take that tone with. He does that kind of stuff for a living.
  5. Same here. I think, especially after last season, that anything's possible.
  6. That sucks - I've never felt the least bit unsafe there.
  7. We tend to agree on a lot of different things, and this lawsuit is no different. I think we should agree to disagree.
  8. That, and the fact that he was on a local radio program as opposed to to his network gig. I have no problem with former athletes being homers.
  9. The 2nd Ammendment makes no such distinction. My only point was there has to be some restrictions along the line. But frankly, if the Bills allowed firearms into the stadium, I'd never go to another game.
  10. How many times have people blown up innocent people using a greatest hits CD they burned from their collection of CDs? I don't think it's very often. How many times have people blown up other people using things like bombs? How many times have people smuggled firearms into places they're not allowed? Now, I don't have any hard numbers, but I'm thinking the Atlanta Olympics and Columbine High School are two times more than a DRM has killed, maimed, or injured anyone. Apples and oranges. The debate over civil liberties versus the protection of the public probably won't go away anytime soon, but the organization is responsible for the safety of those in attendance - hence the whole point of paying security to be there in the first place.
  11. It's not really too terribly hard to figure out is it? 1. The President's poplualrity is at all time lows 2. Stage a PR event. 3. It blows up. 4. ????? 5. Profit But like I said, keep trying to say it's something other than a failed PR stunt. People believe you.
  12. Yeah, that's what we need - 76,000 drunks, and all of 'em with RPGs
  13. The home team pays event security Being subjected to a pat down upon entering private property is ultimately voluntary. I'm not sure how anyone can view these to issues as one and the same. They're not.
  14. Provided she knows beforehand that she's subject to such a search and is given the opportunity to not enter your house, sure. It's your house and you're responsible for protecting it and its occupants.
  15. We all surrender certain liberties and rights when we buy a ticket, or enter someone else's property - but it's a choice we make to do it. Do you think cigarette smokers should start lighting up at games because they can at home and we wouldn't want anyone's civil liberties to be violated one smoke at a time? Of course not. Don't overthink this, it's not overly complicated. Nobody is forcing him to go. If he doesn't want to be patted-down, he shouldn't go. It's really not even anything new, stadium security have been searching people and their effects for years.
  16. I saw a stat during the game that Bflo hasn't scored in 18 powerplay tries. That's more than just one player's refusal to shoot the puck. That said, they are getting bunches of opportunities on most of their man advantages, so it's just a question of time before they start finding the net.
  17. I saw the video on network news last night while flipping channels. The woman (a Bush staffer) was asking the questions and the troops were being coached on their response. Then she told them that if the president strayed from the script, that a particular soldier should be given the mic because he did well in the canned responses and he had earned "the chance to shine." This PR stunt blew up right in the silly smirking face of W, but I know there will be some people who will fall over themselves trying to defend it.
  18. Matt: "Are these holy men, perhaps walking on top of the water?"
  19. I've had it for 7 or 8 years, but this is my first season with it on digital cable. It seemed that on DirecTV the Empire guys' coverage was shown in about 70 or so games per season. This season, it's only been once. I don't know if that's a result of having Center Ice on cable or if it's a result of the Adelphia/Empire/MSG mess, but I miss not watching the Empire coverage all of the time. I went with cable to take advantage of a package deal on high speed internet, phone, and of course, TV, but only because Empire went off the air. Had they still been around, I would have stuck with DTV when I moved across town last year just so I could see Empire. Like you, I really miss their pregame and postgame shows.
  20. People are searched at pubicly funded airports too. If you don't want to be subject to a search, then you don't fly. Don't want to be searched entering a stadium? Don't go. Unreasonable search and seizure is prohibited. I don't see where a pat-down at a stadium where people are in close proximity to hundreds (if not thousands) of people at any given point in time is unreasonable in this day and age. EDIT: Also, if a stadium is pubicly funded, it is no doubt rented by the team (ie, it's not provided free of charge). The Constitution prohibits unreasonable search and seizure by the government, but private interests can make it mandatory to enter their property/business/home, even if said property/business/home is rented, if they choose. IMO, this suit will be (and should be) dismissed.
  21. No kidding - and of all the subjects, he's a Civics teacher
  22. I didn't know that (obviously). Good catch shrader.
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